Midnight Meme Of The Day!

by NoahTonight's meme is a a nice graphic that amounts to a scorecard. Scorecards are very useful reference tools for anyone who wants to follow the "game." This graphic is as straightforward as can be. It's simply a record of the people who have reportedly been interviewed by Robert Mueller.I note that, compared to most of the other names here, we don't hear much about Reince Priebus in all of this. Will we be hearing more in the future? What is most interesting about Reince is that, before he took his White House Chief of Staff gig, he had been Chairman of the Republican National Committee. Are we supposed to believe that he had no beforehand knowledge of Russia working to elect his boss? Really? And, what about the people he undoubtedly spoke with at the Republican Convention and during the 2016 campaign? McConnell? Ryan? David Nunes? Trey Gowdy? FOX "News?" Steve Bannon's Breitbart? Other Republican Party leaders and key congresspersons and senators? They certainly have been doing their best to aid the White House coverup and intimidation efforts. What did they know and when did they know it?I also have to ask, just how did the Russian bots get such precise targeting information for their efforts on behalf of Trump; right down to precise voter precinct information? That's the kind of stuff party committees assemble for campaign targeting. Let's just say, enquiring minds want to know, or, at least, they should want to know. I know I do.