Canada's Criminal Government Backs Israeli Terrorism In Syria!

I have long said that this government in Ottawa is not my own, and absolutely does not listen to the Canadian people at all... Instead, it bends over and constantly grovels to the will of Jewish interests, and will do anything to please both their Jewish masters, and the wants and wishes of the criminal and diabolical state of Israel....It is so sad to watch these sick freaks do anything to support the Jewish state, above the needs of their own nation!I came across a very important video that absolutely stunned me... It is a must see by everyone, and is entitled: "Harper Government Supports Israel's Terrorism In Syria", and after watching it, I truly was sickened to think of myself as a Canadian.... Here is that important video for everyone to see, and I do have my own thoughts and comments to follow: NTS Notes:  Today, I am truly sick to call myself a Canadian...This great nation that once prided itself on being a true nation of peace and the real shining light that  other nations would love to emulate, is now nothing more than a satellite nation to that evil entity in the Middle East...We know now that Israel is attacking Syria on totally false pretext, and is wanting to have Syria retaliate just so it can get its puppet nations in both the US and CANADA to come to its aid and do the fighting and dying for them....This is a wake up call for all Canadians again that the Harper regime is an evil twisted criminal group that bows to Jewish interests ONLY..... Please take this video, my fellow Canadians, and get the word out to everyone about how our government is indeed on the wrong side in this war on the innocent nation of Syria..More to comeNTS