Florida High School Shooting False Flag: David Hogg, A 25 YEAR OLD Crisis Actor, By Way Of Deception - Thou Shalt Wage War Against America

Yes, it is time once again for another update on the Florida fake and phoney "mass shooting" that took place on Valentine's Day at that High School in Parkland, Florida.... I stated that I would put up new articles and new information when some bombshell reports come my way, and this one is absolutely one that blows this entire fraud apart...When I first heard about the "mass shooting" at that High School in Florida, I of course being the ultimate pessimist and radical thinker thought that there was more than meets the eye here.... And as I said before, I definitely smelled a rat.... AND when the Jew spew media started using this "David Hogg" character  as their main selling point to disarm Americans, I definitely knew something stunk to high heaven.... And thankfully some other real truth seekers were also all over this fraud from the beginning and I want to personally thank them for their own efforts in exposing this fake....One real truth seeker, Greg Bacon, who of course writes the most excellent blog "Goon Squad" at www.careandwashingofthebrain.blogspot.com, has just released a most interesting article that blows so many holes in the official report and exposes that fake, David Hogg, that I knew that his report belonged here as well for my own readers to view and spread to others.... Therefore, I do want to present the LINK to Greg's report right here, entitled "David Hogg, A 25 YO Crisis Actor, By Way Of Deception..Thou Shalt Wage War Against America", for all to see for themselves... I have my own thoughts and comments to follow:http://careandwashingofthebrain.blogspot.ca/2018/03/david-hogg-25-yo-crisis-actor-by-way-of.htmlNTS Notes:  It must be noted that "Instagram", like "Twitter", "Facebook", and of course "Youtube" are ALL controlled by criminal Jewish interests and they will definitely be removing ANYTHING that blows the Parkland school fraud apart... Therefore I would request that everyone make as many copies of that video as they can and spread it around before the criminals have it removed...Greg has done his due diligence with this fabulous report that definitely shows the criminal Jewish part in all of this scam.... I always knew that when you dig deep enough into every single one of these fake "mass shootings" you will find a criminal Jew and the entire sick tribe of freaks somewhere near or at the bottom....Yes, here we have this "David Hogg" who does NOT even look like a "high school student" at all in spite of all of the make up artists and other criminals vainly trying to make him look the part...When in actuality he very much looks 25 years of age..... He was most definitely living in California and was "parachuted" into this fraud shooting to be the lead spokesperson for the Jewish plot for the removal of firearms from the American citizens....Greg also brings forward some interesting aspects about this operation, which he has dubbed "Operation Parkland" that even I did not know about... And it does show how truly sinister the entire "tribe" is all about and how they indeed have their fingers all over this operation.... And here we have the Israeli Mossad definitely involved which to me now makes perfect sense....AND I have indeed known about these criminal "shadow banks" that very much control the finances of the planet and are run of course by the psychotic and criminal Jewish Rothschild empire... But I did not even know about this "Blackrock Inc" until now... Yes, this has been a learning curve at times even for myself...Again, the more you dig into this mess the more you smell a Jew rat.... And of course now we see the evidence to back up that as fact...More to comeNTS