Northerntruthseeker Rant For Saturday, July 21st, 2018

YES.. It is indeed Saturday, and with my going off on vacation tomorrow I decided to post my rant today!I have desperately needed this vacation time... I have been exhausted these last few weeks by doing work during the day and then doing home renovations at night and on my weekends.... Thank goodness the renovations are progressing nicely and I do indeed see light at the end of the tunnel.. I expect to have this home improvement project completed by the middle of August and I am crossing my fingers that I will not suffer any more set backs...I will indeed be basically "off the grid" for the next week and where I am going has limited internet access.... As I said in my last article, that suits me fine for it will be nice to get away from it all and NOT have the troubles of the world on my mind for an entire week..... Meanwhile, I figured I would put out my "rant" today for a change, and I wanted to have this one concentrate on the faking of the Apollo moon landings by NASA and the crooked US government considering the fact that two days ago marked the 49th anniversary of the fraud Apollo 11 landing on the moon and the "one small step for man" announcement by Neil Armstrong....OK, When I first started this blog some 10+ years ago, one of the key topics that I covered was the faking of the manned moon missions of 1968-1972... My original expose of the fraud carried the title "What were they thinking?" and I stand firmly behind what I stated back then, and today I have discovered more facts that firmly prove that they could not land men on the moon then and they still cannot do it today....A few years back I came upon Dave McGowan's own expose of the fraud of Project Apollo through his "Wagging The Moondoggie" series, and Dave backed up most everything that I had already stated and went into some greater detail on some facts behind the fraud that even I was not aware of....Lets face it... Project Apollo is to me an insult to my intelligence.... I have been to Florida a few times and have gone to the Cape Canaveral space centre and have taken a close look at the supposed craft that they fooled the American public into flying men to the moon and safely returned them to Earth, and all I could say was "what a whole bunch of pieces of junk".... We were all led to believe that starting in 1968, mankind was able to go well above low Earth orbit which had never been done before and ever since, fly some 240000+ miles one way to the moon, and have a ridiculous machine built by Grumman Aerospace to safely soft land on the moon and operate in a most horrific environment for up to 3 days... After that time on the lunar surface, that miraculous craft had its top stage life off to re-dock with a "service module" orbiting the moon...After re-docking we are to belief that  then blast off from lunar orbit to make a return trip to the Earth... All of that using devices that had absolutely ZERO radiation shielding and an onboard computer that is laughable by today's standards.... Yes, an amazing feat repeated some 9 times, with only Apollo's 8, 10, and the simulated Apollo 13 missions not landing men on the lunar surface.... It was indeed an amazing feat and sheer and utter bullshit..I could go into detail about the high levels of radiation surrounding this planet... But even getting through that intense barrier does not mean that "astro-NOTS" would not be subjected to deadly doses... In fact standing on the lunar surface is a miracle in itself considering how highly radioactive that surface is with no atmosphere and being bombarded for eons by both solar and cosmic particles....  It is so ridiculous to hear people still have the belief that these space craft as well as the "astro-NOTS" space suits had adequate shielding to protect the men on board.... But here is a reality check for everyone:  These 'space craft' were composed of ultra thin aluminum that offers NO protection from high speed particles in outer space... In fact when a solar or cosmic particle does hit aluminum, the aluminum fragments releasing X-rays into the interior crew compartment......Yes, if these 'astro-NOTS' did indeed survive the intense radiation of the Van Allen belts of high speed particles and plasma, they would be "french fried" by cosmic rays and solar flare particles causing them to receive a lethal dose of X-rays........  