Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, February 17th, 2019

It is Sunday.. And as usual, here comes my Sunday rant..Honestly, I am sick and tired of the Global Warming freaks that continue to put out the constant fear mongering that this planet has only "12 years to live".....I have been requesting the majority of them to simply come up here to this part of central Canada and stay for a while to experience the well below normal temperatures of between -30C to -20C and then have the nerve to continue to say that the planet is somehow "overheating".... Sadly, few have taken me up on this challenge for they know it will prove to them that they are either total idiots, or too gullible and stupid to live.... And sadly we have to face the reality that in spite of the reality that the planet is not going to overheat for at least a few hundred million years or so, the masses have indeed been fooled and they are stupidly willing to accept the fraud of Carbon Taxation and allow our crooked governments to rifle through their pocket books and steal their money for the "good of the planet".... It especially saddens me that so many of my fellow Canadian fools and idiots have fallen for this scam, and come April 1st, which is only about a month and a half from now, they will be feeling it through higher fuel charges and bullshit "green initiatives" while our own crooked Trudeau regime screams that it is indeed all for the "good of the planet" but does not mind the extra tax revenues to line their own pockets!Speaking of the crooked Trudeau regime... This week was indeed hell on Earth for those scoundrels as the facts continued to pour out about the SNC Lavalin Construction and Engineering dirty tricks and how the Trudeau government covered up that scandal and demanded that the former Justice Minister, Jody Wilson-Raybould, resign for her wanting to be 'ethical' and wanting to expose the criminality of SNC Lavalin for all Canadians to see.... The facts are straight here that Justin Trudeau demanded that Wilson-Raybould keep quiet about the dirty dealings involving SNC Lavalin and some contracts back in the 2000's in Libya.... And in spite of the Liberal party spin doctors trying their best to somehow "insulate" Justin from any possible legal ramifications for his actions, the evidence is crystal clear that Justin interfered in the entire affair and is absolutely unfit to continue as Canada's Prime Minister....The man should have immediately stepped down as the PM and quietly disappeared out of Canadian politics...But instead he is still out there and absolutely avoiding any questioning about his involvement in SNC Lavalin.... The facts are that the crooked Liberals here in Canada are protecting SNC Lavalin for the fact that the Engineering and Construction firm is based out of the Province of Quebec, and if this crooked firm were to collapse due to this sordid affair, thousands of jobs in that province would disappear... Yes, this is absolutely about Liberal votes in Quebec and these bastards could not care less that SNC Lavalin pocketed some $250+ Million dollars through their shady dealings in Libya just as long as they get the Quebec voters to reelect them come this October's Federal Elections....To me, this SNC Lavalin affair is bad enough, but it also may have surfaced now to cover up the other horrific crooked aspect of the Liberal regime here in Canada in regards to their spearheading the push for "regime change" in Venezuela.... That alone should have been at the forefront of every Canadian so called "newspaper" and every Jew spew media outlet, but sadly and by no coincidence, any reports on the real situation in Venezuela have now "disappeared" as more and more we are seeing the rightful President of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro, take control and force that snivelling coward and traitor, Juan Guaido, out of the picture....  The Canadian government now has "egg on their faces" as they have lost this attempt at regime change in a foreign nation, and are doing their utmost now to distance themselves from the entire fiasco.... BUT again, this attempt at changing government in a foreign nation goes against every standard that this nation, Canada, used to pride itself on, and the Liberal government should have to answer for this crime..... But apparently the Canadian public has very short attention spans and this Venezuelan fiasco is not first and foremost on everyone's minds up here these days.....Yes, the US, Canada, and the other scourge that made up the so called "40 nation" criminal cabal that wanted to see Venezuela's rightful leader, Maduro, ousted and replaced by a US programmed puppet named Juan Guaido, has apparently now failed miserably.... The reasons for this failing are many, but we can thank the Russians and the Chinese who absolutely said "NO" to the ouster of Maduro and have warned the US and the other members of that cabal that they would not sit idly by while those criminals sent in forces to change the government in Venezuela....Then we also have the bullshit reports of "humanitarian aid" packages that were sent to Venezuela