Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahSurprise, surprise? Nope. What did you expect? It's Mississippi. The election of white nationalists like Cindy Hyde-Smith is what southerners like about the south; the white ones anyway. It's why the region is the strongest stronghold of today's Republican Party. Cindy Hyde-Smith could have campaigned in full KKK hood and sheet and her state would have still elected to send her to Washington. She pretty much did anyway, making it clear where she stood on the issue of race and white supremacy. She even brought in the nation's #1 white nationalist, President Trump, to stand side by side with her and campaign with her. Her election over Democrat Mike Espy wasn't even close. Now, Republicans from Trump and McConnell on down are loudly celebrating Hyde-Smith's victory. Racism is, as Hyde-Smith would say, while wearing her confederate cap, as Republican as a public hanging.The majority of white southern citizens like to whine that their heritage is under assault when people try to remove their beloved statues of Robert E. Lee or Jefferson Davis, or spit on their Confederate flags. Cindy Hyde-Smith learned her lessons in Mississippi heritage well when her parents sent her to one of the state's whites only segregation academy high schools, high schools the state formed so that whites could avoid integrated schools. She enjoyed that experience so much, she even sent her own daughter to one. Where she's from, it's what the white folks do.Don't let any Republican tell you they feel "uncomfortable" or "embarrassed" by Hyde-Smith's election. Her party poured truckloads of cash into her electing her. They never gave a second thought to running a different candidate. Like Mississippi, it's who they are. Mississippi wanted someone who would represent what they stand for and that's exactly what they have. The state longs for the good old days of 1880 and votes like it. That's democracy, warts and all.