BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- October 2, 2013

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“Power does not corrupt. Fear corrupts… perhaps the fear of a loss of power.” –John Steinbeck

International Newsworthy

The Complete BFP Select Nightly News (Subscribers Only)


Netanyahu Supports a ‘Syrian Model’ for Iran

Iran Rejects Israel Spy Arrest as ‘Repetitive Scenario’

Tehran’s Tone Sparks Interest at Home and Abroad

Iran’s Nuclear Warheads Could Hit NY in 3 to 4 Years – Netanyahu to UN 

Netanyahu Pours Scorn on Rouhani

Netanyahu Thanks US Lawmakers for Opposition to Iran Diplomacy

US Senate Puts Off Anti-Iran Sanctions

Iran Has “Accurate Proposal” for Nuclear Deal: President

Iran Parliament Endorses New President’s Diplomatic Approach

Iranian Media Splits over Diplomatic Outreach

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Rift between Islamist Rebels, Syrian National Coalition Deepens

Syria’s FSA Claims Assad Will Hide Chemical Weapons

Syria: Al-Qaeda Branch Battles Kurds, Threatens Ankara

Sunnis in N. Syria Protest Al Qaida’s Taliban-Like Repression

Syria the Newest Magnet for Self-Styled Jihadists

Syria Disarmament Team Launches Mission

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Disputes Threaten Post-2014 US-Afghan Pact: Kabul

Afghan Government Slams US for Sending Arms to Taliban

Suicide Bomber Kills Eight at Pakistan-Afghan Border

Turkey Polls Oppose AKP Once Again

Al-Qaeda Group Threatens Erdogan with Suicide Bombings in Ankara, Istanbul

Turkey’s Choice of Chinese Missiles Poses Problem for West

Turkey: Reform Package Gets Tepid Reception

20 Iraqi Policemen Resign Due to Terrorist Threats

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Egypt: Muslim Brotherhood Still Calling for Morsi’s Reinstatement

Egyptian Army Chief Calls for Quick Political Transition

Sisi Can’t Break Egypt-Gaza Bonds

Libya Protesters Shut Wafa Oil Field, Reducing Supply for Export

Kenya Says Chinese Arrivals Up 4%

Boko Haram Kills 6 in NE Nigeria: Report

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New JV for Chinese Nuclear Construction

China Testing New Space Weapons

Xi Builds up Power in Central Asia

Russia: Nuclear Reactors Installed on Floating Plant

Greenpeace Activists Charged with Piracy over Russian Oil Rig Protest

Lithuania Threatens to Take Russian Region Hostage, Demands Changes in Foreign Policy

Lithuanian Mercenaries Dispatched to Syria by Private Security Companies on Contract to NATO

Ukraine “Appreciates” European Commission Support for EU Integration

Tajikistan Ratifies Deal Allowing Russian Troops to Remain in Country on Afghanistan’s Border

Tajikistan: World Bank Begins Rogun Data Dump, Recommends Repairs

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UK Seeks Full Cyber Warfare Capability

Bosnia’s First Census Revives Ethnic Rifts

National Newsworthy

From NSA Spying and VIPR Sweeps to Domestic Drones: A Round-Up of the Police State Programs NOT Affected by a Government Shutdown

NSA Collects & Stores Web History of Millions of Users, Creates Profiles of US Citizens

NSA Admits Tracking Locations of Cellphones in the United States

John McAfee Claims He Can Protect You from the NSA for $100

German Author and NSA Critic Denied Entry into US

Chief DHS Privacy Officer: Government Called Privacy Office “Terrorists”

The War on Privacy is Coming to a License Plate Near You…

Virginia Starting to Develop a Master Identity Database

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Marine Whistleblower Faces Vengeance from Superiors

Army Releases August 2013 Suicide Information

Sneaker Makers Want Pentagon to Buy American

Sequester Defense Cuts Look Locked In

War on Drugs Leads to More Potent Narcotics, Study Shows

Most Americans Are Frustrated with Government; Approval of Congress Hits Bottom

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The True Size of the Shadow Banking System Revealed

Fed Said to Review Commodities at Goldman, Morgan Stanley

Massive Debt Problem – We’re Getting Very Close to the Edge

Dow Jones: Why This is the Mother of All Bubbles

Private Sector Adds 166,000 Jobs in September-ADP

Noteworthy Editorials

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts: The Private Sector Allied with Government is a Second IRS!

David Swanson: Save the Nobel Peace Prize from Itself

Gene Healy: ‘No Place to Hide’ From NSA, Then or Now

Washington’s Blog: Lack of Privacy Destroys the Economy

The Slow Death of American Democracy

The Perils of Hacking Math

Lost in the Pipeline: Tracking Jihadists from Turkey to Syria

America’s Empty Gestures Toward Iran

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

BFP EyeOpener Video Report- Who Is Marc Grossman?

Video: RT- CrossTalk: Exceptional America?

BFP Podcast- De-Manufacturing Consent with Guillermo Jimenez “Free Barrett Brown on Militarized Internet & Journalism is Now a Crime!”

Podcast 1: Peter B. Collins Show- Joe Nacchio, former CEO of Qwest

Podcast 2: Radio Liberty-Italian Crack-up, Japanese Jokers & America “Shutdown”

Podcast 3: Sheldon Richman on the Government Shutdown, Spooner, Debt & Taxes



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