from the US and intercepted by the Venezuelan government... The American Jew spew media went on a rampage last week crying foul and claiming that the Maduro "regime" was blocking aid deliveries to the starving people of Venezuela, only to find themselves having to change their tune when those so called "aid packages" were almost all revealed to contain weapons and ammunition instead of food!.... This was indeed a dastardly attempt by the criminal US (and Canadian) government to have that "regime change" in Venezuela happen by using those weapons to arm their "rebel" forces in Venezuela!.....Well... The situation in Syria has now changed dramatically since the US backed "SDF" forces operating in the Euphrates River valley finally "destroyed" the US backed ISIS forces... With this final defeat of the so called "ISIS" forces operating in Syria, there is no reason for the US to stay in Syria and they can carry out their "withdrawal", right?  Wrong, for the US government is now claiming that they must 'stay' illegally in Syria for the foreseeable future to, or as they claim, make sure that "ISIS does not reappear in Syria".... This is of course just another excuse, for the facts should be clear to everyone that the US is NOT going anywhere, as they have been commanded by their Jewish masters to stay in Syria to force that "regime change" in Damascus by any means necessary... And we find reports that the US has actually been increasing their forces operating illegally at the strategic offensive operations position around the town of Al Tanf in southern Syria, and have been increasing their troop deployments to those illegal bases in northeastern Syria as well... This is why I have been stating for the last few months that President Drumpf's claims that the US will 'withdraw' from Syria is nothing but a bold faced lie....And of course there has been ZERO Jew spew media attention paid to the reports that came out last week revealing that every single "chemical weapons attack" that happened between 2016-2018 in southern Syria were indeed nothing but pure bullshit and were staged events.... I and others in the real truth movement do feel vindicated by these reports, but sadly few Americans are being told the facts here, and instead their government will continue to keep them in the dark as they continue to plan to use a future "chemical weapons" false flag attack as their means and excuse to go marching right into Syria and have Bashar al-Assad's government overthrown.....I saw several reports surface last week where apparently some Mexican doctors have found an actual CURE for the Papilloma virus (HPV) that has caused amongst other things Cervical Cancer in so many women... When I saw these reports, I thought to myself that this cure would be squashed and suppressed by the criminals behind Merck, who have been administering their heinous "Gardasil Vaccine" on so many foolish women, and men as well.... These criminals absolutely do not want a "cure" for the HPV virus, for they have been making MILLIONS of dollars in profits from their horrible "Gardasil Vaccine" that has done more damage to victims than the actual HPV virus itself.... To me, this is a travesty and shows how our modern Pharmaceutical and Medical "industries" operate... These monsters are fully aware of so many cures for a long list of diseases, including Cancer itself, but are wanting to suppress those cures and destroy the Doctors who develop these cures, for again they only care about Profit and Greed..... It is time for people everywhere understand the truth about how modern "medicine" actually works and how many of the ailments they suffer from today are absolutely 100% curable!When I read that so called 'New Green Deal" that the psychotic Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), revealed to the world last last week as the new "green plan" being pushed by the so called Democrats in America, I truly had to laugh... That psychotic plan would have definitely ruined America as well as so many other nations with its insanity of basically shutting down every Petroleum based energy facility across the planet within the next "10 years", and stopped so many modern means of transportation as well including air transportation as it forces a shift to "greener" means of transport including "railroads across the planet"!.... And I found it so laughable that the Democrats in the US had to get their own spin doctors going into overdrive right after the terms of that insane New Green Deal were revealed by that lunatic AOC to the general public... They tried vainly to shut down all reports and the compliant Jew spew media also stopped all news about the deal, but it was too late... Most intelligent people out there have all read the New Green Deal report, and even though the damn Liberals are trying to suppress the details of this insane deal, it is now too late for everyone can see the insanity it presents for themselves.... And yes, that New Green Deal is absolutely the policy of the Democrats who will indeed attempt to implement its insanity if they do become the US government come 2020..... Hopefully the American