Pt 2-Kenya: Westage mall seige ends with explosion and floor collapse!

Cripes, almighty! Having just finished earlier today the Kenya post, mentioning the conveniently collapsing mall floors and the cleansing fire......You truly must read the earlier post for the foundational information, then read on belowOr read below and read back, I don't care, just read all the information together!Relink: Kenya: The Westgate Mall, Shabab and Israelbriefest of excerpt from previous post

  The Westgate Mall:  Fire and CollapseApparently, part of this mall collapsed or was destroyed by security forces?          Three floors of the mall collapsed and several bodies were trapped in the rubble, said Kenyatta. His office later said a terrorist's body was among those in the debris.

Expanding on the explosion & collapse at the Westgate Mall in Kenya!Globe and Mail

Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta has disclosed in a televised speech to the nation.“The operation is now over,” he said. “As I had vowed earlier, we have ashamed and defeated our attackers.” Three floors of the Westgate mall have collapsed in the final stages of its hostage siege, burying an unknown number of people, including several of the attackers Mr. Kenyatta did not explain how the three floors of the mall collapsed, although explosions have been audible in the mall for several days and a huge fire has been burning since Monday.

 Recall the fires as "decoys"? Audible explosions?

 Nor did he explain the fate of the hostages, believed to number at least 30 at the beginning of the siege. It was unclear whether some of the hostages may be buried in the rubble.

 Mr. Kenyatta said 11 suspects were in custody, but this appeared to include 10 people who were detained and questioned at Nairobi’s international airport as they attempted to leave the country. Their role in the Westgate attack, if any, is unclear.

11 suspects in custody- 10 being detainees questioned at the airport?How to interpret that?!About 10 to 15 attackers, believed to be from the Somalia-based Islamist radical militia al-Shabab, stormed into the mall on Saturday with guns blazing, shooting dozens of people. The attackers were a “multinational” group, Kenyan officials say.In his speech, Mr. Kenyatta acknowledged that some of the attackers may have been U.S. or British citizens, but he said forensic experts are still gathering evidence. (Forensic experts from Israel- see previous post linked at top or scroll down)His Foreign Minister, Amina Mohamed, had earlier told a U.S. television network that the attackers included “two or three” Americans and a British woman.

 Kenyan authorities have been insisting since Sunday that the hostage siege was almost over. They said that their soldiers are in full control of the Westgate mall and are merely “mopping up” and checking for explosives. But its claims were repeatedly contradicted by evidence of persistent fighting, including a huge blaze at the mall that was still burning on Tuesday afternoon, 24 hours after it began. For much of the day, gunfire and explosions continued to erupt.

And perhaps the siege was over, right after it had begun as the soldiers, Israeli and Kenyan, were mopping up- as in cleaning/sanitizing/ evidence in order to create the proper narrative