Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, July 29th, 2018

Yes, it is good to be back... It is indeed Sunday and time once again for my usual rant...I really enjoyed "getting away from it all" for the past week... I went where there was almost NO internet coverage, and even my smartphone was barely able to get "one bar" at the best of times... I did however have a television aka "talmudvision" to watch in the evenings BUT I decided to not watch any of the so called "news" for even up here in Canada the so called reporters and news 'anchors' tend to lie their asses off and to read off of scripts that avoid anything that would hurt the "tribe" and their criminality.... I spent the day out on the lake and taking in some fishing and canoeing for a change and actually had a great time... BUT of course reality does set in and I had to return to my humble abode the other day and get ready for a return to the workforce as of tomorrow....Lets face it... I missed a lot of things that happened while I was out... I spent most of yesterday and part of this morning doing some "catching up" and deciding what I would put up on this rant... So here comes my two cents worth on a lot of subjects...First, I am just as pissed off as my other real truth seekers here in Canada in seeing that the criminal and most diabolical "government" in Ottawa has had the nerve to state that they would gladly "accept" some of the so called real terrorists, aka "white helmets" that were hopelessly trapped along the southwestern border between Syrian and Israel... To me, this should be an insult to every single Canadian out there, simply because these "white helmets" were absolutely 100% the real "terrorists" in Syria that were responsible for the deaths of thousands of innocent Syrian civilians as well as fully responsible for every single false flag "chemical weapons" bullshit attack that filled the Jew spew media over these last few years and caused the US to "retaliate" by launching cruise missile attacks on the innocent nation of Syria itself.... I am so disgusted at the Trudeau regime for gladly accepting these murderers and thugs to be "relocated" to live happily in Canada and away from the prosecution for the crimes against humanity that they rightfully deserve.... I am absolutely ashamed to call myself a Canadian, and would gladly want to see the Trudeau regime thrown out of government as quickly as possible.....And about these 'white helmets'.... I have long thought about why these criminals would wear "white helmets" as the only force in recent memory that would put on that colour helmet were of course the UN peacekeepers in the past, where many would wear white helmets as well as what we see today to be the standard UN blue..... I do wonder if the idea was to create the usual psychological effect of somehow associating the colour white with meaning peaceful and good... I also wonder if the idea of the "white helmets" is part of the psychological effect done purposely for the American audience that grew up with the idea through the brainwashing of the Jew spew media with the notion of the good guys wearing "white hats"..... But of course these "white helmets" were not for the good of Syria at all, but were again nothing more than murderers and thieves..... It would have been great to have seen Bashar al-Assad's forces grab as many of these criminals as possible and have them paraded in central Damascus in front of the Syrian people as well as put up on charges of crimes against humanity.... And of course we have the notion that if some of these "white helmets" would have been captured by the good guys aka the SAA and their Russian/Arabic allies, many would have been put into heavy interrogation and some would have eventually talked and revealed who their real paymasters were.... That would have been most fitting, but once again these criminals are being allowed to escape and relocate into our nations without any charges for the murder and mayhem they caused in Syria!I have been patiently waiting any new news on the kangaroo "trial" of both Monika and Alfred Schaefer in Germany on those bullshit charges of "inciting hate" for Monika's excellent video that talks about the so called Jewish "holocaust" of the second world war.... And yes, this is indeed still a Kangaroo court where no matter what truth and defence these two and their defence team brings in front of those Jewish controlled 'judges" they are already "guilty"... Therefore, this entire proceeding is nothing more than a sham..... The only news that I have seen this week is that both Monika and Alfred are presently out of the court and momentarily "free" awaiting the time that their "trial" will resume..... I will of course try to keep tabs on any new happenings with this fraud and will post up that material here at this blog the moment it becomes available.....Is it just me?   Or is everyone finally sick and tired of this bullshit "Russiagate" news via the American Jew spew media that is still going as strong as ever for the last year and a half... And lets face the facts that this entire sad episode being perpetrated and continued by the Jew spew media is indeed a farce that has gone on way too long.... The real criminals here have been the liars in the Jew spew media and their talking heads that are still going nearly round the clock trying everything possible with their "witch hunt" to try to pin anything they can on Jew controlled US President Donald Drumpf, and this circus seems to be never ending..... I have long said that this entire sad escapade is nothing more than a farce just to fill the gullible American public and their simple minds with bullshit fluff.... The Jewish elite apparently want this circus to continue to cloud American minds and divert their attention while they continue on their criminal rampage across the planet.....That and to cover for the real criminal that is fully responsible for this entire "Russiagate" fiasco in the first place, who is of course that