Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahThe United States has been undergoing incremental fascism for decades but in Donald Trump, those who hold dear a vision of dictatorial totalitarian government for the United States have found a perfect tool for a great leap forward towards the realization and final implementation of their sick dreams. Trump, of course, shares in those dreams and relishes those dreams. He's always been a white supremacist. No doubt, he's always been severely mentally ill. And, he's always expressed a love for the totalitarian dictators he envies with all his blackened heart; Duterte, Putin, Kim Jong-un (who he professes his absolute love for, right down to fawning about his "beautiful letters.") These are the men he loves. These are the men who demand to be the law of their lands. These are the men who murder their opponents and even family members. These are the men who Trump wishes to be, and, step by step, he is getting closer to being. He has accomplices, accomplices like Stephan Miller, Mitch McConnell, Sean Hannity, Richard Spencer, Lindsey Graham, Steve Mnuchin, Rupert Murdoch, the Mercer family, the Koch brothers and the captains of industry and the Russian oligarchs who shovel big money his way... He has whole rat's nests of active supporters and passive enablers from Wall Street to K Street to the Capitol Building itself.Sleep well, America. Keep sleeping while your dreams are stolen, if you haven't all but handed all of them over without a peep of protest or action already. Sleep well. Don't worry. Your local mall will still be open tomorrow. Maybe you can even get your third or fourth part time minimum wage job there; that is if you haven't been rounded up while you slept and put in a cage. And, you thought it was just going to be immigrant children.
