Netanyahu Warns After Israel Shoots Down Syrian Jet Near Golan: One Pilot Killed


Israel says it has shot down a Syrian warplane which entered its airspace - a rare incident between the two foes.

Syria say's it was Syrian airspace.  According to the Israeli reports it definitely was over Syrian airspace. Israeli occupied Golan

Two surface-to-air missiles were fired at the Sukhoi fighter jet, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) tweeted.


According to Israeli reports, it happened over the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights. The pilot's fate is not clear.

Syrian news agency Sana said Israel had targeted the jet over Syrian airspace, but did not say whether it was hit.Sana quoted an unnamed military source as saying the plane was conducting raids against "armed terrorist groups" near the southern Yarmouk Valley.

Link Patriot Missile Trail after Shootdown

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu defended the downing of a Syrian fighter jet that traveled into Israeli airspace on Tuesday afternoon, warning that the country would continue to take similar action against any incursion into its territory.Israel on Tuesday said the Sukhoi-model jet had traveled two kilometers into its airspace when it shot two Patriot missiles at the plane, shooting it down. The plane reportedly crashed inside Syria, killing its pilot. The fate of a second crewman is unknown.

“Our forces acted appropriately,” Netanyahu stressed in a tweet. “We insist that the Syrians strictly abide by the Separation of Forces Agreement between us and them.”

A picture taken on July 23, 2018 from the Israeli-annexed Golan Heights shows a warplane dropping a payload in the southwestern Syrian province of Daraa during a Syrian-government-led offensive in the area.One Pilot Killed : TASS. A pilot of the Syrian Air Force’s Su-22 fighter-bomber downed by Israel died in the crash, a Syrian military source told the Al Masdar news portal on Tuesday. According to the military source, the pilot was identified as a colonel of the Syrian Air Force. The fate of the second pilot remains unknown. More: of Syrian fighter jet downed by Israel killedMore:

 A pilot of the Syrian Air Force’s Su-22 fighter-bomber downed by Israel died in the crash, a Syrian military source told the Al Masdar news portal on Tuesday.According to the military source, the pilot was identified as a colonel of the Syrian Air Force.The fate of the second pilot remains unknown.