Empire, Power, and People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- Episode 87

Stoking the Civil War in Syria

So now we are witnessing the hysterical war hawks of the Obama Administration & Co. calling for military strikes in Syria. What is the real reason for this? Why now? Many commentators have criticized Obama for opposing Assad, yet stopping short of deposing Assad. Why grant verbal support to the rebels, yet refrain (for so long) on direct military support? Why only work covertly through regional proxies/allies? Why was there so much hesitation for so long to pursue war? And why are they pushing so hard for it now? The press likes to refer to U.S. strategy in Syria as “confused” or “contradictory,” but the reality is much worse: it’s pure malevolence. The aim in Syria is to sustain civil war, to give Iran its “Vietnam,” to keep the violence going, and only intervene when its necessary to “tilt the balance” in favor of the rebels. No peace. Only continuous war.

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