public will all be made aware of this insane Democratic plan for the future of the United States when they cast their vote next year!Yes, the insane and criminal state of Israel along with their slaves in the US hosted a "conference" in Poland last week with some 60 or so Arabic nations to try to reach a 'common ground' in terms of dealing with the peaceful nation of Iran...But the reality soon surfaced that the entire conference was a facade and a fraud as the criminals in the US government and of course the psychos in Israel were attempting to use that "conference" to get the Arabic nations to support, and/or get directly involved in a war against Iran... The Israelis and the Americans were absolutely pinning their hopes that the Arabic nations would all fall in line and support an attack against Iran, but apparently the conference broke down and dissolved due to the Arabic nations not buying into the lie that Iran was somehow a "threat"... I had to laugh when I saw the reports about how the "conference" became a sham and most Arabic representatives that attended quickly left after discovering the true nature of the entire meeting.... This was a defeat for the criminals in the US and Israel, and rightfully so... They are still pushing for their nice  little war against Iran, but more and more the rest of the world is more pessimistic and understands that any war against Iran is actually a war for Israel to gain total hegemony over the Middle East...I put up several articles before about how the nation of South Africa, after the black majority government decided to kick all of the whites out of the nation either voluntarily or by force, would dissolve very rapidly into a third world sewer of despair and poverty, and I am being proven right.. For there have been reports surfacing over these last few weeks about how South Africa's infrastructure is now in a state of decay and collapse, simply because the black majority have not a clue on how to run those systems, let alone the government itself... There have been reports about massive power failures and blackouts occurring right across South Africa for example, as those who have replaced the white majority have not a clue on how to maintain the power systems, and thus South Africa's entire energy systems are indeed nearing total collapse... And lets face the truth here, for the white minority had turned South Africa into a very modern nation that was operating very efficiently, only to see all of that effort now go to heck thanks to the black majority government that still has not a clue on how to properly run the nation...  We have seen already how this happened in Zimbabwe after the whites left, and now with the South African government hell bent on sending their own white minority populace, that actually knows how to run the country, that nation will indeed follow Zimbabwe and quickly turn into a third world sewer as well....I am also still trying to figure out why most Americans are unaware of how their own government of Israel supporting whores are so hell bent on having laws passed that will undermine the 1st amendment rights of Americans to have freedom of speech and will absolutely outlaw any discussions, writings, or statements about the criminality of the state of Israel... Yes, these Congress critters have indeed sworn their allegiance first and foremost to the criminal state of Israel and not to the American public that have been foolish enough to vote them into office..... They want to have a bill passed that will make it a criminal offence to not only offend the Jewish pricks that are trying to enslave us all, but also to make it a criminal offence to say anything negative about Israel itself!   And with all of the fluff going on elsewhere to cloud and distract American minds and to make them unaware of what is really happening in their federal government, I can see this horrendous bill being passed through Congress and that Jewish dick sucking President Donald Drumpf passing it into law....One last thing, and it concerns the "wall" that the US so desperately needs across its southern border with Mexico... That wall must be built and built now, for the alternative is to see those illegal criminals and so called "immigrants" continue to flood into the US where they will indeed eventually destroy the nation... I find it appalling that the Jew spew media and the so called Liberals in the horrendous Democratic party have not supported US President Drumpf and also demanded that the wall be built.. Those knuckle headed "Liberals" are apparently hell bent on continuing to have the US border wide open to every nefarious individual imaginable and honestly have not given a crap about how there is a legal means for immigrants to come into the US that prevents criminals from invading America... I also absolutely support the recent actions by Drumpf in calling for emergency measures to have the wall built and built immediately.....And honestly, why is it that other nations, such as the heinous state of Israel, and even Ukraine are allowed to build walls, and yet America is to be left wide open?   