The Syrian War To Free Itself From The Evil US/Israel/NATO Scourge: Updates On Situation, And The US Is STILL Wanting Assad Overthrown!

OK, OK.... ENOUGH of the false flag mass shooting psy-ops in Florida (at least for the moment.).... I have seen enough of this "David Hogg" fraud crisis actor already that should have EVERYONE understanding once and for all that it was indeed a massive psy-ops for the criminals to enact their "gun control" on the gullible American sheep... Honestly if people do NOT get it by now, then there is no hope for America..I have overlooked the continuing and ever changing situation in Syria thanks to being "diverted" by that "shooting" and I figure it was time to finally get back to catching up on the situation there... And yes, the situation is indeed becoming even more dangerous by the moment...I am glad that at least ONE other real truth seeker, Penny, who of course writes the excellent blog "Penny For Your Thoughts" at, has been keeping up on the fight in Syria for the freedom of the Syrian people from tyranny on a daily basis... Her reports are excellent, and they do indeed cover so many facts that uncover the truths that we are all not being told...And right now, I want to present the links to a few of Penny's most recent reports here..   This first one came out a few days ago, and was written by Penny after there were multiple reports coming over the Jew spew media as well as the alternative real news where apparently the US backed "Kurdish" fighters that have now been fighting a life or death battle against the Turkish army in the northern Syrian area around the town of Afrin have been crying out the the Syrian government forces to "intervene" on their behalf to halt the Turkish advances...  This one asks the hard question whether these "Kurds" are actually setting up the SAA and other Syrian forces for a possible 'false flag' that may be used by the US as their excuse to finally intervene directly in Syria itself and attack the Syrian government forces... Here is that link:,  I too was wondering what in the heck was going on here with these "alleged" Syrian "loyalists" to come to the "aid" of these "Kurds" is indeed a set up, and whether this was indeed a trap being set for the Syrian government itself....And Penny followed up that report with this interesting one that I have the link to here, where all of the "media" reports about the SAA 'deploying' at Afrin was indeed false: raises the interesting question as to whether or not the SAA and the Syrian government just averted a full blown confrontation with BOTH Turkey and of course the criminal US/Israel by not committing forces to Afrin... But I too do wonder WHO's forces we did see in all the "news reports" claimed were allegedly moving towards Afrin? .... I smell a rat here...I of course did see a trap being set up, and I did put a comment at that article where I stated my own thoughts...  Here is my comment:OK, Here is the twisted scenario I see happening here.  This is a set up to get the SAA "assisting" the Kurdish forces to give the US/Israel/NATO most evil cabal their excuse to come to the "aid" of Turkey to fight Syria... The bait and the trap may be set, and hopefully Assad does not fall for the trap.I hope that I am wrong, but this smells like a trap!I for one am glad that the Syrian government did not bite... For I see the rats in the US/Israel/NATO cabal looking for ANYTHING now just to get the overthrow of the Syrian government that they have wanted all along.....The situation in northern Syria remains very fluid, especially with the Turkish army advances in Afrin still ongoing...Meanwhile, the SAA and their Arabic and Russian allies have turned away from their advances in Idlib to finally clean up some of the "pockets" of US bought and paid for "terrorists" further south.  And one of the biggest eye sores that has to be destroyed is that pocket in "East Ghouta" which is an eastern suburb of the capital city of Damascus.... And apparently according to the following link from the Southfront website at, the SAA has deployed their armoured forces along with the vaunted "Tiger Force" around East Ghouta to FINALLY destroy that pocket... Here is that link:, I can see the SAA begin their advances into East Ghouta as soon as tomorrow... It is no wonder we see all of the Jew spew media reports coming out now decrying all of the "victims" that are being allegedly "killed" by Russian and Syrian air strikes... I have seen a few of these Jew spew media reports and the liars in that media cesspool are of course claiming that the Russians and Syrians are killing civilians.. BUT of course these liars miss the fact that the US backed "rebels" and other "terrorist" groups have been killing Syrian civilians by the thousands for over 6 years now!  But hey, it is of course propaganda from those bullshit artists to once again try to vilify the Syrian government of course...I also found the following report from the liars over at the "New York Times" website, where apparently the Drumpf administration is now stating that the US forces are to "stay in Syria" in spite of having NO legal authorization from Congress and the US public to be there!  Here is the link to that article here:, After reading this piece of pure  bullshit propaganda and filth from the Jew run NY Times, I honestly have to call these bastards a bunch of liars....  The authors of that drivel are still trying to sell the lie that the US's (illegal) commitment in Syria is to fight "terrorism", when more and more people with any common sense and critical thinking can now see the obvious that the US forces are absolutely there for nothing more than the overthrow of Assad himself....    I for one am sick of the US and their lies in regards to Syria... They are there to break up Syria and to absolutely see their "regime change" take place, and are absolutely there without any legal rights and are in fact illegal invaders of a sovereign nation.....There is so much happening in Syria, and I will continue with my reports at this blog... It is important for people to get the truth and not the bullshit that they are being spoon fed by the liars in the Jew spew media.... So stay tuned...More to comeNTS