Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahImagine that! Who could have guessed. Not only did all talk of "The Caravan" cease immediately after the election, now the thousands of troops that Señor Trumpanzee sent to the border have returned, and all at a cost of a mere $200 million. It was all an election season stunt designed to rile up Trump's Flo-Thru Cranium base! Wow! I'm really shocked, aren't you?$200 million! If Trump gave a damn about our military people, that $200 million could have been spent for veteran care and/or job and education opportunities. Oh, but I guess Republicans would call that Socialism! Yeah, better to waste that $200 million on a campaign publicity stunt. Maybe next time Trump will just burn the cash on the White House lawn, or, use it to set fire to a cross in the Rose Garden. But, only if he can't find a way to just stuff it in his pockets.
