The Continuing Canada-China Huawei Fiasco: Huawei Is A Victim Of American Subterfuge - As Is The Canadian Justice System And Its Sovereignty!

I have been saying from day ONE when the criminal Canadian government decided stupidly to "arrest" that Huawei executive in Vancouver over a month ago (Yes, it has been that long now...) that is was a farce and a travesty of justice... .The ONLY "charge" that the criminal Justin Trudeau regime could come up with was some ridiculous notion that somehow Huawei Corporation was doing some illegal dealings that "violated" Canada laws (!) and that warranted the arrest of Sabrina Meng Wanzhou.... To this day, everyone in Canada has been falsely led to believe here in Canada by the Jew spew media that these are legitimate charges, and that this Chief Financial Officer of Huawei was going to be held until some future "Kangaroo Court" date...The reality is of course that this "arrest" was NOT directed by the Canadian government at all, but was ordered by Justin Trudeau's Jewish masters for the simple reason that Huawei had made some huge and legal deals with Iran, which of course the Jewish pricks want destroyed.  To them, anyone that makes deals with Iran is defying their gawd given rights and universal control, and therefore has to be arrested by their slave nations upon command... Canada has basically been following their Jewish masters' orders and here we have this Huawei executive still awaiting her day in "court"!I have been stating in EVERY weekend rant for over the last month that this "arrest" is a sham, and that it shows how badly Canada is truly enslaved to Jewish interests.... And recently, to top it all off, we have the slave nation of Jewish might, formerly the free United States of America, demanding extradition of this Chinese citizen to face "criminal charges" in the United States as well!  And again, all this due to the fact that Huawei is legally making deals with Iran...Now, I do want to present the following very important report that comes from one of my fellow Canadian truth seeker, Greencrow, who hails from the wilds and unknown region of southern British Columbia (where is it not as fucking cold as here on the bald prairies!).....Her report comes from her website at, and is entitled: "Huawei Is A Victim Of American Subterfuge...As Is The Canadian Justice System And Its Sovereignty" ... I have it right here in its entirety for all of my readers to view, and of course my own further thoughts and comments to follow:

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Huawei a victim of American is the Canadian Justice System and its Sovereignty

Vassal State Canada Bows Down to Its Criminal USrael OverlordThe last two or three weeks have been probably the worst in Canadian diplomatic history.  Canada was forced to relinquish the tattered vestiges of its sovereignty for a bowl of gruel.  The bowl of gruel Canada was forced to eat...was the USrael order to arrest and hold for extradition the 46 year old mother, chief financial officer Sabrina Meng Wanzhou of Huawei, a Chinese "Flagship" company, on spurious [to say the least] legal grounds.Please read the following opinion article from South China Morning Post, and I will have more comments to follow:My Take:  by Alex Lo [h/t]Huawei a victim of American subterfugeThe US Justice Department, in laying criminal charges against the Chinese telecoms giant, is no more than an instrument of American foreign policy

The American war on Huawei proceeds apace. Disguising the state-sponsored attack against China’s leading telecoms company and 5G provider as criminal charges may convince those who already harbour anti-China biases, but will not blind others who are clear-sighted about America’s tactics and intentions. Once again, the US Justice Department is no more than an instrument of American foreign policy, with its sanctions against Iran and trade war against China.The charges are so obviously politically motivated that an extradition request for Huawei chief financial officer Sabrina Meng Wanzhou – detained in Vancouver – should be thrown out of the Canadian court as soon as possible. As former Canadian ambassador to China John McCallum had said, she had “a strong case”. For stating the obvious, he has been sacked because his bosses in Ottawa, as usual, must follow American imperium like a vassal state.The United States has yet to present evidence, but will it be as convincing as its allegations of “weapons of mass destruction” cited to justify its criminal war against Iraq, a conflict that, incidentally, made possible Iran’s expansion across the Middle East and so necessitated its rollback, including the use of sanctions related in the Huawei case?Among the charges announced is an alleged conspiracy to steal trade secrets from a US competitor, T-Mobile. This was originally a civil suit over proprietary robotics technology and has already been settled, but US prosecutors decided to turn it into an industrial espionage case. Routine relocation of Huawei staff in and out of the country is now, according to those prosecutors, witness tampering and obstruction of justice.Interestingly, US prosecutors claim Huawei’s actions began in 2007, and “allowed Iran to evade sanctions imposed by the United States and to allow Huawei to profit”. As shown by the massive Edward Snowden leaks, this was about the time when the US National Security Agency started targeting Huawei’s networks by setting up back doors into servers located in its Shenzhen headquarters.Operation Shotgiant stole detailed workings of Huawei’s routers and digital switches that it sold around the world, though its original aim was to establish links between the telecoms firm, and Chinese intelligence and the military. No incriminating evidence was found, but this hasn’t stopped Washington from repeating the charge today. The breaches enabled US agencies to hack into any computer or telecoms network around the world that used Huawei’s products.Are such cyber-breaches illegal and criminal – or perfectly legal if Americans do it?"

