2018 In Review: Donald J. Trump, The (Con) Jobs President! The Whole World Is Watching, Part 11/The End.

by Noah

We're going to win so much you're going to be sick and tired of winning.- Donald Jackass TrumpBillings, Montana, May 2016

Yup. So much winning! 62,000,000 voters bought the con from America's #1 Con Artist. Perhaps, they didn't realize that, in republican lingo, winning means you lose, emphasis you. So, yeah, in that sense, I guess a lot of people are getting sick and tired of "winning" republican style.First it was his lies at the Carrier plant in Indiana, more recently, it was Ford Motors, now it's GM. At the same time, he's telling his gullible cult that steel plants are opening all over the country. He might as well tell them that distant towns are paving their streets with Trump-provided gold or that, due to an agreement he's made with planet Zontar of the 9th dimension, aliens are providing new technology that will provide "millions and millions" of new jobs. Of course, his audiences would lap such idiocy right up. Believe me. As long as none of those jobs go to black or brown people.In both the FORD and GM cases, the main reason for plant closings centers around the rising costs of parts from China caused by Señor Trumpanzees imposing of tariffs on the parts. The effects of the Trump-imposed tariffs are textbook. They can be no accident. Saying Trump was just stupid is highly implausible and almost offers him an out or an excuse.In the case of the GM plant closings, a 12,000 figure mentioned for people earmarked for unemployment by Trumpanzee's tariff policies and his Republican Tax Scam rose, in just a few days, to 15,000, and, that doesn't include all of the ancillary metal, plastics, and electrical jobs that will be lost in other factories. Why that's enough for the whole White House staff to get out their "I Don't Really Care, Do You?" jackets and parade en masse down Pennsylvania Avenue all the way to their Republican friends in the Capitol Building in celebration. The Trump presidency truly is the bizarro presidency, one in which that which is bad is viewed as success. Kinda like his promise to drain the swamp. That’s where the obvious fact of Trump being a total sadist comes in. It also means that anyone who still supports him is a masochist. Those in power who continue to enable him are accomplices, at best.Remember when Trump and his army of psychotics led by McConnell and Ryan claimed that Tax Scam 2018 would lead to corporations adding jobs? Even after the corporations themselves famously publicly admitted that it wouldn’t?For years, Republicans talked about the need to lower the corporate tax rate in order to stimulate job creation. However, thanks to the Trump/Ryan Tax Scam, GM and other large corporations had their tax rates cut by 40% and instead, predictably to everyone but republican voters, the corporations like GM have just bought back stock, moved even more jobs overseas or across the border, given raises to top executives, pocketed the windfall and done nothing to stimulate job growth. As an example, so far this year, GM has received $157 million in tax cuts and used $100 million of that to buy back the corporation’s stock in order to benefit its top executives and biggest shareholders while screwing their workers.

You're going to see General Motors, they're coming back. A lot of companies are coming back. It's a good feeling. That's a really good feeling.- Trumpanzee, February 13, 2018 at the White House.Let me tell you folks in Ohio and in this area. Don't sell your house. Don't sell your house. We're gonna fill up those factories or rip them down and build brand new ones. That's what's gonna happen.- The biggest asshole in the world. July 2017 in Youngstown, Ohio

Trump promised that factories would be filled up or torn down and replaced by new ones. And those 62,000,000 actually believed him. (Oh? Ok, that's an exaggeration. So many of them voted in support of the typical Republican racism and misogyny instead.) But again, the opposite was the truth. When Trump speaks, does he have a third little tiny hand behind his back with the fingers crossed?When Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan and the entire rest of their party passed their tax scam for the 1% and their corporate benefactors, they knowingly lied and said the benefits of the tax cuts would “trickle down” to average Americans, even thought the “trickle down voodoo economics” of the Reagan years never bore fruit for average Americans. Republicans even went as far in their psychotic lying to say that every working family would receive a $4,000 pay raise in their checks. To top that lie off, Trump promised a new, instant middle class tax cut just as soon as the midterm elections were over. Again, Trump supporters bought the con. And let’s not forget Trump, after reluctantly actually going to visit some of our troops, lied to them that he had given them a 10% raise.To date, only 4.4% of American workers have received any kind of raise or bonus related to the tax cuts that corporations received in the tax scam.Republicans love to talk about things like recovery aid for disasters, natural or man-made, being “paid for” by offsets of cuts to be made elsewhere. In this case, the man-made disaster of the tax scam is an exploding deficit soaring into the trillions; enough to end the United States of America. But, that’s OK with Trump, Ryan, McConnell and their army of perps and dirtbags. Trump and his army went into this with their own ideas of off-sets in mind. They want to pay for the corporate welfare money they handed out to their benefactors by stealing from us by cutting our Social Security and Medicare. It’s all the equivalent of a nasty cat sadistically playing with its prey before it finally kills it.Sadism is everything with Trump. Anyone who ever thought, even for an instant, that Trump was going to pursue policies that would result in jobs or help Americans or America is a fool of astronomical proportions. Such people are the ultimate example of people voting against themselves. In his whole life Trump has never done anything for anyone else but Trump. Sure, you can point to the CEOs and the 1% and say he’s helping them but all he’s doing with that is building an army of rich protectors. That is The Wall that Trump is actually building.

