The DCCC Should Only Fight Republicans And Stop Picking Losers In Primaries

Ashford lost the debate badly-- so the DCCC told him to stop debatingExcept for the inappropriate use of the word "moderates" to characterize reactionaries, I loved Wedneday's wrap up in the Washington Post by James Hohman of Tuesday's primary elections. Oh yeah and the word "far left" to describe actual moderates. But that's why the Beltway media does. "The far left is winning the Democratic civil war-- Tuesday was a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day for Democratic moderates."Hohman wrote that "the success of very liberal candidates in primaries across four states is causing a new bout of heartburn among party strategists in Washington, who worry about unelectable activists thwarting their drive for the House majority. But it also reflects a broader leftward lurch among Democrats across the country since President Trump took office." What makes the Beltway media call them "unelectable." Because DCCC conservative say they are? Does Hohman have some evidence? Of course not... because none exists.

In Nebraska, a liberal social worker and political neophyte who built her campaign around “Medicare for All” scored a shocking upset in a Democratic primary to take on Rep. Don Bacon (R). Kara Eastman, 45, beat former congressman Brad Ashford, 68, in an Omaha-area district that national Democrats believed they could pick up in November.Eastman advocated for universal background checks to buy guns, raising taxes and decriminalizing marijuana. “I’m tired of hearing Democrats don’t have a backbone, that we don’t stand for anything,” she said in a commercial that touted her support for universal health care. “That changes now!”Ashford had the full-throated support of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, which must now reevaluate whether to invest in the race.

That would have been a good time to mention that Ashford, a Blue Dog and "ex"-Republican had been kicked out of office by voters in 2016 at least in part because Democrats didn't show up to vote for him because he voted with Republicans so often. He wasn't a real Democrat by any stretch of the imagine other than the DCCC's. Kara is; that's why she won. In 2016 Bernie Sander's best Hillary Clinton in that district-- so why would the DCCC try to shove some significantly to the right of Hillary Clinton down their throats? All of Douglas County (Omaha) is in NE-02 and almost all the district's voters live there. In 2016, Bernie beat Hillary by 10 points

In Pennsylvania’s Lehigh Valley, where GOP Rep. Charlie Dent’s retirement created a winnable open seat for Democrats, early front-runner John Morganelli-- a district attorney who has been locally prominent for decades-- lost the primary to attorney Susan Wild, who ran at him from the left. Morganelli, who opposes abortion rights and “sanctuary cities,” was attacked relentlessly on the airwaves for speaking positively about Trump and tweeting that he was open to taking a job in the administration during the transition.In the Philadelphia suburbs, centrist Rachel Reddick-- a 33-year-old Navy veteran endorsed by Emily’s List-- lost the Democratic primary to take on Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R) after “proud progressive” Scott Wallace ran ads attacking her for being a registered Republican until 2016. Wallace, 66, is the grandson of Henry Wallace, who was Franklin Roosevelt’s vice president for a term and then ran against Harry Truman, who FDR dumped him for, from the far left in 1948. In a victory speech to supporters in Bucks County last night, Wallace declared: “Together, we can make America sane again.”Statewide, John Fetterman-- a small-town mayor with a bristly beard and tattoos on both of his arms-- toppled Pennsylvania’s incumbent lieutenant governor, Mike Stack, thanks in part to the strong endorsement of Bernie Sanders, who stumped across the state for him on Friday and Saturday. Fetterman campaigned on universal health care and legalizing marijuana.In the Pittsburgh area, two card-carrying members of the Democratic Socialists of America topped incumbent state representatives in Democratic primaries with 65 percent and 68 percent of the vote, respectively....In Idaho’s Democratic gubernatorial primary, Paulette Jordan defeated business owner and Boise school board member A.J. Balukoff, who had the backing of most of the state’s political establishment. Jordan, who has generated a lot of media coverage because she could become the first Native American governor in the country, built her campaign around protecting more public lands, as well as promising to expand Medicaid, relax marijuana laws, reduce incarceration and limit corporate tax loopholes. She garnered 58 percent of the vote.“The election saw historic numbers of Democrats cast votes,” Carissa Wolf reports from Boise. “Boise area precincts, home to the state’s largest Democratic base, ran out of ballots due to unexpected turnout that more than doubled the number of Democratic votes statewide. In the 2014 primary, about 25,000 Democrats had cast votes for governor; last night, more than 64,000 did.” Jordan is still the underdog in the general election.In the much bluer state of Oregon, liberals toppled an entrenched Democratic incumbent in the state Senate. Sen. Rod Monroe got crushed 62 percent to 25 percent by civil rights attorney Shemia Fagan. A Somali immigrant who works as a community organizer got another 13 percent of the vote. “Monroe, 75, a five-term senator, was vulnerable because the race centered on housing,” the Oregonian reports. “The owner of a 51-unit apartment complex in East Portland, Monroe alienated tenant advocates and fellow Democrats last year when he opposed a bill that would have restricted evictions and allowed some rent controls. Monroe spent heavily to defend his seat, raising nearly $385,000-- much of it from the real estate industry-- and spent most of it. A group largely funded by the real estate industry also raised more than $360,000.” But a spending advantage was not enough to save him.In a state House primary, the establishment favorite-- a county commissioner who was endorsed by the retiring representative-- lost to a child welfare worker after he said the state of Oregon should consider requiring employees to contribute into the public pension fund. The stakes are high because Democrats can achieve three-fifths supermajorities with just one additional seat in both the House and the Senate, which would let them raise taxes with no Republican votes.Democratic enthusiasm was on display across the country: They cast about 100,000 more ballots than Republicans in Pennsylvania. In northwest Pennsylvania’s Erie County, a lynchpin of Trump’s narrow 2016 victory in the state, 5,000 more Democrats voted than Republicans. In the race for Dent’s open seat in the Lehigh Valley, there were about 42,000 votes in the Democratic primary and 29,000 in the also competitive Republican contest....Last night also offered several fresh data points that 2018 will be another Year of the Woman. All 20 of Pennsylvania’s House members are male. That’s been the case since the 2014 midterms. Before then, there was only one woman. But times are changing.Two years after the state rejected Hillary Clinton, three Democratic women are now all but assured to represent Pennsylvania in Congress next year. “The retirement of Rep. Ryan Costello (R), the resignation of Rep. Patrick Meehan (R) and a revised map ordered by the state Supreme Court have led the GOP to effectively cede two House districts in the Philadelphia area,” Sean Sullivan, Elise Viebeck and David Weigel report. “Democrats Chrissy Houlahan, Mary Gay Scanlon and Madeleine Dean were nominated in districts that Democrats are favored to win in November... All told, Democrats nominated seven women for the House in Pennsylvania. Republicans nominated one.”If Democrats are going to retake the House, Pennsylvania will be the keystone. It’s realistic that Democrats could pick up as many as a half-dozen seats of the 24 they need there. Most of those new members would be female.Another important takeaway: It’s truly a terrible time to be a House Republican seeking a promotion.Idaho Rep. Raúl R. Labrador will soon be out of a job after losing the Republican gubernatorial primary to Brad Little, the lieutenant governor. Labrador is no establishment squish: He was a founding member of the hard-right House Freedom Caucus. But Little had the support of outgoing Gov. Butch Otter, and a third candidate had Mitt Romney’s endorsement.Labrador joins four House Republicans who lost primaries last week: North Carolina Rep. Robert Pittenger went down in his quest for reelection, while Indiana Reps. Todd Rokita and Luke Messer and West Virginia Rep. Evan Jenkins lost Senate primaries.

