Crisis In Venezuela: Insane US Secretary Of State, Mike Pompeo, Is Now Claiming That Hezbollah Is Operating In Venezuela (Yes, The Man Said It And Is Indeed A Moron!)

I had wanted to take today off and not write any articles at this blog..... But someone sent me an email earlier this evening with the tag "Hey, NTS, you have to see this one!"... And after reading the context of the link that he sent, I knew that when I got back on my computer this evening, I had to write an article about it for the fact that it is so ridiculous and one for the ages....With the US and Canada's vain attempts to overthrow the legitimate Nicolas Maduro government in Venezuela failing miserably,  I have been waiting for the US to come up with some absolutely insane excuse to go ahead and invade Venezuela, and what I do want to present readers here is indeed one of the most stupidest and idiotic excuses ever!Right now, I do want to present the following link to an article from the Splinter website, at, where apparently the lunatic US Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, came out yesterday in an interview on Fox Business News claiming that Hezbollah (Yes, that Hezbollah) is operating "cells" in Venezuela!   First, here is the link to that report here for all to see for themselves:, I have been looking for a decent video of that Fox Business interview, and I found this one via Youtube for all to witness for themselves here:NTS Notes:  OK, I will say it... This man is completely INSANE...Either that, or he is one of the biggest morons on the planet for trying to sell this garbage to the American public as his "excuse" for having Venezuela invaded!Honestly, can anyone actually believe this shit???? Hezbollah of all things operating in Venezuela?  Why didn't Pompeo try something more believable such as.. .Maybe they found Adolf Hitler living in Venezuela? (Yeah, right!)....  Or maybe Osama bin Laden living in Venezuela? (No wait, they dumped him in the Indian Ocean, right, right??? Nudge, nudge, wink, wink....) ...  OR they could have at least tried to say that Nicolas Maduro was 'gassing his own people' (No wait, they have reserved that one for their lame excuse to remove Bashar al Assad in Syria!)..... OR, they could have at least tried to plant one of their "ISIS" cells in Venezuela and try to scare the American people with the usual "the terrorists are out to get you" ploy!  (Worked so many times before on the gullible American people, so why not??)...There must have been at least some plausible excuses that they could have used, but instead they throw "Hezbollah" at the gullible American people, hoping that it would stick in their minds, thinking that the American people are morons??? This is so ridiculous that I really do think this man is absolutely a complete idiot and unfit to be the Secretary of State....I do hope that the American people do see this for themselves and get others to view this important video... The American people do desperately need to wake the hell up and see that their own criminal government is indeed trying desperately now to have Venezuela destroyed...The bottom line is this... I have viewed this Mike Pompeo as nothing more than a moron, and now I know it to be true..More to comeNTS