In less than two years, my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in the history of our country... America's economy is booming like never before.

So said President Donald J. Trump in front of the United Nations General Assembly back in September of this year. His claim was greeted by laughter. I was reminded of the time a man threw his shoes at Dubya. I wished that the entire General Assembly had pelted him with their shoes, and rotten tomatoes. The paramedics would have had to quickly sedate him and carry him off with his legs bound and his arms in a straitjacket the way he belongs. We would have never seen him again, although putting an Internet Trump-Cam in his padded cell for 24 hour viewing would be appropriate, especially if the public could buy chances to address him from home through a speaker system in his cell.Trump has truly "accomplished more than almost any administration." To be fair to Trump, you can take out the almost. The problem is whom has he accomplished it for. Himself and his psychotic hate for mankind? His army of CEOs, bankers and the worst of the 1%? His friends in China? Putin? By the time you read this, the number of Trump days listed on the list of the Top 20 worst single-day stock market drops in history will have grown to a dozen or more. Yes, "the American economy is booming..." It's booming like a 200 megaton A-bomb. Are you tired of all this winning? Well, keep in mind that if a president says something that triggers a market drop once, it might be an accident. Twice may be cause for suspicion, but Trump tweets, says or does something to sabotage the United States economy every day now. Also, keep in mind that he once said a low market isn't the worst thing because it's a great time to buy things below their true value and make a profit later. Now there’s a man with a plan, a sadistic plan that not only makes him rich but hurts as many Americans as possible.At some point, even the most naive among us should realize (not that they will) that Trump's sinking of the economy can only be deliberate. No one, even a complete idiot, gets it wrong every damn time. If Trump is innocent of deliberately tanking the economy that would require breaking new ground in human behavior. Trump is an extreme sadist. For whatever reasons that goe back to the day he was born, he is out to get all mankind and he has been emboldened by the results of his mayhem so far in life. Media people, bank vermin, his voters, his CEOs, and the rest of the Trump-supporting community may try to tell us that he's just stupid or a buffoon, but he's gotten as far as he has on the strength of being a marketing savant. People who are good at marketing a person's name and brand (including themselves), to the top are just as good at tearing something, anything, down and ripping it to shreds when their insecurities and dellusions rule them. It's still marketing moves. In Trump’s case, it’s the moves of a despot, a perfect storm of betrayal if not outright treason. And, yet, no one in a position of power or authority wants to point it out and call it what it is. They love that status quo.Trump's shutdown rhetoric, appointment of a FOX "News" bimbo as U.N. ambassador, the removal of Gen. Mattis, the appointment of Betsy DeVos, the Tax Scam, his KKK approach to voting rights, his removal of environmental protections and regulations, his attacking the FED, his raising the stature of Kim Jong-un in the world, his catering to every whim of Putin and attacks on NATO, the mishandling Syria, his war on women, his war on healthcare for veterans and all Americans, his personal use of his charity’s funds even when they are meant to aid children with cancer, his xenophobia, his general virulent racism, shutting down research for a cure for AIDS, Children dying in cages, withdrawing from the Paris agreement on Climate Change... all of these things can only be done with one end result in mind, the tarnishing of America's image so badly that confidence in America and its economy crashes to the ground. Doing one or two of these things can be chalked up to a difference in political thought. All of them? That is being an American-hating, even humanity-hating mental case, and a Manchurian President. Regardless of which it is, and regardless of the fact that he appears to be all three, the result is the same and that result is getting worse by the day as those who could do something about it emulate Nero and fiddle away the country.