Libyan National Army DEFEATING the UN Puppet Government Tripoli (GNA) Supporting Terrorists

TweetThe UN puppet government, know as the Government of National Accord, is using Libyan money (without authority) to arm and maintain terrorist mercenaries and militias. Serraj, head of the illegitimate government has NEVER been vested by the Libyan people to have any authority in their country. He and his terrorist minions (Muslim Brotherhood, al Qaeda, LIFG, Ansar Al Sharia, ISIS, Daesh, etc) sneaked themselves into Tripoli by boat, by the dark of night in 2015 with the help of the UN. Once landed in Tripoli, they were protected by LIFG terrorist founder, Belhaj. The next morning, the UN declared that Serraj and his self appointed criminals (many members of his family) were the legitimate government in Libya.
The GNA is losing, they and their terrorists are losing to the LIBYAN PEOPLE. The Libyan National Army, supported by all the great tribes of Libya (representing the Libyan people) is cleansing Tripoli of Terrorists. That list includes the GNA headed by Fayez al Serraj.
The GNA was put in place in Libya by the Khazarian mafia Zionists (New World Order - responsible for NATO destruction in 2011) to maintain control of Libya's resources and keep the Libyan people oppressed and without their sovereignty. The GNA (Serraj) has been stealing money from the Libyan central bank to pay mercenaries and terrorist militias, there is ample proof of this fact. Meanwhile the Libyan people suffer with little food, poor medical, bad water, no electricity etc. Absolutely, nothing has been done by this phony, illegitimate GNA for the Libyan people. However, many foreign countries have been allowed to steal Libyan resources with the blessings of the GNA. France has been mining Libyan gold illegally, Italy steals Libyan natural gas and much of Libya's oil is sent to Israel without proper payment.
The only legitimately elected government in Libya is the HOR (House of Representatives) in Toburk with the Parliament in Al Bayda city. Both of these cities are in the far east of Libya. They had to move their offices to the east because the terrorist militias of the Muslim Brotherhood attacked them and their families when they were legitimately elected to office. Once forced out of Tripoli, the UN put their puppets in place and declared them the legitimate government. But, today, with the LNA cleaning Tripoli of the terrorists, the House of Representatives Chairman,in Toburk, Mr. Aguila Saleh Issa, gave an interview to Sputnik International. Finally they are allowed to speak the truth without fear of being murdered by the criminal militias, the disease left behind in their country by the UN, NATO, US, UK, France, Qatar, Turkey, etc.
Please understand that the GNA is in it's death throws and is putting out LIES in the western media that is happily compliant. Their mantra is "The internationally recognized government of Libya, the GNA" This is the continuation of their original lie, it is a psychological operations to try and influence the world that the Libyan National Army is attacking the legitimate government. Nothing could be farther from the truth, in fact just the opposite, the legitimate army of the Libyan people is removing the ILLEGITIMATE terrorist supporting, non-elected, phony government of the UN. Also, the terrorist militias control a couple Libyan news agencies, like The Libyan Report and The Libyan Express, both run by rats (traitors, thieves, murderers, liars) who are desperate to maintain their fat calf. Many of these criminals are now millionaires (some billionaires), made so with money stolen from the Libyan people.
I will post the interview with Mr. Aguila Saleh Issa, Chairman of the HOR, below along with a link to the original post.
EXCLUSIVE: 'Tripoli Will Be Freed in No Time' – Libyan Politician
In the region of the Libyan capital Tripoli, positional fighting continues between units of the Libyan National Army (LNA) led by Field Marshall Khalifa Haftar and forces that support the internationally recognised Libyan Government of National Accord (GNA) under the leadership of Fayez al-Sarraj.
According to the World Health Organization, since the beginning of the operation by Haftar's forces to "liberate the capital", more than 450 people have been killed and 2,000 injured. While the situation at the front has stabilized and neither side has been able to achieve a decisive advantage, Prime Minister Sarraj traveled to several European capitals to secure support in the confrontation with Field Marshal Haftar. The head of the LNA, for his part, has twice visited Egypt, often considered his closest ally.
The Chairman of the House of Representatives of Libya (Libyan Parliament), Aguila Saleh Issa, who supports Haftar, has answered Sputnik's questions about the situation in Tripoli and the international aspect of the Libyan stand-off.