NASA has never solved this problem and is still looking for a solution today that involves heavy shielding of their newest space craft knowing full well that the general public should be asking the bigger question of "If you cannot do it today, then how did you do it with Project Apollo?".. The answer is obvious.....One important note about the high levels of radiation in space.. About 8 years ago, a fellow Apollo fraud researcher, Jarrah White out of Australia, sent me some documents written by an EE Kovalev from the former Soviet Union's medical research group... These documents were originally sent to a Dr Greening who worked up here in Canada for Ontario's nuclear energy, back in 1983 and the information contained data that the Soviet Union had collected for decades on the actual strength of the main Van Allen belts from their own tests... The information is indeed damning, for it shows that Dr James Van Allen had actually underestimated the strength of the main belts in his original 1958-1962 experiments... Belt A which is located closest to the Earth's surface and is at its strongest some 1000 miles above the Earth has a strength that varies between 100-500 RADS.... That alone would fry an astro-NOT within minutes... But the worse levels of radiation is actually in the outermost belt, called Belt B which has radiation intensity between 1000-12000 RADS.... Yes, we were led to believe that the astro-NOTS only spent less than an hour transversing these belts going to the moon AND returning to the Earth, but the evidence from the former Soviet Union's own tests show that such travel was impossible... French fried astro-NOTs indeed.....I also did a lot of research over the years in regards to the audio delay problem that is very apparent when you listen and watch the reactions and replies coming from the "astro-NOTS" that were supposedly standing on the lunar surface to questions and inquiries coming from Houston mission control on Earth.... People still do not understand the simple physics of communications and how they are limited in space to the speed of light... Light travels at 186200 miles or approximately 300000 kilometres per second in the vacuum of space.. .And the distance to the moon is still some 238000 miles away... That means that ONE WAY communication from Houston to the Moon would take 1.25 seconds for the astro-NOTS to receive on the lunar surface... And we cannot forget that the reply would take 1.25 seconds at least to reach Houston on Earth..... That means the minimum amount of time for a question and answer should be at LEAST 3 seconds between Houston and the Moon... But do we see that in ALL of the official Apollo record?  Hell no... In fact some diligent researchers have timed the Earth/Moon round time for question and answers and in many cases the time is less than a second....... THAT readers is impossible unless these 'Astro-NOTS" are not on the lunar surface at all... This alone blows the fraud away, and I am surprised to this day that people do not see this as the absolute proof of the fraud.....  Heck, I have had some come back to me over the years saying that the men on the moon replied to the questions BEFORE they were completed being sent by Houston, but I find that laughable.. What? The men on the moon were mind readers and knew the answers before they even got the questions?  Please do not make me laugh....Being a man of Physics and being an expert in heat and thermodynamics... I came to the conclusion a very long time ago that Apollo was a fraud simply due to the fact that the heat generated by the Astro-NOTS standing on the very hot lunar surface would have cooked them very shortly after they got out of the superheated LEM.... Here is a simple fact for those who need to be brought up to speed here:  Heat is dispersed by three methods; Convection, conduction, and radiation.... But the first two, convection and conduction, are only possible if a person is standing in an atmosphere where the heat can be "dumped" into that surrounding atmosphere... BUT there is NO atmosphere on the lunar surface, so the only method of dumping the intense heat off the "auto-NOTS" bodies would be by radiation.. And for radiation of heat to take place, the heat has to be absorbed by a "medium" of some sort before being dumped into the vacuum of space while these astro-NOTS were standing on the lunar surface.. The ONLY medium available within their suits would have had to been water, and yet we find NO videos of the astro-NOTs space suits spraying out hot water to relieve the high temperature stored within the suits.... That means that standing on that lunar surface in the +250F heat, the astro-NOTS would have quickly boiled in their own suits due to the lack of release of their own hot water supplies!..... Yes, I have for years wanted to see how NASA solved this key issue and there is still nothing to this day showing how they were able to dump that hot water within the suits into space!   