Important Video: US Congress Condemns "Anti-Semitism" In Grandstanding Vote (!)

I am always under attack by those who constantly scream that I am "anti-semitic".... I really have to laugh when I get called that ridiculous statement, for there are a multitude of reasons that clearly show that statement to be wrong from the very start... First and foremost of course, we have the fact that the Jewish criminals that scream that slur are almost entirely NOT even Semitic.  The vast majority of the Jews in the world today are called Ashkenazi Jews or "Khazars" for short, and they originated from the central steppe region of what is now the Russian Federation and do NOT even have one drop of "Semitic" blood in the lot... Then we have the fact that the vast majority of the real Semites are in fact the Palestinian people that these invaders to that region have been brutalizing for decades... Therefore, I can be considered correctly to be "Pro Semitic" as I do support the fight by the Palestinian people against the non Semites that are trying to see to their destruction....Now, having all that bullshit of "antisemitism" cleared up, I want to turn to an important video that was sent my way the other day that shows how something truly diabolical is in the works by the criminal Jew butt kissers that occupy the US Congress...This video is entitled: "Congress Condemns "Anti-Semitism" In Grandstanding Vote" and shows how the fools and idiots in control of the formerly free United States of America are now using this fraud of "antisemitism" to push for a new law that will equate the evils of Israel to the fraud "antisemitism" and will see anyone that even challenges Israel's criminality around the world today be charged with a fraud "hate crime" and possibly see jail time in the US!  Here is that video, and I have my own thoughts and comments to follow:NTS Notes: I am not in the least bit shocked by this action... The entire US Congress full of what I call "congress critters" do not have the best interests of the American people in their minds, but will bow down and suck Jew dick and do anything to please their Jewish masters by putting the interests of the purely evil state of Israel first and foremost...As far as I am concerned, every idiot in the US Congress that wants this stupid "antisemitic" law passed onto the American people are TRAITORS to the American nation and should be put into jail immediately for being agents of a foreign power.....The real sad part in all this is how the American public is being purposely kept in the dark by this action of pure evil..... Most have had their heads filled over the last while with the 'fluff" of the "border wall crisis", while ignoring the real issue of how their first amendment rights are going to be destroyed by this heinous action by their own government...I do hope that a lot more in the real truth movement take note of this video and do their own parts in letting everyone know what is really happening in America where freedom of speech and thought may disappear very soon.....And where is US President Donald Drumpf in all this?  He is in full support of this action and doing his best to kiss Jewish ass like the rest of his crooked government in bowing down to Jewish interests above the needs of the American people... America, you get what you voted for!More to comeNTS