FISA memo forces Deputy FBI Director to leave agency immediately (Video)

According to Fox News FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was reportedly forced to step down before his announced “retirement” scheduled for March. 
Fox News reports that McCabe was “removed” from his post as deputy director, “leaving the bureau after months of conflict-of-interest complaints from Republicans including President Trump.”
McCabe is mentioned in the soon-to-be-released FISA memo and he is the subject of a DOJ investigation, which have lead to speculation that the soon to be released FISA memo forced McCabe out?
One day after FBI Director Christopher Wray read the FISA memo, McCabe was quickly shown the door. Coincidence?
Tucker Carlson explores whether the “shocking” FISA memo did indeed force the FBI’s hand in “forcing out” McCabe…

‘The Ingraham Angle’ dissects McCabe’s abrupt departure from the FBI…an agency that has now been corrupted to the core by Obama, Hillary, and “Dirty Cop” James Comey.

Via Zerohedge

In a move that was widely expected (although not for another month or so), Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe is stepping down effective Monday, NBC reported.
McCabe, who briefly served as acting director last year after Trump fired Comey, first let it slip to the Washington Post late last year that he would be retiring in the coming months as Congressional Republicans targeted him for criticism surrounding his pro-Clinton bias (McCabe’s wife even secured campaign funding from Clinton ally Terry McAuliffe, something he initially failed to disclose).
Around the time of the reports of his impending retirement, McCabe had spent several marathon sessions answering questions from Congressional committees behind closed doors.
It was expected that McCabe would hang on until early March, when he would become eligible for his full pension. It’s unclear why he’s choosing to step down early.
McCabe’s accelerated resignation may a sign that Trump appointee Christopher Wray – who succeeded James Comey as FBI Director – is finally cleaning house.
McCabe may be leaving in anticipation of the release of an inspector general’s report on how the FBI handled the Clinton email investigation.


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