Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahThursday marked the one year anniversary of the Mueller investigation. Señor Trumpanzee marked the anniversary with, you guessed it, a childish tweet wherein he once again referred to the investigation as a "Witch Hunt," in fact "the greatest Witch Hunt in American history." It figures that Trumpanzee would refer to his "Witch Hunt" as "the greatest." It's only a matter of time until he claims that this "Witch Hunt" has "the highest ratings of any previous 'Witch Hunt."In his tweet, Trumpanzee also once again, chanted his patented "No collusion. No collusion" personal mantra. Judging by the ever-increasing amount of indictments and guilty pleas, his mantra isn't working. Keep chanting you obese orange mini-handed freak. Maybe this time, America will burn the real witches. Yeah, I know. Fat chance of that. I do have a dream though. I have a dream that you will be judged by the content of your character.