Porkins Policy Radio episode 162 JG Michael on the Evolution of the Right-Wing Movement: From Moldbug to Gavin McInnes

This week J.G. Michael of Parallax Views joined me to discuss the current state of the right-wing movement. J.G. started out by talking about the intellectual roots of the far right and how that has evolved over the years. He touched on lesser known but highly influential people like Curtis Yarvin and Hans-Hermann Hoppe. J.G. also talked about the role that silicon valley and tech culture within the neoreactionary movement.
Later we discussed right-wing front man Gavin McInnes and his political gang the Proud Boys. We talked about his recent speech at the Met Club where he reenacted the murder of socialist Inejiro Asanuma by right-wing nationalist Otoya Yamaguchi. J.G. discussed how the Proud Boys fit into this complex milieu. We talked about their role as the Republican Parties brown shirts. Later we talked about punk music and some of their connections to the far right. We ended by talking about some of the real people behind these dangerous groups who are merely using McInnes and others as fronts.
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Parallax Views
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Zero Books
Zero Books Patreon
Inejiro Asanuma
Founder of Proud Boys Says He’s Arranging Surrender of Men in Brawl