Sputnik: Does the operation to liberate Tripoli have domestic support? How do political movements and Libyan tribes perceive it?
Aguila Saleh: Of course, there is support from the side of the Libyan tribes regarding the liberation of the Libyan capital from various terrorist organisations that are controlled by persons subject to domestic and international arrest warrants. They control the so-called government of Fayez al-Sarraj and all state entities in the capital and loot public funds.
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They use these funds to pay mercenaries to confront the Libyan National Army. Moreover, the source of these funds is oil, which is under the control of the Libyan armed forces.
It is the army that ensures the safety of oil fields and oil exports. But the revenues from its sale go to the Central Bank of Libya in Tripoli, which is under the control of terrorist groups. The Libyan people have all the rights to these riches but in the end, they get nothing.
Therefore, when meeting on Saturday 27 April in the city of Al Qubbah, Libyan tribes supported the army's actions, including those of eastern Libya, as well as the South and West, such as Tarhona, Warfalla, and Sabratha.
Sputnik: How do you assess the stance of foreign states, including neighbors, as well as both regional and international forces? Is any military assistance being provided?
Aguila Saleh: None of the neighboring states is playing an intelligible role, except Egypt, which openly supports the Libyan National Army in the fight against terrorism and its eradication. It not only wants to guarantee stability in Libya but also to protect Egyptian national security, to prevent the illegal flow of arms and halt the proliferation of militants.
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In addition, all states that oppose and fight terrorism support the Libyan armed forces in the fight against terrorism. We are asking to lift the arms embargo for the Libyan National Army. The army is ready to defeat terrorism on its own. The victories already won against the terrorists' forces in different parts of the country are a confirmation of this.
Sputnik: The Prime Minister of the Government of National Accord of Libya Fayez al-Sarraj went on overseas trips around Europe, and held talks with the leadership of several key countries. Could this have an impact on the situation inside Libya?
Aguila Saleh: Sarraj has nothing. For three years he has been doing nothing, obeying the will of terrorist groups and Islamic political groups. As it turns out, these groups and mercenaries have helped him control Libya.
Regardless of Sarraj's visits abroad, what was hidden from a number of states before has become obvious now: terrorists control the capital, loot public funds, bribe others, and pay for mercenaries and criminals in the interests of the government, which the Libyan people have rejected through their elected representatives. Parliament has twice expressed no confidence in this cabinet.
Sputnik: Are you satisfied with the progress of the military operation to liberate Tripoli?
Aguila Saleh: Yes, we are satisfied with the progress of the operation. It was well planned, clearly and professionally, with regard to protecting civilians as well as public and private property. It is being conducted in such a way that Tripoli will be freed with minimal losses. The operation's objective is to remove the terrorists from the capital and return it to the state.
Sputnik: Is there a planned end date for the operation? Why has the operation stalled?
Aguila Saleh: The end date for the operation cannot be named, especially after terrorist groups received assistance from a number of states, including weapons and ammunition. But I expect that the capital will be liberated in the shortest possible time, given the need to guarantee the safety of citizens, respect for their rights, and the safety of their property. Only the commanders on the battlefield can determine the approximate time the fighting will end.
The operation has not stalled. The military simply fears for the safety of civilians. Militants actually use them as a "human shield", hiding in residential buildings within the capital. But no resistance will force the Libyan armed forces to abandon the task of liberating the capital. The issue of ensuring the safety of citizens and the safety of their property, however, may somewhat delay the end of the operation.
Sputnik: How would you categorize the meeting of some deputies in Tripoli? Does this question the legitimacy of the parliament?
Aguila Saleh: As for the deputies gathered in Tripoli, there were only twelve people who have deputy status legally. The meetings of the House of Representatives (Parliament) should be held at its official headquarters in accordance with the established schedule and the adopted agenda. Generally, meetings are held weekly on Mondays and Tuesdays or emergency meetings are convened at the request of the Speaker.
Therefore, it was not a meeting of Parliament, but a meeting of some MPs from Tripoli in support of Sarraj's government. From the very beginning, they boycotted the Parliament and some did not even take the oath of office. So, from the point of view of the Constitutional Declaration and law, this meeting is insignificant.
Tags: GNATerroristsIllegitimate