BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- June 6, 2013

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BFP Nightly Quote
“Ancient Rome declined because it had a Senate, now what’s going to happen to us with both a House and a Senate?!” –Will Rogers

International Newsworthy

What Inspires Turkey’s Protest Movement?

Turkey: Twitter and Mass Media Become Part of the Story

Resistance in Istanbul With 140 Characters

Turkey: “This is a Revolt, Not Yet a Revolution!”

Revolt in Turkey: Erdogan’s Grip on Power Is Rapidly Weakening

Erdogan to Demolish Park Despite Protests 

Turkish Protesters Demand Police Sackings, Unions Join

Third Person Killed in Turkey’s Protests: Medical Association

25 Held for ‘Inciting’ Demonstrations over Social Media

Turkish Protesters Raise $55,000 for Full-Page Ad in New York Times

Turkey Angry at US Comments on Protests

Turkish FM Responds to Kerry for US Criticisms on Turkey Protests

Turkey Suspends TV Game Show After Protest

* * * *

Insight: Russia’s Syria Diplomacy, a Game of Smoke & Mirrors

Syria Rebels Say They Have Lost Battle for Al-Qusayr

Hezbollah: Fall of Qusayr Big Blow to US, Israel

Syrian Army Finds Mass Grave of “Rebel Fighters” in al-Qussair: Report

EU Official Wants Criminal Penalties for Joining Syrian Fighting

US ‘Secretly Sending’ Troops to Syrian Border

U.S. Urges Hezbollah, Iran Withdrawing Fighters from Syria

US War Party Beats Drums for Action in Syria

Russia Insists on “All” Syrian Parties’ Presence at Conference

Syria Slams Arab League as Player in Ongoing Unrest

Syria, Like Iraq and Lebanon, Is on Path toward Sectarian Split

Hamas-Hezbollah Ties Deteriorate Over Syria

* * * *

The West Accuses Iran of Nuclear Deception

Obama: World Oil Supplies Ample Without Iran

US Terror Drone Kills 3 Afghan Children

NATO Shipments Banned Throughout Pakistan Re-Polling

‘America is Our Worst Enemy’: Pakistani Victim of US Drone Strike Speaks Out 

Window Shuts on Pakistani Talks with Taliban

* * * *

Fourteen Iraq Border Police Killed at Fake Checkpoint

Yemen Launches Anti-Al Qaeda Offensive

Ten Dead in Yemen ‘Anti-Qaeda Offensive’

Pro-Hezbollah Sunni Sheikhs Face Assassination in Lebanon

Bahrain Probe Into Hezbollah Business Links

Hamas Denies Endorsing Ties With Hezbollah

* * * *

NGOs under Pressure in Egypt

Egypt Demands Ethiopia Halt Nile Dam, Upping Stakes

Egypt’s Fundamental Crisis of Legitimacy

Malian Army Fights Tuareg Rebels; Unofficial Truce Over

French Soldiers Take Positions in Mali’s Anefis Town

Nigerian Refugees Accuse Army of Excess Force

Bombing Kills Two Soldiers in Tunisia

* * * *

Russia: FSB Arrests Mastermind of Foiled Moscow Bombing who ‘Fought in Afghanistan’

Russia Deploys Permanent Naval Force in Mediterranean

Guriyev Fears New Move against Jailed Khodorkovsky

Rosneft and Gazprom Both Awarded Arctic Shelf Permits

CIS Chief Warns of Impending Crisis in Central Asia, Middle East

CSTO to Strengthen Armed Forces

Azerbaijan and Israel Enjoy “Special” Relations

Azerbaijani Citizens are Among 280 Mercenaries Killed in Syria

Britain Signs Agreement to Improve Services along Tajikistan-Afghanistan Border

Turkmenistan Makes another Quiet Purchase of Warships

International Terrorism & Religious Extremism Threaten Tajikistan

As Turkish Protests Rage, Baku Watches With Interest

* * * *

ECB to Launch EU-Wide Audit of Bank’s Balance Sheets

Italy, Germany to Join US Afghan force

Bulgaria Joins NATO Rapid Deployable Corps HQ in Greece

UK: Ex-Police Jailed for Leaking to Press

UK Islamic Center Destroyed in ‘Hate Crime’ Fire

Germany’s Drone Doubts

Bulgaria: “Hezbollah Role in Bus Attack Unproven”

