Further Exposure Of The Lies Of NASA's Project Apollo Man On The Moon Fraud: New Video Interview With Marcus Allen And Scott Henderson

I truly am sick and tired of the flat earth idiots out there... I am still to this day getting some periodic comments from those fools and morons stating "How can you, NTS possibly believe that man did not land on the moon and NOT call yourself a flat earth believer"... My answer to that stupid question is simple.. They do NOT correlate at all to each other... Knowing that mankind never did and still cannot put men safely on the lunar surface does not make someone a believer in the bullshit of "flat earth", and the two should never ever be linked at all!  I of course dismiss the flat earth nonsense and basically have told those fools to not ever put their comments at my site for they will never ever be published... Basically flat earth morons can go and pound sand as far as I am concerned...Anyways.. I was sent the link to a fabulous new video that was released just earlier last week, where "Paul On The Plane Live" from Truth frequency radio, conducted a most interesting new interview with both Marcus Allen, the publisher of Nexus Magazine and a firm believer with great photographic credentials that mankind never did land people on the moon and that Project Apollo was indeed a massive fraud, and Scott Henderson who is a fellow Canadian and one that has done some amazing work in ripping the official Apollo record and all of their photographic evidence to shreds....I want to present that amazing interview right here for everyone to see for themselves, and I have of course further thoughts and comments to follow:NTS Notes: I am amazed at the new evidence that these researchers have brought forward....One thing that I was amazed at is the new evidence that the entire NASA official photos that have been long claimed to have been taken from the moon via the Apollo moon landings are indeed absolutely FAKE due to the simple fact that the film itself cannot sustain a near total vacuum environment such as what one would be subjected to while standing on the lunar surface...  And showing that the evidence of the failure of the film itself lies with how the US and the former Soviet Union conducted their imagery via spy satellites with the need to keep the film slightly pressurized to prevent it from dissolving in the vacuum of space is indeed startling!And I too have been wondering and trying to figure out for decades now HOW they claim that they were able to safely bring the capsules  back via the method of "re-entry" where only the bottom of the capsules were protected by a heat shield... The failure of the heat shield from the Project Orion fiasco of just a few years back shows definitive proof that the ENTIRE capsule had to be encased by a heat shield and not just the bottom to survive the high temperatures of re-entry, and yet Project Apollo has no such protection!   This also blows massive holes in the entire Project Apollo scam.....I have gone through a lot of Scott Henderson's findings that are available for everyone to view for themselves over at the Aulis website, at www.aulis.com, and they further back up Jack White's own photographic evidence of a long list of anomalies that show conclusively that the entire Apollo record is a sham.... Scott's findings, including the fact that the so called LEM that we saw in Apollo's 11, 12, and 14-17 are indeed exactly the same prop used over and over again!   And the fact that there is evidence that they actually dropped that prop while filming it on their movie set and definitely damaged it is a real laugher......Yes, the evidence of the fraud of Project Apollo is now everywhere and is available to anyone that wants to research for themselves and is unafraid of the bullshit ridicule from those who are so heavily brainwashed into believing the fraud was real.....  And remember, it was the US government and NASA who created the lie that if you believe we did not go to the moon, then you are a flat earther.... Never fall for that scam.....More to comeNTS