The most important question to be asking is why the DCCC keeps interfering in primaries when their candidates often lose, at least in part because Democratic votes hate the DCCC and their interference. In Texas they-- and their allies-- heavily backed slick establishment creep Jay Hulings, who spent  $554,903 while dedicated Berniecrat Rick Treviño spent around $20,000. Treviño came in second and proceeds to the May 22 runoff. Hulings spent the most and came in 4th. Crappy DCCC candidates keep losing. But the committee refuses to look at the evidence that Democratic grassroots voters don't want them picking corrupt conservatives as nominees. The DCCC is interfering, very heavily, in CO-06, CA-39, NY-24 and AZ-02 and that interference appears to be losing the races for their crap conservative candidates.Politico noted the Lehigh Valley race in Pennsylvania, where the pro-Trump, anti-Choice establishment shit head lost. Politico refers to his crazy views as "moderate," of course, because that's what Politico with their laughable Beltway perspective is all about. What makes someone who is anti-Choice "moderate?" Where does that come from? Are Trump supporters in the Democratic Party "moderate?" That's just really bad journalism. Don't they have editors there?

Moderate Democrats got a rude awakening on Tuesday night. Aside from Ashford in Nebraska, Northampton District Attorney John Morganelli, another centrist who drew a challenge from the left, lost.In Pennsylvania’s Lehigh Valley, Morganelli’s moderate views on immigration and abortion once appealed to the blue-collar, ancestrally Democratic district. But national groups, like EMILY’s List and NextGen America, attacked Morganelli for tweeting positively at Trump, and those negative ads took a toll. Morganelli acknowledged to Politico before Tuesday that the primary electorate is more liberal than he is, and those primary voters sent a message."That’s where the momentum is,” said Greg Edwards, who lost the primary to Morganelli and winner Susan Wild, ahead of Tuesday’s results. “If you try and run a Republican-lite or a Democrat-lite candidate, it suppresses the Democratic vote.”Another moderate candidate in Pennsylvania, Rachel Reddick, also lost to “proud progressive” Scott Wallace. The self-funding millionaire drenched the airwaves with TV ads that attacked Reddick for recently being a registered Republican.