Florida High School False Flag Shooting: More Updates On That Fraud

I go MIA for a few days, and there have been more revealing updates and bombshell reports that have come out that blows the fraud shooting in Parkland, Florida to heck...... I figure I have some major catching up to do, and there is no time like the present to start...To help get everyone up to speed (including myself) about what has been happening in Parkland since the criminals did indeed pull of that Psy-ops, I want to turn of course to Jim Stone's website at www.jimstone.is, where Jim has not only been keeping up on the fraud, but presents some very startling information on the "shooting" and about the fraud David Hogg, that even some of the best investigators into this fraud may have missed... Here in fact is Jim's latest update here:I AM NOT BACKING DOWN ON MY TAKE ON THE SCHOOL SHOOTING AT ALL.CRUZ DID NOT PURCHASE ANY GUN, THE ENTIRE MSM STORY FROM TOP TO BOTTOM IS A DEEP STATE LIE.

HERE IS WHAT IS SET IN STONE:1. Numerous eyewitness videos prove Cruz had nothing to do with the shooting at all.  If anyone in "alt media" does an expose on the background of Cruz, and how the "FBI failed" because they "let it happen", take that truther and trash that truther, they can't investigate a shopping bag from Piggly Wiggly, let alone a story like this. Anyone saying Cruz did this is not worth a single lick on a salt block in a cattle yard.2. The shooting did not happen, and there is perfect proof of this. If any truther is investigating this shooting as if it was anything but a hoax, they are off the deep end. It seems like lots of alt media is chasing absolute falsehood with this, to somehow drive home the "reality" that assault weapons were actually used to kill people. I have cold hard proof no assault weapons killed anyone, it is in this photo:FACT: IF THAT PHOTO WAS USED AS PROOF A SHOOTING HAPPENED, THERE WAS NO SHOOTING BECAUSE BULLET HOLES WON'T BE WHITE ON A COMPUTER SCREEN. HOW COULD THEY POSSIBLY BE WHITE WHEN IT IS SUPPOSED TO BE A HOLE, WITH NOTHING THERE AT ALL? FOR THE HOLE TO BE WHITE, THE SCREEN HAS TO WORK IN THAT SPOT!3. The shooting was a drill that was marketed as a real event, and it was staged by police officers. This next video proves police officers staged this:In the above video a teacher talks about how the shooter "used full police tactical gear". Yet our patsy was seen walking through the school with no gear, no gun, nothing at all while the shooting "happened"This next video proves that even Hogg said it was a drill staged by the police.This next video proves Cruz had no gun and no tactical gear yet the teacher (above) says the shooter was wearing tactical gear while shooting. That means CRUZ DID NOT DO THE SHOOTING.So when you see I am "missing all the details on Cruz" realize I am not, SORRY, I DONT POST BULLSHIT. Cruz did not do this shooting. That means the FBI did not miss anything, THAT CRUZ DID NOT PURCHASE AN AR-15, and that this entire thing is a fraud. 

A message to others in alt media: Stop posting bullshit just to get a story. When you treat this shooting as real, you give the police state, which is using totally staged events that never happened at all, the power to influence the public and get away with a lie. Quite frankly I am sick of it, if you can't understand holes in a computer screen should not be white, or a teacher thinking it was the police when it was happening, or students saying it was a drill, or a girl saying Cruz had no gun or gear while the event was being staged, if you can't put that all together and conclude CRUZ HAD NO GUN AT ALL, or that NO POLICE STAYED OUTSIDE ON ORDERS, or that SWAT WAS NEVER CALLED, IT IS ALL A HOAX, you probably suck bad enough to have adsense.If you have been reporting that sh*t as real, clean up your mess and GO TO BED.

OK, A great summary by Jim of what we have so far... And in fact Jim followed up that report with the following quip that includes a new video of our favourite "Crisis Actor", that 19-20 year old (at least) California graduate that has hired to be the main crisis actor for this fraud, David Hogg, absolutely being coached and being told to hold off on "cursing" by the camera crews... Here is that article and pay attention to the video attached:ANOTHER HOGG VIDEO

Someone at CNN is not playing ball!

The deep state must be freaking out with these leaks!Here is another video where Hogg is caught rehearsing his lines for CNN. The cameraman whispers: No cursing!NO CURSING!!!Now everyone should know by now that this "David Hogg" is absolutely as phoney as a $3 bill.... This clown in fact had the nerve to first challenge Alex Jones to a showdown over at "Infowars" but Hogg subsequently declined to appear on the show with Jones...OK, I have my differences with Mr. Jones, for I know he is a clown and a "gate keeper" that will never ever call out the real criminal Jews by name, but Jones would have definitely wiped the floor with this clown within minutes on his show... That also should have raised more red flags with everyone and caused them to say in regards to the legitimacy of this entire "shooting" "Hmmm...."And I found one more update via Jim's site, where an astute reader sent in the following that spells it out as to WHY the criminals are indeed pulling off these frauds with ever increasing frequency:DING DING DING DING DING!!! NAILED IT!You know, Jim, so much is fake now that what I believe is happening is that a group of 'actors' approached the authorities and said "we can make the 2nd-Amendment go away if you let us stage countless events month after month until the public cracks and lets you change the laws. Just give us carte-blanche to stage these events and ensure that neither us or the media will ever face prosecution for lying to the public". Well the government changed the law to allow themselves and the media to be used for propaganda purposes and these kinds of events went into full swing. I'm unsure as to whether or not the kid on trial for this crime is even on trial. It would not surprise me if the whole courtroom saga playing out on TV is just a fictional, staged event. No real trial, no real prosecution, just a fictional script played into the public arena as if it is really happening. I used to wonder why any of these events would be faked since the monsters that are behind such things have no troubleJim - here's a video where the turd says its 9:32 am https://gopreload.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/David-Hogg-Interviewin… response I found that and had the original and missed the importance in the original. All I can say is this is real. The entire thing was fake as aspartame.I would say this comment nails it... These criminals are indeed doing these actions with ever increasing frequency and will continue to do so unless the American people wake the fuck up and put an end to their actions..Lets face it, for the criminals behind this fraud shooting have been exposed and everyone with two brain cells to rub together can see the fraud and how badly the fraud artists are now trying to prevent the real truth from reaching even the most brain dead Americans...To me, it is also so insulting to see all of the so called "shows" and "sporting events" that I have watched over "Talmudvision" over these last few days while I let my nose heal, continue to promote and push for "gun control" and to "support the victims of this mass shooting"...  How truly gullible are the American people that they continue to fall for this crap?This "mass shooting" in Florida is now officially dead in the water and has been fully exposed as a fraud.... It is just too bad that truly stupid people are still so easily brainwashed that they fall so quickly for this garbage.... And yes, those are the ones that are indeed going to allow the criminals to get away with their "gun control" legislation and strip them of their last line of defence against criminals.....More to comeNTS