Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahI know there's that thing in politics about leaving the family members of a politician out of it, but, really? This family? The Trumps? No way. They are all, even the ex-wives, part and parcel of the same ugly, repulsive virus. When I see a picture of a Trump, I see a picture of a deadly, festering virus as depicted in National Geographic or some medical journal. There's a reason that, after this crew of miscreants is done, any non-relative who bears the Trump surname will feel compelled to change their name to something benign, something that won't make people vomit in the back of their throat when introduced.So, without further ado, I present Melania Trump's pathetic attempt to present herself to us as a gardening housewife. May she soon be covered in ticks and forced to live on worms, cast out of the White House garden and exiled to the Trump-Pruitt dreamworld of Chernobyl with the rest of Trump family and the entire Trump Administration. They can all go bask in the half-life glow of a gleaming Trump Chernobyl Tower for as long as it takes for them to mutate into decent human beings, melt, or just whither and die.The original source for tonight's meme is actually a picture that was taken of Melania last summer as she pretended to tend to the White House vegetable garden started by Michelle Obama. Apparently, just plagiarizing the former First Lady's speeches wasn't enough. Now she has to fake her way through a gardening photo op. Almost a year later, the photos are going viral and lighting up the twittersphere. The photo used in tonight's meme is just one of about a dozen.I say "fake her way through a gardening photo op" for obvious reasons. Try as I might, I just can't find any dirt on her special gardening sneakers, or on her gardening gloves. On her knees? Nope. None there! And how about her going for the "lumberjack look" with a a $600 shirt designed off a traditional red flannel real one? The least she could do would be to borrow a real one from Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN). He has a few that he always puts on when he campaigning and pretending to be a man of the people. Just look at her as her body strains to hold that pose and keep from touching the ground. Yep, that's a real gardener! Oh, and that brand new white wicker basket!At least she's found a carrot, a very interesting one at that. Hopefully, she will slice it up with her brand new pruning shears and toss it in some boiling water.
