The Kangaroo Court "Trial" Of Monika And Alfred Schaefer In Germany Continues: Video Summary Of What Has Happened (So Far)

* I have just had a most exhausting day doing major home renovations.... But I can finally see some light at the end of the tunnel as most of the major work is now done in terms of drywalling and repainting... Now comes the fun part of getting the new decor put into place..... I will be a bit 'late' once again tomorrow in getting my weekend "rant" out due to the need to get a bit of rest.... I want to thank my supporters and other readers for their patience with me!I have been keeping track of that insidious and most ridiculous kangaroo court "trial" of Monika and Alfred Schaefer and have been trying to get every update that comes my way up at this site for everyone to read.... It has however troubled me deeply over these last few days that there has been NO new news on the status of this farce.... I hope that everyone does understand that I am doing my best, and the moment something new comes my way, I will have it posted almost immediately..Meanwhile... I just came across the following video from the Vimeo online video site that gives a great summary for those who want to be brought up to speed about the status of this farcical "trial", and I do definitely want to present it here for everyone to see  for themselves.... Here is that video, and of course my own thoughts and comments to follow:The Inquisition of Alfred and Monika Schaefer - Part 1 from NS VIKING on Vimeo.NTS Notes: A pretty good summary for those who need to be 'caught up' on what has been happening in Germany in regards to this "inquisition" of both Monika and Alfred... And yes, it is an "inquisition"...I also searched "Youtube" or as I call it properly "Jew tube" for any videos concerning the truth about this farce, and there are none that I could find... But why am I not surprised?  Youtube aka "Jew tube" has been censoring the truth and instead giving people bullshit and ridiculous "videos" filled with nothing but lies and falsehoods for a very long time now..And again, this "trial" is definitely a "kangaroo court" fiasco where these two defendants, armed with the truth that should have them both freed in an instant, will be found "guilty" no matter what they present... For once again, in Germany and other nations that are now under the Jew yoke of enslavement: "Truth is no defence"....More to comeNTS