BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- September 30, 2013

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“Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime.” —Ernest Hemingway

International Newsworthy

The Complete BFP Select Nightly News (Subscribers Only)


Lavrov Says Syrian Rebels have Chemical Arms, Proof Mounting

Syrian FM to UN: ‘Terrorists from 83 Countries Fighting in Syria’ 

Syrian FM Refuses to Deal With US-Backed Opposition Group

ISIS Arrests FSA Supporters in Azaz, Near Turkey

UN Seeks “First Responder” Status and “Governance” in Syria Resolution

Syria Chemical Weapons Inspectors to Start by Disabling Production

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Collapse of US-Iran Talks Will Result in Extremists’ Return

Iranian Hardliners Silent on Rouhani’s US Diplomacy

Iran’s IRGC Calls Rouhani’s Phone Conversation with Obama “a Mistake”

Obama on Iran: ‘We Won’t Take Military Option Off the Table’ 

Iran: More Needed Than Obama Call for Full Ties

‘Underwhelmed’ Senators Promise to Launch New Sanctions Push against Iran

Drone Strike in North Waziristan Kills Two, Injures One

Pakistan Rots from the Top Down

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Israel Arrests Belgian Citizen for ‘Spying for Iran’

Turkey Goes for Chinese Take-Away

Turkey Announces Reforms to Increase Kurdish Rights

Iran, Iraq Sign Joint Military MoU

Radicals from Islamic State of Iraq, Sham Responsible for Terrorist Attacks of Erbil, Iraqi Kurdistan

Bahrain: Intensification of Repression as People Insist on Regime Change

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Millions in Advanced US Weaponry Stolen by Libyan Jihadis

Nigeria’s Boko Haram Sect Kills 85 in 5-Day Attacks

Nigeria: Civil Society Slams Govt Over ‘Social Media Threat’

Nairobi Westgate Mall Attack: Canada’s Contribution to Violence in Africa

Authorities Censor Sudan’s Largest Newspaper

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The New Great Game Round-Up, September 29

Russian Troops Wargame Invasion of Europe for Political Gain

Total GMO Ban to Be Considered By Russia within Weeks

An Old Game with New Rules in Russia’s Backyard

ICG: Heightened Risk of Armenia-Azerbaijan War

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National Newsworthy

NSA Has Built Its Own, Secret, Warrantless, Shadow Social Network, and You’ve Already Joined It

NSA Metadata Collection Puts Journalists’ Sources at Risk

Verizon’s New Wireless 4G Router Plan Bypasses Net Neutrality Altogether

Privacy in the Face of NSA Abuse

Does the Government Only Label Bad Guys As Terrorists?

Audit Reveals that FBI Has Been Flying Drones in U.S. since 2006

Navy’s Failed Access Control System: Is Cronyism To Blame?

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House GOP Moves to Protect Military Pay in a Shutdown

Senators Angle for Monsanto-Friendly FDA Voluntary GMO Labeling “Guidance”

SEC Revolving Door Bumped 2 of 5 Commissioners and Third Exec Off of JPMorgan Case

J Street Leaders Praise IDF, but Audience Cheers BDS

CNN Cancels Hillary Clinton Documentary, Director Cites Political Pressure

Chinese Internet Giant Lobbied to be Taken Off List of “Notorious Markets”

Cryptome: Why the Web of Trust Sucks

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Who Owns the United States Federal Debt?

Stocks Slide as Shutdown Looms

Chicago PMI Jumps to 4-Month High Even As Employment Tumbles to 5-Month Low

Fed Withdraws Whopping $58 Billion in Liquidity in Latest Reverse Repo Test


Noteworthy Editorials

Pepe Escobar: How the US is Enabling Syriastan

Jacob Sullum: Obama’s Flip-Flop on Spying

Reid Smith: The Trouble with Homeland

Tony Cartalucci: Old Dog, Old Trick: US, Saudis, Qatar Attempt “Arab Spring” Retread in Sudan

Stephen Lendman: New Millennium Resource Wars

Washington’s Blog: NSA Central to U.S. Assassination Program

Glenn Greenwald: Brian Williams’ Iran Propaganda

Effort to Reform NSA is Important — and Doomed to Fail

The Obama Doctrine


BFP Select Videos & Podcast

Video 1: RT- Bibi’s One-Track Tack: ‘Israel’s talk of Iran’s nukes is like stuck record player’

Video 2: Ron Paul CC-The Education BLOB

BFP Podcast- De-Manufacturing Consent with Guillermo Jimenez “Free Barrett Brown on Militarized Internet & Journalism is Now a Crime!”

Podcast: Peter B. Collins Show- Sweet Little Lies from Spooks at Senate NSA Hearing

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