Trump adminstration mulls military action against Iran

Washington is already using economic warfare on Iran in a bid to damage its economy and to potentially stir up an organic revolution inside the Middle Eastern country, but speculation is now hitting the headlines that Washington might actually add to that by getting into a shooting war with Iran over the attacks on Saudi oil tankers.
Express reports

THE TRUMP administration is considering military action to keep open key oil shipping routes in the Middle East following escalating rhetoric between Iran and the US after Tehran attacked the waterways.
Trump administration officials have claimed that in the wake of attacks on Saudi oil tankers by Iranian-backed Houthi rebels on July 25, military options may be inevitable.
However, officials said military action would be taken by US allies such as Saudi Arabia, rather than American troops.
The sources added that any long-term military effort would require the involvement of other nations.
The claims, reported by CNN, came only a few days after Iranian-backed Houthi rebels in Yemen attacked a pair of Saudi oil tankers which were travelling through the Bab al-Mandab Strait leading to the Red Sea.
The waterway is one of the busiest shipping routes in the world.
Iranian leaders have also threatened to shut the Strait of Hormuz, through which one-third of the world’s oil supply travels from the Persian Gulf.
US Defence Secretary James Mattis emphasised the US intends to keep international oil shipping routes open.
On Friday, Mr Mattis noted “Iran has threatened to close the Strait of Hormuz,” and that in the past Tehran has tried to stop shipments only to be met by an international military response, which includes military exercises.
The Defence Secretary also claimed the Pentagon would continue to work with Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait and the UAE in order to diminish Tehran’s influence in the region.
Tensions between the US and Iran reached new highs in recent days after a senior Iranian military Major-General Qassem Soleimani claimed that if the US starts a war, “Iran will finish it”.
Mr Soleimani, who heads up the Quds Force of Iran’s powerful Revolutionary Guards Corps, was reported by various Iranian news agencies as having made his comments during a speech in the city of Hamedan.
But former US general Jack Keane rubbished the claims and demanded Donald Trump will “shut this down” by imposing tough sanctions on Iran.
Speaking on Fox News, Mr Keane said: “He’s bringing an end to Iran’s aggressive malign behaviour in the Middle East.
“He’s going to shut this down.
“They have made up their minds to do this.
“Economically, they are squeezing them and they are going to put more sanctions on here and next month and three months later.”
Mr Keane added: “More than that, they’ll get the Europeans to pull away from Iran even though they are saying they are not – the difference between a $400billion economy and do business with Iran or a $20trillion economy and do business with America.
“He’s not gonna let them do both.”

The sanctions are already bad enough, and Iran probably can’t stop the Saudi led war on Yemen by suffering the Americans to get even more involved in the issue, although experts are saying that the Americans won’t go into it all the way. If Iran does block the Hormuz, it’s not something that will taken lightly, and while it would do economic damage in the short run, in the long run, it would essentially mean war between Iran and an American led coalition.
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