Canadian Criminal Prime Minister Made A Mockery Of Himself In India: The Diplomatic Trip From Hell

During my short absence, I received an email from a great fellow real Canadian truth seeker, Greencrow, who of course hails from the mysterious wilds of central British Columbia, and writes the blog "Greencrow As The Crow Flies" at Greencrow, who I usually call "Crow" for short, asked me to look into the disastrous trip abroad that the Canadian criminal Prime Minister, Justin (Trust In Jew Dough) Trudeau (Greencrow calls him "Le Dauphin") made to India to try to build "relationships" as well as to generate business for Canada... Needless to say, Trudeau was an unmitigated disaster while he tromped around India for the last few weeks... He in fact made himself a laughing stock and probably did more damage than any good for Canada as a whole in its relationship with India....Greencrow did ask me to take a look at her material that she has done over at her website concerning the failures of "Le Dauphin" on his journey through India, and I would like everyone to take a look at her findings and her writings on what that fool did in his trip abroad... And I want to present at least one of her best articles covering that idiot right here at this blog...Right now, I want to present Greencrow's latest article on the failings of our idiot Prime Minister here... This article is entitled: "The Diplomatic Trip From Hell" and it really sums up nicely how badly Justin now looks in the eyes of the Indian government... Here is that article, and I have my own thoughts and comments to follow:

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

The Diplomatic Trip from Hell

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau stands during question period in theHouse of Commons on Parliament Hill in Ottawaon Tuesday, Feb. 27, 2018. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Sean KilpatrickTrudeau says official's suggestion that Indian factions sabotaged his trip is 'true'The fallout from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's catastrophic diplomatic junket to India continues to grow and spread exponentially.  Rather than do an update to my previous post of today I will do a new one, as this is absolutely astounding.  Please read the following from the National Post and I will have more comments to follow:***********************Mike Blanchfield, The Canadian PressPublished Tuesday, February 27, 2018 3:25PM EST Last Updated Tuesday, February 27, 2018 4:04PM EST OTTAWA -- Justin Trudeau is standing by a senior government official who suggested factions within the Indian government were involved in sabotaging the prime minister's visit to India last week.During his first question period since arriving back in Canada, opposition MPs grilled the prime minister Tuesday about invitations issued to Jaspal Atwal -- a B.C. Sikh convicted of attempting to assassinate an Indian cabinet minister in 1986 -- to attend two events with the prime minister in India.In a background briefing arranged by the Prime Minister's Office, a government official last week suggested that Atwal's presence was arranged by factions within the Indian government who want to prevent Prime Minister Narendra Modi from getting too cosy with a foreign government they believe is not committed to a united India.Conservatives identified the official as Trudeau's national security adviser, Daniel Jean, and they pressed Trudeau to say whether he agrees with Jean's "conspiracy theory.""A senior security official made these allegations. Does the prime minister agree or disavow those allegations?" asked Opposition Leader Andrew Scheer.Trudeau defended the official as a member of the professional, non-partisan public service which provides quality advice.He accused the previous Conservative government of using the public service for partisan ends, saying "they torqued the public service every possible way they could."And they do not understand that our professional, non-partisan public service does high quality work. And when one of our top diplomats and security officials says something to Canadians, it's because they know it to be true."Conservative MPs pressed Trudeau to provide evidence to back the assertion, but it was left to Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale to field those questions."Before our prime minister destroys our relationship with our ally, the government and country of India, will he please tell this house what proof he has of that allegation?" asked Tory MP Candice Bergen.Goodale said Bergen was providing "her interpretation of events" and said "her insinuations and her accusations are false."Atwal was convicted of attempting to kill Indian cabinet minister Malkiat Singh Sidhu on Vancouver Island in 1986.He was also charged, but not convicted, in connection with a 1985 attack on Ujjal Dosanjh, a staunch opponent of the Sikh separatist movement, who later became B.C. premier and a federal Liberal cabinet minister.Trudeau's office says Atwal's invitation to a party in New Delhi was revoked as soon as his name was discovered on the guest list. However, Atwal showed up at a reception earlier in the week in Mumbai and was photographed with Sophie Gregoire Trudeau, the prime minister's wife.British Columbia MP Randeep Sarai, one of several Liberal MPs in India with Trudeau, has taken responsibility for inviting Atwal and acknowledged he should have used better judgment.Trudeau said he planned to meet with Sarai later on Tuesday.***********************Greencrow comments:  The above report about what went down in the House of Commons today begs the question:  "Why did Trudeau bother to go to India at all...if he has such a low opinion of the Indian government?  Or, was his mission to India the same as he suspects that the Indian government's motivation do harm to the relationship between the two countries?  What went down in Parliament today is so shocking that I'm sure Trudeau's father, Pierre, is rolling in his grave.  The Liberal party...or, more obviously, their backers and handlers...don't give a fig about Canada's relationship with India.  To them, Canada is just an expendable be used in their never-ending pursuit of global hegemony...or, failing that...planetary nuclear Armageddon!Map of HegemonyUS geographical combatant commands / Wikipedia At least Canadians found reported elsewhere...that the mysterious "government official' on the speaker phone who made the allegation against India was someone by the name of Daniel Jean...unfortunately not Chrystia Freeland as I had suspected/hoped.  But that, in itself begs the question...where was the Minister of Foreign Affairs during the time in question?  Did she participate in the planning/roll out of the diplomatic catastrophe/political fiasco?  Is she being protected by Jean?  Who knows anymore.It doesn't matter what you do or say anymore, Justin.  It doesn't matter how dark your traditional business suit're finished!  Canadians will never trust you anymore after this.  But, don't worry. In today's era of rule by kleptoterrorocracy...where politicians don't owe the citizens anything....and the main$tream media is in the perp's pockets...nothing will happen.  It will continue to be bidness as usual.Posted by greencrow at 5:27 PMNTS Notes: I first heard about this "Jaspal Atwal" myself about two weeks ago when the local Jew spew media covered it... But of course those liars did not tell the real truth about how damaging it was in terms of Canada-India relationships, and the Prime Minister's own caucus and his "official media" spokespersons worked their magic to cover up Justin's horrific gaff...... I too wonder WHY Justin went off to India in the first place?  I gave up trying to figure out this clown a while back and I wonder if this was all part of some type of game to keep him overseas while the government went about its business doing things at home without his presence....Justin Trudeau did make a mockery of Canada and has indeed given Canada a huge black eye.... And now he is back home causing headaches to everyone in Canada thanks to his stupid "carbon tax" legislation that the Canadian people have gullibly signed on to, as well as just yesterday pushing through a disastrous Federal "Budget" that will perpetuate Canada's enslavement to Jewish criminal bankers for the foreseeable future....Canada, We are truly fucked as long as we have this ass clown in charge....More to comeNTS