Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahTrump is no stable genius. He is getting more and more untethered to the gravitational pull of reality every damn day. A few days ago, Trump said that he could get elected to any office in Europe. Yeah, right. Well, maybe, just maybe he could, but only with the help of his buddies like Vlad Putin or Kim Jong-un. So that might not be quite so insane of him, at least if measured on any scale of Trump insane pronouncements or actions.But, when Trump also said that he thought he would make a great general... well, a great Benedict Arnold maybe. The way he's fighting to destroy America, he's obviously that. But Trump longs to be a great general in the 2-bit dictator sense. No wonder he keeps firing generals. He wants to be the only one. He can give himself all the medals, weighing himself down so much that he gives himself a heart attack or falls face first into a puddle and drowns. Oh, happy day!