One other issue that is rarely discussed is the simple fact that with the moon having no atmosphere it is constantly bombarded by high speed particles travelling much faster than even the fastest speeding bullets on Earth.... And yet in every single fraud Apollo mission on the lunar surface we find NO reports about these super high speed particles doing any damage to the LEM, the equipment on the lunar surface, or the astro-NOTS' space suits themselves... And lets face it, for a particle travelling at about 10-20 km/second (yes, many of those particles do travel this fast in space..) it would have gone through that thin skinned LEM like a knife through butter destroying the machine in an instant... And yet we are led to believe that NASA would have risked all of these "astro-NOTS" lives knowing full well that even one of these particles would have destroyed their missions and caused their deaths in an instant?  Give me a break....Yes, 49 years and counting, and NASA and their 'Engineers' still have not solved one iota of the long list of problems associated with travel beyond low Earth orbit.... And they still sell the horse shit that they did indeed break the bonds of Earth between 1968-1972, but have not bothered to go back since?  Yes, their excuses and the excuses of those out there that have had their minds turned to mush is that "Why bother to go back?  We did it already!".... But is that statement in itself a bunch of hogwash?  No nation has yet to venture beyond Earth orbit, and even the Russians knew better..... Yes, the Russians with their superior rocket technology and better space craft NEVER sent any of their cosmonauts beyond low Earth orbit, for they themselves admitted freely that they would not try until they were sure that their cosmonauts would survive such an adventure.... Does this mean that NASA was indeed reckless in risking men going to the moon and enduring the consequences of high dosage radiation exposure, overheating, or dying due to high speed particle bombardment?  I doubt that very much.....What has really pissed me off for the last few years is how the criminals in the US government and of course NASA has sent out their paid shills aka "flat earth believers" to try to fool gullible people into the false belief that believing in the fraud of Project Apollo makes you a believer in "flat earth"... And yes, sadly, so many fools out there have fallen for that twisted game... But a reality check here: Believing that NASA lied their asses off for decades does not mean that the world is suddenly flat.... That equation makes no sense and only the most stupid idiots out there are pushing that notion.... I for one have always asked some of those fools out there to answer me HOW knowing mankind did not and still is incapable of putting men on the moon means the world is 'flat'?   And in almost every case they have NO answers, other than to harp "NASA lies, and therefore the world is flat".... I have no time for such a ludicrous and ridiculous group of shills and they can take their flat earth nonsense and stick that laugher where the sun does not shine....The bottom line is this... Mankind has been hoodwinked for almost a 1/2 century with the lies of "Project Apollo" and the facts show that flight to the moon and back by Astro-NOTS was then and still is impossible.... We as fragile organisms that cannot absorb high doses of radiation are limited to travel to low Earth orbit and BELOW the intense radiation of both the Van Allen Belts as well as the radiation of interstellar space for the time being or until a way is found to assure survivability....  And now the US government is saying that they need not go 'back" to the moon and that their next goal is a manned mission to Mars?   It is bad enough that NASA has faked the probes landing on the red planet, but watch as they may soon try to fake a manned mission as well..... Honestly, I hope people understand now why I find this entire charade insulting to my own intelligence, as well as theirs....OK, enough of my ramblings about the fraud of Project Apollo.... I will close this rant with covering as much of what has been happening in our sick world with my usual closing "last minute tidbits" here......... I see the Jewish pricks in Israel are now hell bent on destroying Gaza once and for all.  Many have claimed that with Drumpf's meeting with Putin in Helsinki Finland earlier this last week, the psychos in Israel would use that as their convenient "smoke screen" for them to annihilate Gaza once and for all.  I hope people see what is going to happen as thousands are now needlessly murdered by these psychos while the world's Jew spew media looks the other way.........And yes, US Jew controlled President Drumpf may indeed have tried to seek some type of peace accord with Putin during his Helsinki meeting, but apparently that may have all fallen apart as the so called 'deep state' that firmly controls America wants nothing to do with "Peace" while still saber rattling for a full scale war against Russia.  Sadly, the majority of the American sheep out there still do not see how sick their nation has become..........Even MORE evidence comes out this last week showing how truly evil and psychotic Hillary "Killary" Clinton truly is and shows without a shadow of a doubt how she is a traitor to America.  