Controversial French Former Spy Chief Found Dead in Paris

National Newsworthy

Report: NSA Secretly Collecting Phone Records of All U.S. Verizon Calls

Top-Secret Court Order Reveals NSA’s Daily Data Collection on Millions of Americans 

Two Secretive Israeli Companies May Have Bugged the US Telecommunications Grid for the NSA

Obama Administration Defends NSA Grab of Verizon Customer Phone Calls

Senators: NSA Phone Sweeping Has Been Going on Since 2007

The Same Federal Judge Who Struck Down Obamacare Approved the Government’s Sweeping Collection of Phone Records

DHS: Laptops, Phones Can Be Searched at Border Based on Hunches

Now FBI Wants Back Door to All Software

Report: Panetta Disclosed Top Secret Info to ‘Zero Dark Thirty’ Filmmaker

Classified Documents Reveal CIA Drone Strikes often Killed Unknown People 

US Deploys Extra Forces in Guantanamo

* * * *

New York: Senate Passes Bill Making the Harassment of a Police Officer a Crime

Conn. Gov. Signs Bill Restricting Newtown Photos

Iowa City to Ban Red-Light Cameras, Drones & License Plate Readers Too

Kansas Farmer Sues Monsanto Over GMO

Connecticut Becomes, Conditionally, First State to Require Genetically Modified Food Labeling

* * * *

Manning Trial Transcripts

Manning Given Unfettered Access to Closed Databases, Court Hears

36 News Organizations Join Suit for Bradley Manning Info

Shielding the Whistleblowers on Sexual Assaults

Obama Wants Whistleblowers Silenced

* * * *

Victims of IRS Targeting Tell Their Stories on Capitol Hill

Two IRS Staffers Placed on Leave for Taking Gifts at Anaheim Hotel Party

IRS Official: Lavish Conference Followed IRS Rules

House Votes to Delay Bulk Ammunition Purchase by DHS

ObamaCare More Unpopular than Ever

Report: TSA Screening Program Not Objective

TSA Abandons Plan to Allow Knives

* * * *

Are Central Bankers Losing Control?

Factory Orders in US Increased Less than Forecast in April

How Another Housing Bubble Was Blown … And Why

First Quarter Hourly Compensation Plunges 3.8%, Most on Record

Weak Data, Abenomics Crash are Hitting US Stocks

S&P Breaks 1,600 (The Wrong Way)

Noteworthy Editorials

Sibel Edmonds: DOJ-FBI Have it Both Ways- Ain’t Nothing Here, but the “Nothing” is Highly Classified & Sensitive

Pepe Escobar: Hezbollah Don’t Take No Mess

William Blum: Iran- A Modest Proposal- The Sanctions of Mass Destruction!

Nile Bowie: China Hacking vs. Pentagon Whacking- An Arms Race in Cyber-Space?

Dave Lindorff: You Have the Right to Remain Silent…as the Grave- Is the FBI in the Execution Business?

Andrew Napolitano: We’d Have to Arrest the Entire Government

Stephen Lendman: Susan Rice for National Security Advisor

The Return of the Liberal Hawks: Susan Rice & Samantha Power

How Susan Rice Bungled Sudan

The Great Wall of Bilderberg

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

BFP EyeOpener Video Report- Bilderberg Exposed: Leaks, Whistleblowers & Secrets

Video 1: TPP- The Biggest Threat to the Internet You’ve Probably Never Heard Of

Video 2: Corbett Report- New World Next Week

Video 3: RT-’US Drone Strikes in Pakistan Negate Right to Life’

BFP Podcast: Empire-Power & People with Andrew Gavin Marshall- “A Turkish Uprising?”

Podcast 1: Corbett Report- Who Pays for Bilderberg

Podcast 2: Black Listed Radio-Jan Irvin Interview