NGOs smuggle migrants into Europe

‘Volunteers’ for two ‘humanitarian’ NGOs were arrested in January and tried for trafficking migrants into Greece, receiving the defense and backing of the Interior Minister of the Autonomous Region of Andalusia, and legislative members of Greece’s SYRIZA.
The ‘Team Humanity‘ NGO exists for the purpose of helping migrants cross the Aegean Sea from Turkey into Greece, which is peddled as a humanitarian effort, but has real demographic and political implications for the nations that end up receiving the migrants.
With the members of the NGO reaching an acquittal, receiving the defense backing of two different European governments, it appears that, as members of an NGO committed to the EU’s migrants policy, they simply are untouchable.
Greek Reporter reports:

A criminal court on the Greek island of Lesvos has acquitted five foreign NGO workers who faced charges of trying to bring migrants into the country illegally
Three Spanish firemen, members of the NGO Proem-Aid, and two Danes, members of the NGO Team Humanity, were first arrested by port authority staff on Jan. 14, 2016 at sea between Greece and Turkey as they were trying to help boats with migrants and refugees.
The lead prosecutor had proposed they be found guilty, but the court ruled that the five had not committed the crimes charged and it ordered they be allowed to leave the country, and have all guarantee deposits returned to them.
Their trial attracted the interest of European media and was attended by observers from every Spanish party, while the interior minister of the autonomous region of Andalusia testified as witness in their defense.
Testimonies in their defense were also heard from Lesvos SYRIZA lawmaker Giorgos Pallis, an NGO captain of a rescue vessel plus an independent volunteer.
Supporters broke into applause after the ruling.
Earlier in the day, Amnesty International had issued a scathing condemnation of the case.
In a letter, campaign head Maria Serano had said the three Spanish firemen were on Lesvos to put their skills to use and save children, women and men from drowning. The NGOs’ efforts to save lives at sea should be praised and supported, she added.

As if Europe doesn’t already have enough migrants from troubled regions in Africa and the Middle East, these NGOs are trafficking in even more. They say their purpose is to save lives, but these migrants have already fled the troubled regions from which they originated. They went to Turkey. That they need to go to Europe to not receive Western humanitarian bombs isn’t necessarily the case, it’s that the intention is to alter the demographic constitution of Europe. Is it really all that suspicious?
Well, if we consider the facts, this is supposed to just be a couple of coast guard like volunteers out there saving some lives. So, why are they taking those lives specifically into Greece, and not back to Turkey, or north Africa, etc? Why are they acquitted of what is a serious crime while they were busted with their hands in the cookie jar? Why are other NGOs coming out of the woodwork in their defense, even criticizing the fact that the case even went to trial? Why are upper level government officials turning up in their defense? If the job is so harmless, why would they need this?
Here, we have some NGOs who smuggle people getting the support of Soros-funded Amnesty International, which lobbies for abortion rights and rights for sex workers, getting government backing and being acquitted of a crime against the sovereignty of Greece.
The post NGOs smuggle migrants into Europe appeared first on The Duran.
