What happens when NSA has kids with The Singularity?

JACOB APPELBAUM: [TOR developer & journalist] … it’s not merely a matter of whether or not we have something to hide, because it is not us that will decide whether we have something to hide. It is an analyst somewhere. It is a machine learning algorithm somewhere. … And this is the thing that is perhaps the most terrifying: Because people are flagged, then other people are dispatched. Each person plays their role, and more and more a machine plays that role, a machine that does not understand constitutional protections, does not understand the Magna Carta or the Bill of Rights, does not understand humanity. It’s a machine. And the humans, they behave like machines, too, which is a great fear, that humans will start to behave like machines.  –UK Media Crackdown: Greenwald’s Partner Detained, Guardian Forced to Destroy Snowden Files | Democracy Now!

The Singularity? UNCOMMON SENSE: The Singularity is here — and this guy is an under-achiever – - –