Walls are there for a reason, especially for peace and security!Well.. I guess that is enough for the moment with the major thoughts that have been on my devious mind this last week.... I have of course so many other thoughts on a wide range of matters, and hopefully I will be able to cover them all here in my usual "last minute tidbits".... Apparently, US President Drumpf will indeed meet with North Korean chairman Kim later this month, and I do wonder what will be on the agenda considering the posture of the American government to try to stop the reunification of the entire Korean Peninsula by peaceful means?  We shall soon find out, definitely.......I saw a report this last week that shows how great the Liberals in California are doing in terms of running that state.  For apparently the majority of Californians can no longer stand the insane machinations of their stupid state government in Sacramento and are wanting to get the fuck out of that state!.......How is that Global Warming really going?  Obviously not well, when you see the reports about snow across Hawaii at some of the lowest altitudes ever, and reports of snow fall across areas of the southern US that has not been seen in decades or even centuries.  But in spite of the truth staring everyone in their faces, the liars in the Global Warming scam are still saying this will be the "hottest year on record".  Honestly, I do wonder what those bastards are smoking?........More reports coming out this last week showing how the British government is indeed trying to "delay" the Brexit in the hope that the British people will concede defeat and want to stay in the criminal EU.  But this is what I have been saying all along, as the Jewish run EU absolutely does not want to see one of their slave nations, the UK, ever escape their evil clutches.......The war in Yemen is still going as strong as ever, but it saddens me to see report after report come out showing how the civilians are indeed starving to death thanks to the criminal Saudis and their so called "allies" including the US itself.  I again am appalled that the American public does not see what is happening here as millions of people are being starved to death under a planned and diabolical genocide that their own government supports!.......I saw last week that the state of Florida has now banned the horrid "common core" teachings in their schools.  Hopefully other states will take notice, as this "common core" is a detriment to any educational system and actually makes the next generation of children much dumber than the last one!.........I have continued to monitor the economic situation here in Canada, and again I have to report that things are as bad than what we see happening in the United States.  Businesses are indeed suffering with NO sales this time of year and some businesses that have been at the local mall for decades are now on the verge or have declared bankruptcy.  This is indeed the start of a depression, and things will only get worse as 2019 progresses...... The Yellow Vests protests in France are now 14 weeks old and still going strong.  I still say that these protestors have to hammer out what they want done with the French government and even have preparations drawn up for them to assume power in France.  Macron has to go, and the sooner that bastard is out of France, the better off for the French people......I have been under fire from some for my stance on the dangers of 5G technology, and all I can say is for those naysayers to please come forward and show me and my readers where this latest and greatest technology is a step forward and does not harm human beings......That criminal organization,  NASA, is out there again stating that they are working on "plans" to "return" to the moon.  I say good luck with that one, for they have yet to solve the problems of radiation in space that will fry any so called "Astronaut" without the proper types of shielding that they have yet to develop.  That again shows how Project Apollo was an insult to anyone's intelligence...... Reports show that the US is now ready to "deploy" their horrendous F35 "fighters" and I cringe with the thought of what will happen to the brave pilots of those flying turkeys when they actually will have to fight a nemesis.  Being blown out of the sky by superior enemy fighter aircraft is not what they would have signed up for!...... A break this week in English soccer, and the Gunners now sitting in 5th spot.  Their chances of winning the table were never planned for this rebuilding year, and the best that even I can hope for is a possible Champions League berth...... The paparazzi have been going gaga once again this last week with news that Khloe Kardashian has finally split from Tristan Thompson for his cheating ways.  But hey, nothing new for these skanks and trollops as anyone that ever gets into their world of insanity either cheats or decides to get a sex change.  Now will anyone please explain to me why these two bit whores are still on the minds of most Americans, instead of actually caring about their country going to heck?  Enquiring minds including my own wants to know!More to comeNTS