mass murdering freak of nature, Hillary "Killary" Clinton..... AND of course the biggest joke of all in this entire fiasco is how the so called Jew controlled 'Democratic Party' is now out there pushing that mass murdering freak of nature to run once again for the US Presidency in 2020.... And people wonder why I say the US is completely fucked?I for one am sick and tired of this so called 'diversity' and the bullshit of this LBGTQ, XYZ, EI EI O, and the freaks of nature that are out there screaming that they all have "rights" and that everyone should bend over and appeal to their so called "privileges"..... To me, this has gone on way too long and has affected our very society to the point that people are scared to say anything or do anything out of fear of "hurting someone's feelings"..... I say fuck that, for the freaks out there should never be given rights and many should be turned over to psychologists as soon as possible to find out why they are so fucked up.... Reality check here: There are only TWO sexes, both male and female... Everyone is born either male or female and that is how nature works for procreation.... This idea of there being "more than two sexes" is an abomination and the poisoning of our society by the ones perpetrating this madness should be halted immediately.... If people identify themselves as something other than male or female then they are fucked up and should be both scorned in society and should be sent for medical and mental help....  People need to understand that the ones behind this entire crapola are once again the "tribe" who want to use this sickness to fuck up and destroy our societies...I got back the other day from my vacation and there were at least a dozen "comments" in my blog's comment section... But as I stated the other day, the majority were from the numbskulls and idiots in the "flat earth" retard group who have tried to convince me for the last few years that I, as a man of science, am wrong in stating that the world is indeed an oblate spheroid... The world may not be perfectly round, but it sure as hell is NOT a pancake....And yes, those idiots continue to try to sway my opinion while at the same time try to get me to post their garbage for others to see... I will not have any part of their stupidity and will never post their "comments"... Yes, these idiots have indeed made me a target of their ignorance and will continue to push their stupidity... I can only laugh in their faces for their ignorance, and yet am indeed shocked that so many gullible people out there have fallen for their complete lack of science and real thinking skills...  Get a life, you losers; The world is not flat!As I said before, we are now seeing a ramp up for an upcoming war against Iran.... I caught a bit of the Jew spew media coming out of the US just last night, and some idiot talking head was again going off on a tirade that Iran was this great evil and that Iran was somehow planning some type of new attack on America itself.... I do wonder how the gullible American public can swallow this horse shit and not understand that Iran is absolutely NOT a threat to anyone... Heck, Iran has NOT launched an attack on anyone in well over 200 years (the Iran-Iraq war was launched by Iraq in 1980 FYI), and has no intentions of ever wanting a war against either the psychotic state of Israel or even the US.... Iran has however built up one very massive defensive stock of advanced weaponry including one heck of a lot of long and short range missiles.... If and when the US is gullible enough to follow their Jewish masters' orders and launch their strikes against Iranian targets, they could be in for a rude awakening as the Iranians respond by raining down a lot of their own ordinance on American, Saudi, and Israeli targets.... And the Iranians will be doing the damage without using any of their non-existent nuclear weapons to boot!...... I honestly do not like what I see happening as the Jew spew media continues to hammer away at the gullible minds of Americans in their vain attempts to sway American opinion into the false belief that a war against Iran is necessary... But we must consider that throughout history when a lie is pushed long and hard enough, some people will actually start to believe it rather than the truth!OK, I left on my week long vacation reading reports that the psychotic state of Israel was indeed preparing to massacre every single Palestinian holed up in the largest open air prison camp on planet Earth aka the "Gaza Strip" and upon my return yesterday I find reports that the Israeli airforce has indeed been plastering Gaza with a wide array of American taxpayer bought and paid for weaponry... But the expected ground assault and slaughter of the civilians still has not occurred..... I am still expecting the psychos in Israel to launch their all out assault, but in the meantime they are still  working hard to sway worldwide public opinion that such an assault is "necessary" by having their Mossad operatives still hurdling their bottle rockets and of course the recent "fire laden kites" into Israeli territory...... Considering the PR black eye that the psychos in Israel got with their slaughter of innocent Palestinian marchers earlier this year, they have their work cut out for them in brainwashing the public to garner support for them to commit genocide against the people of Gaza.... Knowing the psychosis of the Israelis and their sick want to wipe out the Palestinians, the killing of Gaza is still coming!I can only shake my head when I read report after report about the impending demise of both spy programs known as "Facebook" and "Twitter".... I have stated for YEARS now at this blog that both of these programs are NOT these so called "social networks" but are nothing more than spy and information gathering tools for the gullible saps and idiots that actually use these services... .And now, finally, people are waking up to the reality that I and others have been right all along?  