Rabindranath Tagore: Secure disarmament, transform it into strength

Anti-war essays, poems, short stories and literary excerpts
Rabindranath Tagore
Quoted in Romain Rolland‘s Mahatma Gandhi
I hope this spirit of sacrifice will grow, and also the will to suffer…This is real liberty. Nothing is higher, not even national independence. The West has an unshakable belief in force and material wealth; therefore no matter how much it cries for peace and disarmament, its ferocity will cry still louder…We, in India, must show the world what this truth is which not only makes disarmament possible, but transmutes it into strength. The fact that moral force is a stronger power than brute force will be proved by an unarmed people. The evolution of life shows that it has gradually cast off its formidable armature of scales and carapaces and a monstrous quantity of flesh until man was evolved who conquered brute force. The day will come when a weak, noble man absolutely unarmed will prove that the meek shall inherit the earth. It is logical that Mahatma Gandhi, weak of body and without material resources, should prove the unconquerable strength.
