US Plans to Recognize Annexed Syrian Territory as Kurdish


Washington is planning 'concrete steps' toward providing a Syrian Democratic Forces-controlled area in northern Syria's eastern Euphrates area three times the size of Lebanon with diplomatic recognition, a leading Arabic international newspaper has reported.

The 28,000 square km territory, controlled by the Syrian Democratic Forces, a collection of predominantly Kurdish militias including the YPG (PKK) People's Protection Units, took its first step toward US recognition after US Defense Secretary Jim Mattis promised to send US diplomats to SDF-controlled areas to work alongside US troops operating in the region, the official said.

UPDATE January 08/18: BasNews

The United States is planning concrete diplomatic steps to recognise the northern Syrian territories now governed by indigenous (not so much) Kurds and Arabs (just a veneer) , an anonymous senior Western official said.

The official revealed that Washington is also planning greater assistance to the SDF, including empowering local councils, backing reconstruction efforts, assisting in training of government agency workers, improving public services and infrastructure, protecting the SDF areas and engaging in the upkeep of military bases.“All of which will eventually lead to diplomatic recognition.”

I reported the Mattis news December 30/2017:

Defense Secretary Jim Mattis Sees U.S Civilian Presence Increasing in Syria

Mattis said :"What we will be doing is shifting from what I would call an offensive, shifting from an offensive terrain-seizing approach to a stabilizing [effort]'ll see more U.S. diplomats on the ground," Mattis told reporters at the Pentagon."Shifting from an OFFENSIVE, TERRAIN- SEIZING APPROACH...."

Penny said:  Land grabbing. As stated for years now. For that Greater Israel..

Flashback:  Kurdistan aka “Second Israel”- Ethnic Cleansing the Indigenous of the Middle East

The yellow area shows territory which are de facto controlled by Kurdish forces and their allies. The red outlines territory controlled by the Syrian government. As I've stated for years now- this was the plan. Remake the region of ME/NA. Yesterday: Kurdistan: Impeding the New Silk Road/Rimland Vs Heartland

 According to the official, US initiatives in the region include empowering local councils, backing reconstruction efforts, assisting in training of government agency workers, improving public services and infrastructure, protecting SDF areas and engaging in the upkeep of military bases, all of which will eventually lead to diplomatic recognition.

Last week, it was reported that a new 'North Syrian Army' which included SDF formations and backed by the US-led coalition, was being created to carry out 'border security duties' in territories under their control. 

Damascus has voiced its opposition to the US presence and operations on Syrian territory, including Rojava, saying that it does not accord with the principles of international law, including respect for Syria's territorial integrity. The Syrian government has insisted that US operations inside Syria are illegal, since they were never invited into the country by Damascus.

December 18/2017: Bashar Assad : Kurds That Work With Americans... TraitorsI called this one correctly long ago.