*************************Greencrow says:  Meng Wanzhou was hauled before a Canadian Kangaroo court again this morning.  Any court that proceeds on illegal grounds to persecute innocent victims is, ipso facto a "kangaroo court".  So, in front of the entire world...Canada is conducting a kangaroo court...thereby delegitimizing Canada's entire justice system.  What a COUP on the part of the "Amerikans"!  They've been wanting to corrupt our legal system to"harmonize it with theirs" for some years now.  As I've said before...this entire Ziofascist criminal caper has two goals:  1) The destruction of Canada; and 2) The economic harassment of China...both goals have eventual military components.If I were in charge of Canada [after all, I DID swear myself in last week as Prime Minister of Canada a la Juan Guaido of Venezuela], as a last ditch effort to save Canada I would order the arrest and imprisonment of Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland on charges of Treason and Sedition.  Also considered for arrest would be leader of the "so-called opposition" Andrew [banned from Russia] Scheer.  He's obviously in on the plot.  The first Parliamentary debate, yesterday. after the 6 week Christmas break was an absolute disgrace.  Instead of questioning the Liberal USrael lackys on the several international scandals that conveniently went down during the break...he focused on taxes and cost of living.  He's a fucking drone.  What about the "Travesty of Justice" that was revealed in the Appeals Court decision on the Nuttall/Korody case here in BC?  Why didn't Scheer ask for a Royal Commission investigation into the RCMP and CSIS over that?What about Trudeau/Freeland supporting the illegal attempted coup in Venezuela...showing the world a suicidal disregard for the fundamental norms of international law.  No.  Scheer is every bit as guilty of Treason and Sedition as the Trudeau/Freeland bandits.So...according to today's newz….Canada has 30 days to rule on the extradition of Meng to the US.  Can we expect a lot of False Flags in BC leading up to that decision...kind of like "encouragement" to make the "right" decision?  Stay tuned.Posted by greencrow NTS Notes: I absolutely agree with Greencrow that this is such injustice and this innocent Chinese executive will indeed be charged with complete and utter bullshit in the crooked Canadian Kangaroo Court system...And we are now facing the other travesty, where the criminal US government is absolutely doing as their Jewish masters want and are demanding that this executive be extradited to the United States... For Canada to accept America's demands would indeed show that the sovereignty of this nation is indeed a thing of the past...I have long said that Canada is now a farce and a shadow of its former self.... Our justice system is long broken and completely delegitimized.... And we can blame Canada's subservience to Jewish control for that destruction as well...Greencrow states that both Justin Trudeau and that heinous Chrystia Freeland (a tribe member of course..) should be put up for treason and sedition.... Sadly, that could not happen until after the upcoming Federal "election" coming this October, 2019.... And with that Andrew Scheer showing no backbone and no guts, we may be stuck with Jew kiss ass Justin and his cronies for quite some time...I will also state that I stand firm behind my previous statements that is Huawei executive is absolutely innocent of any "charges' and should be set free immediately... On top of that, Canada should apologize profusely to the Chinese government and its people for the idiocy of their own Prime Minister... Canada desperately needs to continue trade with China and to do such an idiotic thing like this can only damage this nation both economically and politically!More to comeNTS