Must Listen Podcast: The Realist Report Interview With Monika Schaefer

Many people have asked me over the years about what ever happened to John Friend, an American patriot, and someone whom I respected for years.... Well, a few years ago, John and I had a falling out, primarily due to John's association at that time with some other so called 'truth seekers' that I deemed at the time as being suspect... John finally rid himself of those "associates" and has come a long way with his Realist Report blog that I finally decided recently to have listed on the righthand side of this blog....I am glad to say that some of his recent works have been very good, and I do want to bring forward his most recent article, for the fact that his guest is a fellow Canadian whom I have respected for years now!Right now, I do want to present the following link to John Friend's Realist Report podcast where John interviews none other than Monika Schaefer!   Readers know that I had been following Monika's bullshit kangaroo court "trial" in Jewish occupied and controlled Germany, and her subsequent incarceration in a German prison for the laughably ridiculous charge of "inciting hate" for Monika's stand on the so called 'Jewish Holocaust' of the second World War... She was also incarcerated for her fabulous video "Sorry Mom, I Was Wrong About The Holocaust" which thankfully I still have the link to on the right hand side of this blog as well..... Again, here is that link to this important podcast, and I do have my own thoughts and comments to follow: Notes: I do want to applaud John for bringing Monika on air to discuss her ridiculous incarceration in Germany, the status of her brother Alfred who is STILL in jail in Germany on much the same bullshit charges, and what Monika has been doing ever since...I will be keeping closer tabs on John's site from now on, and again I am glad that John has continued to do some fabulous work as an alternative media journalist.....Again, I must repeat here that as a Canadian, I am still "muzzled" from discussing the so called "Holocaust" here at this blog.... I have discovered so much over these last 40+ years about that so called part of our "history" but again I cannot comment or put up articles here at this blog about that "subject" due to Canada's ludicrous "hate crime laws" which of course have nothing to do with "hate crimes" but more about DESTROYING FREE SPEECH in this previously free nation!And again, when it comes to the "holocaust".... TRUTH never needs laws to support itself, only LIE do!  And obviously with so many "laws" in place in so many previously free nations concerning research and investigation in that part of our "history", obviously the criminal Jewish elite in charge of our formerly free nations do not want people to discover the truth.... Maybe sometime in our future, someone will finally challenge these bullshit laws and have the general public have them rescinded.... Only then will we finally be open to discovering what our real history is all about...More to comeNTS