Question: why are British forces now operating inside Syria? Today we learned that US and British special forces have hit Syrian military targets in order to protect their “moderate rebel” training base near al-Tanf along the intersection of the Syrian-Iraqi border.
We also learned that the UK “had to write off” a £44 million C-130J Hercules aircraft used by the SAS after an “accident” in the desert along the Syrian border. Was it shot down?).
Without question, things are heating-up as the US-led coalition is desperate to preserve the last remaining jihadi enclaves and thwart Syria’s efforts to liberal all of its own territory.
Almasdar News reports via The Sunday Times…
BEIRUT, LEBANON (10:50 A.M.) – The British Royal Air Force bombed the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and their allies in southeast Syria last month, the Sunday Times reported this morning.
According to the Sunday Times report, A Royal Air Force Typhoon fighter jet dropped a 500 pound laser-guided bomb on the Syrian Armed Forces near the Syrian-Jordanian border last month
“As an act of collective self-defense, RAF Typhoons … dropped a single [bomb] on the position, which successfully removed the threat to our coalition partners,” Britain’s Ministry of Defense said in a statement, as quoted by the Sunday Times.
One Syrian Arab Army officer was killed as a result of the attack, the report added.
The British Ministry of Defense called the attack on the Syrian Armed Forces a “wholly proportionate response”, as they viewed it as a threat to their forces in southeast Syria.
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