What in the hell took people so long to see the truth here?.... And lets face it, for if people are this hard up for "friends" and "contacts" that they have to use these services, then they do need to get themselves some lives..... Personally I have NEVER EVER used either of these fraud "social networks" and I never will.... I saw from the very beginning what they were all about and how they were geared to gullible and stupid people..... When I saw the reports yesterday that both "Facebook" and "Twitter" were losing their audiences and supporters, as well as seeing how their so called "stock value" has been dropping like a stone, I could only applaud and laugh.....I honestly hope that these two criminal spy programs die a painful death and soon..... And again, if you happen to have either of these two jewish controlled spy programs, close them immediately to protect yourself and your privacy..Well.... I guess that is enough for the moment.... I have a lot to do over these next few days, and am indeed planning for the "next phase" in my home renovations project that seems to never end..... In the meantime I have again left a LOT on the table that I have missed out in this rant so far, and hopefully will cover some of those issues here in my "last minute tidbits"......... Apparently the criminal PM of Canada, Justin Trudeau, is still wanting to push his "carbon tax" fiasco on the Canadian people and have that "tax" in place by this fall.  Knowing what a scam this "tax" truly is, I am still hoping that the majority of Canadians will resist this plan and force idiotic Justin to back down on his fleecing of the Canadian people.......Still not seeing any "effect" yet from this ongoing and most ridiculous "trade war" between the US and Canada.  All of the doomsayers who screamed that the "sky is falling" due to this "war" have been wrong so far, but it is early and the full effect may be felt by this fall.  I for one would wish that our governments go back to the bargaining table and hammer out agreements rather than have this bullshit 'war'...........I see the criminal Saudis and their 'allies' are now rearming and bolstering their forces for an assault on the port of Al Hodeidah in Yemen that could come as early as this week.   Again, if that key port falls, then the genocide of the civilians of Yemen will indeed be in full swing, and we can again thank the US for their support of this atrocity.........And speaking of the US military, I saw an interesting report where Boeing is now coming out with a revamped and modernized version of their F15 Eagle, called the F15X that will do the same job as the vastly more costly and ridiculous F35 flying turkey and at about 1/3 to 1/2 the cost.  If I was the US military, I would seriously consider this option, simply because the F35 is indeed a fiasco and a dud!..........I see the heiress to the Jewish Canadian Bronfman family fortune, Clare Bronfman, has been fingered as one of the accomplices involved in that NXIVM sex cult.  I was wondering where the majority of the money and financial support for that 'cult' was coming from, and now we can see from where.  I for one am still saddened that two of my favourite ladies from the "Smallville" series, both Allison Mack and Kristin Kreuk, got themselves involved in that bullshit, and will probably see jail time for their own stupidity........Some good news the other day out of Palestine, as Ahed Tamimi is finally freed from the psychotic Israeli prison where she spent the better part of almost a whole year on the ridiculous charges of trying to defend her family from a psychotic IDF soldier.  A happy day for Palestine indeed......Someone asked me the other day WHY the criminals have been putting Fluoride in our drinking water.   My answer is the same reason why they taint our "vaccines" with mind destroying poisons; its for not only subduing the populace but for blatant mind control by the Jewish elite freaks........I saw an article where Egypt has imprisoned a vacationer to their nation for "complaining" about Egypt itself and her treatment there on vacation.  I would say that Egypt has the problem with their treatment of visitors and should not be imprisoning them for stating the truth!..........You know Canada is fucked when an Alberta resident is able to change his "gender" on his license to get cheaper insurance rates.  Yes, this gender bending in Canada has got to stop or this nation will indeed go to hell.  And we can again thank Justin the idiot PM for feeling this continuing madness.........I saw a report where some are claiming that NASA did discover life on Mars back in 1976 with their Viking missions.  I say good luck to that, for I am still calling Viking complete bullshit due to its "landing" on Mars using conventional parachutes that could not possibly deploy in the ultra thin Martian atmosphere.  If their "probe" did discover life, it was definitely the life in the northern Arizona desert where they did the entire scam in the first place....... Yes, I did read the reports about that "shooting" in Toronto earlier last week, and like two of my fellow real Canadian truth seekers, Greencrow and Penny up here in Canada, what we are being sold with this one is misleading information and possibly a pack of horse manure.  I would say that this entire "shooting" was done to cover for the Canadian government allowing those "white helmets" to come into this nation without any fanfare........I see English Premier Soccer is about to get going once again for the 2018-2019 campaign, and I will be rooting once again for my team, Arsenal.   I have gone through soccer withdrawals long enough in this off season..........And finally, I found that getting away from it all also meant that I did not have to have my mind turned to mush by the Kardashian bullshit.  I will give those freaks of nature a "pass" for this week, but this week only.  Readers will have to wait for next week's rant before I once again resume tearing those skanks and trollops apart..More to comeNTS