Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahI suppose that the the mystery of why the world is being inflicted with the presence of Señor Trumpanzee could be explained by his escaping from a cage in a UFO. Was he being carted away by aliens attempting a benevolent act on humanity's behalf? Or, is he an alien himself? If it is the later, there's a special irony in the fact that over 60 million fools who get real uncomfortable, if not angry, when they encounter a name that's "different" or "funny," voted for an alien; illegal or not.Who knows the truth here? The Smoking Man? Fox Mulder? Good cartoonists have a talent for lifting veils and getting right to the core of our reality. This particular cartoon could explain a lot: Kellyanne Conway? Jeanine Pirro? Rudy? Are they all aliens or just creatures that escaped the net as the folks who crashed at Roswell attempted to improve humanity's chances? Next time you see a picture of Mitch McConnell, Sarah Huckabee Sanders, or Don Jr., take a real good look. I'm in no way disparaging any creature, human or not, for its physical appearance, but, man, when I see some of these people drift across my TV screen, I see alien shapeshifters that can barely keep their disguises together.