And yet we find no official arrest made of this monster?  Yes, again this shows how far America has fallen when the gullible American public will not only keep that vile creature out of Jail, but is actually considering having her for the next US President as well!  I honestly do want to vomit here.........OK, I am astounded by the LACK of any new news coming out of Germany about the ongoing kangaroo court "trial" of both Monika and Alfred Schaefer on the ridiculous and ludicrous charges of "inciting hate" for questioning the most "holy" Jewish "Holocaust".  Yes, it is so sad that people are now being jailed for only QUESTIONING so called "history"!  I for one have thousands of hard questions about that supposed "genocide" but again being a Canadian and living in Jew controlled Canada, I too could be in jail for only asking questions!  Does anyone else have a problem with this? For I surely do.............The "trade war" between Canada and the US is now in full effect and I finally have read some reports that some businesses up here are feeling the pinch by these new "tariffs" imposed on their products.  It will probably take a few more months before we see the full effect of this insanity take effect, but higher prices for some US made products are definitely coming..........Is the war in Syria finally 'winding down' with the defeat of the so called 'rebels' in southwestern Syria?  NOT by a long shot, for there is still the contentious issue of the US bought and paid for "rebels" holed up in Idlib province as well as the US "base" at Al Tanf that the Syrians will have to eventually contend with.  And we cannot forget the US run "Kurds" operating in northeastern Syria as well.  This "war" is not over by a long shot, and I still worry that the criminals in the US/Israel/NATO scourge have a few tricks still up their sleeves...... And I just saw a report where a massive grave of some 1200 innocent men, women, and children, has been unearthed in the last few days near the US destroyed city of Al Raqqa in illegally US occupied Syria.  And of course the US is trying to deny that they had anything to do with these deaths, but seeing what they did to absolutely destroy Al Raqqa, I firmly believe that they either did this slaughter or allowed their Kurdish "allies" to do the genocide...........The Skripal "poisoning" has indeed now been fully exposed as a scam and was most probably done by the Brits themselves.  I still am waiting to see what the UK May government has to say about this debacle fully exposed, and whether the British people will continue with her antics......No new news coming out of Yemen, but the Saudis are still out there bombing and slaughtering civilians.  There is of course the issue of the mass genocide of the Yemen people to contend with, considering how the Saudis and their allies are still wanting to cut off the last humanitarian supply links to the civilians.  Yes, again, we can thank the US government for their support and shipment of weapons to the Saudis to enable them to do this genocide........I saw some reports over the last few months about how bad the homeless situation is in the city of San Francisco California, and especially how these homeless have made the streets of San Francisco into their toilet.  This is so sad, even for myself, considering how I used to love to visit San Francisco up until a decade ago when I began to see the city turn to hell with migrants and illegals everywhere.  And now the entire city is one big sanitation mess?  Yikes..........No new news coming out of the Fukushima disaster in Japan, other than the situation is still not contained to this day and the failed reactors are still spewing their radioactive mess into Japan and the Pacific Ocean.  This is a real crisis that our governments should have their focus on, rather than wars for Israel..........I saw a report where supposedly the insane PM of the psychotic state of Israel claims that he made US President Drumpf cancel the Iranian nuclear deal.  The reality is of course that since Drumpf is fully under control of these Jewish bastards, all they had to do was command him to back out of the deal, to which he would say "Yes, master" and comply instantly.............Well, I had to do a double take when I saw a report where apparently skank #2 in Kardashian looney land, Khloe, came out with a report where she states that she has been thinking about getting a nose job "every day".  And yes, this made "news" in America (!).   And people wonder why I state that America is going to hell in a hand basket when all American citizens care about is the daily bullshit coming out of these filth?  I rest my case...I will see you all in about a week.... I need a break and this vacation, starting tomorrow, has come at just the nick of time...More to comeNTS