FBI or DOJ is lying: FBI says 5 months of Peter Strzok messages lost. DOJ says it received Strzok messages in August

The twisted tale of FBI, DOJ, Obama, Clinton collusion is causing confusion amongst the various agencies involved trying to derail the Trump presidency.
New reports are surfacing showing that the FBI failed to hand over a block of FBI agent Peter Strzok’s text messages between Dec. 14, 2016, and May 17, 2017…because, as per the FBI, they had gone missing.
However, Zerohedge is reporting that DOJ’s Inspector General, Michael Horowitz, claimed his office received the texts in question between FBI employees Peter Strzok and his mistress Lisa Page in last August.
It seems that the FBI and DOJ cannot keep their story straight.
The AP reports…

But the department also said in a letter to lawmakers that its record of messages sent to and from the agent, Peter Strzok, was incomplete because the FBI, for technical reasons, had been unable to preserve and retrieve about five months’ worth of communications. New text messages highlighted in a letter to FBI Director Christopher Wray by Sen. Ron Johnson, the Republican chairman of the Senate’s Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, are from the spring and summer of 2016 and involve discussion of the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server.
In addition to the communications already made public, the Justice Department on Friday provided Johnson’s committee with 384 pages of text messages, according to a letter from the Wisconsin lawmaker that was obtained by The Associated Press.
But, according to the letter, the FBI told the department that its system for retaining text messages sent and received on bureau phones had failed to preserve communications between Strzok and Page over a five-month period between Dec. 14, 2016, and May 17, 2017. May 17 was the date that Mueller was appointed as special counsel to oversee the Russia investigation.

According to Johnson’s letter, the Bureau told Stephen Boyd, the Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Legislative Affairs, that due to FBI-provided Samsung 5 mobile phones with software upgrades that “conflicted,” with “collection capabilities,” the text messages were not recorded.

The Gateway Pundit’s Josh Caplan points out, the lost text messages are in direct contradiction to a December 13, 2017 letter from the DOJ’s internal watchdog – Inspector General Michael Horowitz, to Senate Judiciary Committee Chuck Grassley and HSGAC Chairman Ron Johnson, in which he claims he received the texts in question on August 10, 2017. .

In gathering evidence for the OIG’s ongoing 2016 election review, we requested, consistent with standard practice, that the FBI produce text messages from the FBI-issued phones of certain FBI employees involved in the Clinton email investigation based on search terms we provided. After finding a number of politically-oriented text messages between Page and Strzok, the OIG sought from the FBI all text messages between Strzok and Page from their FBI-issued phones through November 30, 2016, which covered the entire period of the Clinton e-mail server investigation. The FBI produced these text messages on July 20, 2017. Following our review of those text messages, the OIG expanded our request to the FBI to include all text messages between Strzok and Page from November 30, 2016, through the date of the document request, which was July 28, 2017.
The OIG received these additional messages on August 10, 2017.

The screenshot below from Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitiz’s to Grassley and Johnson confirms the FBI successfully sent over Page and Strzok’s text messages.
Credit: Strzok Text Messages Deleted – Letter From Ron Johnson to Christopher Wray Letter

The full letter. Strzok Text Messages Deleted – Letter From Ron Johnson to Christopher Wray, via Zerohedge

On December 13th, Horowitz confirmed to Johnson and Grassley that the text messages were received. However, just over a year later, Johnson, citing Boyd, said the FBI never handed over the text messages.
Via ZeroPointNow…

According to The Gateway Pundit, the conflicting reports raise new questions about verification processes used by the Justice Department and FBI. Horowitz may have told Senate investigators that he received something, but had not verified they were indeed the text messages he requested.

Conversely, did the FBI knowingly or unknowingly send the wrong documents to Horowtiz, only for Inspector General’s Office to realize they were in possession of the incorrect documents?
“Have had a couple of questions on this — I’m told that DOJ’s inspector general *does not* have the missing Strzok-Page text messages,” the Daily Caller‘s Chuck Ross tweeted late Sunday evening.

The post FBI or DOJ is lying: FBI says 5 months of Peter Strzok messages lost. DOJ says it received Strzok messages in August appeared first on The Duran.
