Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahTo be fair, Rene Belloq, the Raiders Of The Lost Ark character Melania Trump is standing next to in tonight's meme was not strictly a NAZI. He he was, to be more precise, an opportunistic NAZI sympathizer, so, in that sense, it's a perfect match at the least. But, I have to laugh at people who think that Mail Order Melania is unaware of the messages she sends with her hideous fashion choices. Once? Maybe. but this is over and over again. This is a woman filled with hate for those she views as people who don't matter, people she looks down upon, people she barely even considers people. For those who wonder why she married fellow jackass Donnie Trump, that shared worldview is one of the keys to their marriage. It could not be more obvious. It's right there with the smell and attraction of the money, and the fact that Donnie Boy would probably try to ruin her life in an instant and have her deported if she ever did something he actually didn't approve of.With Melania, It's not just the wearing heals to a hurricane or 5 figure gardening clothes, not too mention her internet full of softcore porn. It's not just "I Don't Really Care, Do You" jackets. It's more than standing next to her husband to distract from that thing on his head. Earlier this week it was wearing the British Colonial garb to Africa, complete with safari pith helmet to piss off a whole continent. Now it's Dress As A Nazi Day on a visit to the Pyramids in Egypt. At least she leaves the Ilsa She Wolf Of The SS uniform back at the White House. So far, that's only for Donnie and her other men. You can bet she wears it around the White House living quarters, though. OMG, if Kellyanne ever saw that one, she'd be getting her own in a heartbeat, if she doesn't have one already. We know how much Kellyanne loves to dress up! How much of a PC crisis would it be if Melania dressed as Ilsa strode into Stephen Miller's office? How much would Miller be conflicted? Enough to melt down into a puddle or just keel over dead?
