Jim Willie Sees An Armada of Black Swans. I See A Second Armada.

The Good News is that America will soon no longer be able to afford to bully people all over the world for Israel and Wall Street. The Bad News is that Americans will be so busy fighting each other for food and shelter that we will be incapable of invading Lebanon. But on the bright side tens of millions of legal and illegal aliens will be fleeing our shores.
In a video interview (below) Jim Willie said he saw an Armada of Black Swans as opposed to Nassim Taleb‘s singular Black Swan. The following are a few of his main points:
The Chinese based One Belt One Road Initiative is an $11 trillion investment in infrastructure, manufacturing and trade.  It includes two nuclear powers and has the active support and participation of 100 nations. No need for dollars. No need for the US Navy. Even Iran is capable of sinking an entire US fleet. If the Neocons went full retard and attacked Iran, the Iranians could take out US Central Command in 5 minutes.
China’s monthly US trade surplus is $20 billion. The US annual trade deficit is $920 billion.
If we back the dollar with gold at $1,300 an ounce, we would lose 19,000 to 20,000 tons of gold in the first 12 months.
The US budget deficit as measured by our increasing national debt is running at a trillion a year. Of course if we had Dr Irving Fisher’s 100% Money, there would be no national debt.
The Bank for International Settlements, the Central Bank of Central banks, has proposed new rules called Basel III under which gold will be considered a Tier One asset previously monopolized after WW II by the US Federal Reserve Note. No more.
China is using a gold backed letter of credit which allows sellers to redeem their purchases in gold. Iran, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Kenya and others can now sell oil for gold.
According to John Williams of Shadow Stats the real US unemployment rate is 23%.
Willie cites Shadow Stats again on inflation. He says John Williams after discounting for true inflation numbers that America has only had 2 quarters of actual positive economic growth since 2005.
The Chapwood Index of inflation in urban areas says our annual inflation rate is 8% and that the US GDP is over stated by 22%.
America will soon become a Third World country. Americans make 185 million trips a day over substandard bridges.
I see another Armada of Black Swans.
We have no border wall.  The population of Mexico in 1950 was 28 million. Today there are 34 million Mexican-Americans and 132 million people in Mexico. Solving the over population problems of Latin America, Africa, the Mideast and Asia is way beyond our ability.
60% of US currency is overseas. It used to be 50%. We printed trillions of dollars to make it look like we had jobs. We hired 31 million federal, state and local workers if you count contractors. We bought trillions of dollars of consumer goods and paid for it with I Owe You Nothing Federal Reserve Notes to cover up declining wages.  Not that long ago half of all US money was overseas. If foreigners had rejected the dollar then, prices would have doubled cutting wages 50% over night. Today the domestic money supply would rise 150% when foreigners dump dollars and spike commodity prices cutting wages 60%.
Democrats who oppose the Border Wall can run for President in 2020 on the platform of I want to cut your wages 60%. That would be from $20 an hour to $8 and form $10 an hour to $4 an hour. That isn’t going to happen because America will have Nationwide Food Riots and Civil War which will cancel elections until millions die and issues are settled.
It is way passed time to develop an exit strategy from American cities. They will burn to the ground.
There is No Global Warming. We are entering a period of Global Cooling just like the Maunder Minimum of 1645-1715 when UK wheat prices rose 400%. You will have a hard time raising food above the 40th parallel (the Kansas-Nebraska border) and impossible above the 45th parallel (Oregon, South Dakota and Minneapolis.)
Good News is that we have the technology  to grow food indoors.
Better News would be:
We release the 155 boxes of scientific notes and lab equipment the US government seized from Nicola Tesla’s lab upon his death in 1943. The federal government has refused to share inventions that were made 76 years ago by the greatest scientist of the 20th century. We need cheap, if not free, energy.
Debt Cancellation as practiced by the ancient Sumerians and Babylonians. Wall Street has robbed us by the tens of trillions. The voters will demand martial law to protect them when our cities are sacked and looted. I would suggest that it would be easy for the junior officers to arrest the Bankers and seize their stolen assets to fund Debt Cancellation. Far easier than standing between the Bankers and 160 million starving Americans.
The government must prepare us for Global Cooling and floods. We recently lost a million head of cattle in one state and we are just entering a 40 year period of cold and colder still weather with periodic floods and droughts. Food can be raised but we need an investment in the future to grow enough food.
We could fund infrastructure repair without taxation if we had President Lincoln’s non-interest bearing Greenbacks. It is part of Fisher’s 100% Money which also repeals fractional reserve banking. The latter caused the Great Depression which starved 3 million Americans to death.
Related Articles:
Debt Cancellation Is The Best Way To Take Down Bilderberg. (Bilderberg is meeting again soon.)
I mentioned the possibility of the military arresting Bankers and seizing their assets. I wrote about it here:
How And Why An American Military Coup Could Save The World
The following article explains how 100% Money would work.
IMF Economists: ‘We Were Wrong.’ Will Someone Please Tell The Press And The Politicians.
Those plans to arrest us and throw us into camps do exist. But they won’t work. I explain why here:
Screw Up: 8 Million Americans Are On The List To Be Disappeared