2018 In Review: The Republican Mind Continues To Turn Into Mush. The Whole World Is Watching, Part 4.

by NoahFriday December 14th was the grim anniversary of the 2012 Newtown, CT. massacre of 27 elementary school children and school staff, a massacre that, sadly, many deranged Republicans will still tell you is a hoax. They will tell you that "crisis actors" played the roles of the victims and that it was all a production of the "fake news" media. I've personally heard this from the lips of such people right out in public. This year, the murders at Parkland, FL brought more of the same. These people "know" what they "know" to be true because they've heard it from their own "news" sources like FOX and Alex Jones's Info Wars and The Internet. Even Republican congressional aides will spread the tale.The Rrepublican mind can believe horrific real events are hoaxes at the same time it believes that real threats to their families and their very existence are to be applauded and supported. Outside the courthouse at last week's sentencing hearing for Gen. Flynn, patriotic Americans called for Flynn to be locked up while pro-Flynn Republican protesters cheered Flynn's massive betrayal of America by repeatedly chanting "USA! USA! USA!" This kind of perverse, upside down thinking is the devil's workshop of the republican mind at work. The reality of Republican voters is as jumbled as the reality of the people they vote for. That's why they vote for them. Cases in point: Der Leader Trump's garbled, insane tweets which Republicans hover around as if their twitter accounts are oracles connected directly to Republican God and Republican Jesus. Then, there are the Louie Gohmert and Trey Gowdy-told fairytales of Benghazi, the obsession with Hillary's emails, the stories they regale eachother with about pedophile rings run out of basements of Washington pizza shops that don't even have basements. There's also that the favorite Trump/Ryan tax bill fairytale that tax cuts will miraculously get them a job, a new car of their choice, and a college education for their children, all while not adding to the deficit at all, even lowering it! Sure, whatever you say! How's that working out? They could do the math, of course, but obviously even Republican math is different. It's Bizarro World Math, and why wouldn't it be? It's just like rape isn't really rape! If he wasn't black, Republicans would have eagerly run Bill Cosby for president instead of Trump on the grounds that good old Dr. Huxtable is more engagingly likable. All this ties together in the mush of their minds. Mush minds are easy to manipulate. "Tell me lies. Tell me sweet little lies." Comforting lies. Lies you can live your life by. Lies wrapped in the trilogy of your hates, your fears and even a burning cross. You can put on your stupid red hat and go to rallies and hear the Republican Hit Parade Of Lies directly from the mouth of the president you elected to tell you those lies, over and over and over again. Mush minds will believe anything they're told as long as it's dressed up in that trilogy. Preferably it's of a racist or misogynistic variety. That trilogy is the conveyance for all things in the world as they see it.So, it's easy for minds like the ones republicans nurture to believe that caravans of "brown people" of every sort are headed for their front yards or places business or worship to kill them. When they are told every 15 minutes leading up to an election that those caravans are filled with Mexican gangs, Middle Eastern terrorists, and even Hondurans carrying the plague of small pox, a disease that was wiped out decades ago, they don't just buy the con, they embrace it. They cherish it like it's a warm glowing golden orb. It fits their sick world view. It makes the world make sense just like the only way that Obama could have been elected was by illegals voting and African-Americans voting twice or even thrice. And, he wasn't even born here! A black man in the White House! The world has turned upside down! The world has gone insane! Save us Trump! Undo his dastardly deeds! Healthcare? We'd rather die!It's only a matter of time before you run into a Republican who will tell you, with a straight face and an earnest belief, that Obama and Hillary, with the aid of MS-13, went back in time to fake the moon landing so that they could sell our uranium to the Russians while we were distracted watching the landing on TV. And, meanwhile Robert Mueller conspired with Michael Cohen to pay off Stormy Daniels, not to be quiet about a tryst with their big orange god that never happened, but to create a distraction while teams of immigrants conspired to enter the United States to take their guns, shoes, and menial jobs, all while filling the local nursery schools with anchor babies. They will tell you Seth Rich knew all of this. He was gonna tell! That's why they killed him!Meanwhile, the trouble was coming from in their own mentally disturbed midst. They never it coming. They never saw it going. They never saw it at all.Here's 2016 Republican Convention star Scott Baio on the subject. He co-starred with Gen.Flynn, Rudy "America's Loon" Giuliani, Nazi-saluting Laura Ingraham and a whole parade of speakers that the Republican National Committee was proud to put forth. 63,000,000 Republicans loved the circus and eagerly voted for the ringmaster. Polls show they would eagerly do it again and Republican Senators and Congressmen see no reason to remove him from the scene. For them, it's Country Last. What more do you need to know about the Republican mind in 2018?