Political Correctness Bullshit Gone Mad: UN Migration - Criticizing Migration Could Become A Criminal Offence Under New Plan!

OK, Most readers to this blog are well aware of my stance on the bullshit of "political correctness" and especially on the fraud of opening our borders and allowing every conceivable sewer rat from some backwards hell hole to come flooding into our nations and poison and/or destroy our societies... I have no qualms in pointing out how my own country, Canada, has allowed too many of these fucking rejects from what every shit hole they came from to come flooding into this once free nation only to be useless as citizens and just reproduce and collect welfare payments!  It is a travesty to see this nation and so many others go to hell in a  hand basket by their citizens allowing our crooked governments to continue to allow illegal migrants to flood in and not bother to see the consequences that they are causing!But it now gets better... For with all of the criticisms that people are now voicing around the world against these fucking illegals that are turning our nations into shit holes, our crooked governments had to come up with something dastardly to try to muzzle any "anti-immigrant" opposition... And what they are now considering is absolutely a travesty, for according to the following link to a report from the Express website out of the UK at www.express.co.uk, apparently the criminals are now wanting to pass a United Nations "resolution" to make it a criminal offence to criticize these fucking migrants and our braindead governments that are destroying our nations... Here is that link, and I have further thoughts and comments to follow:https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1052923/UN-migration-agreement-Angela-Merkel-EU-criticise-migration-hate-crimeNTS Notes: Yes, this is absolutely horrific... For if they are able to "criminalize" any voices of concern or any opposition to their insane migration plans that are ruining our nations, then we can say goodbye to western society as a whole as our nations are turned into the same type of sewers these illegals came from...Lets be straight forward here.. Trying to protect society from imminent destruction is not a "hate crime" as this insane bill proposes.. It is to protect the citizens and to prevent the destruction of our nations... But lo and behold but we have that sinister Angela Merkel as one of the ones pushing through this lunacy as she is hell bent on having her own native Germany destroyed through this "migration" of every possible piece of filth from third world countries...I do smell a rat... We know by now that the sinister criminals behind this entire "migration" scam are indeed the Jewish elite, and we do not need to look any further than that monster, George Schwartz aka 'Soros" as probably the one that is pushing for this United Nations "law" to be imposed on the people that want this insanity to stop....Must I remind everyone that this push for "migration" is primarily aimed at White Caucasian nations, and by just reading up on the Jewish evil and diabolical "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" you will understand that these monsters' main enemy throughout history has always been the Caucasian race... They are indeed using this "migration" bullshit to basically and eventually "breed out" whites and turn most white nations into a mongoloid mess.....  This is indeed their master plan for our destruction..I am hoping that those with common sense and decency can see what is happening here and work to have this stupidity ended before it even begins... It is NOT a "hate crime" to stand up for what is right.More to comeNTS