BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- June 11, 2013

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BFP Nightly Quote
“Patriotism is supporting your country all the time, and your government when it deserves it.” – Mark Twain

International Newsworthy

UN Forces in the Golan Perpetuate Israeli Occupation

Syria’s War of Tunnels

Syrian Group Urges Foreign Fighters to Leave

Still More Questions Than Answers on Nerve Gas in Syria

White House Convenes Meetings on Syria Escalation

Iraqi Shi’ite Fighters’ Syria Role Raises Tensions

Syria Militants Rockets Hit Lebanon

Deadly Blasts Shake Syrian Capital

Iran Official to Visit Russia to Talk Syria

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Erdogan Opts for War

“No More Tolerance” for Nationwide Protests: Turkish PM

Turkish Police Storm Taksim Square

Turkish Police Oust Taksim Protesters with Tear Gas as Erdogan Cheers Removal of ‘Rags’

Turkish Opposition Leader Criticizes Erdogan

Turkish Police ‘Attack’ Protesting Lawyers at Courthouse, Many Arrests (VIDEO)

Turkish President Approves Controversial Bill Restricting Alcohol

Erdogan Defends Police Crackdown

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Iran’s Next President and the Third Nuclear Strategy

Iranian Diplomat Detained for 3 Months Without Lawyer: Sources

Iran’s Bushehr Nuclear Plant Experienced Generator Malfunction, Envoy Says

Taliban Attacks Show Afghan Insurgents’ Resilience

Taliban Lay Siege to NATO Air Base in Kabul in Early Morning Assault

Afghan Group Accuses Police of Significant Violence Against Women

Non-Bailable Warrant for Musharraf in Bugti Murder Case

Pakistan Army Rejects Israeli Arms Import Report

Militants Attack NATO Supply Convoy in Khyber Agency, 4 Killed

India Says U.S. Spying on Internet Data of its Citizens Unacceptable

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Over 60 Dead After Bloody Day in Iraq

Kurds Who Suffered Saddam Hussein Chemical Weapons Attack Accuse French Suppliers

What’s Delaying the WHO Report on Iraqi Birth Defects?

Lebanese Army Fears Rise of the Salafists

Saudi Arabia: One Dead in Unrest, as Violence Engulfs Indonesian Consulate

Yemen Arrests Local Al-Qaida Leader

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NGO Workers Sentenced By Egyptian Court

Egypt ‘War’ Talk Raises Ethiopia Nile Dam Stakes

The Uncertain Fate of the U.S.-NATO Installed Libyan Regime

UN Prepares for Mali Force Deployment

Mali Government, Tuaregs Reach Ceasefire Deal ‘in Principle’

Somalia: Puntland VP Alleges Federal Govt. Is Supporting Conflict in Kismayo

‘Clashes in South Sudan Displace Thousands’

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Russia May Deem Civil Servants’ Use of Gmail, Facebook ‘High Treason’

How Chechnya is Independent—and How it isn’t

The Roots of Uzbekistan & Tajikistan’s Water Conflict

Through the Baku Looking Glass

Kazakhstan: Nazarbayev Clan Set to Grow

China has Better Chance than India for Joining Kashagan Project

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Brussels Failed to Act against US Surveillance of EU Citizens

Merkel, Obama to Discuss NSA Surveillance Program

Canada Has Program to Eavesdrop on its Citizens, Too

Shadow Banking Squeeze Catches Up to Majors

National Newsworthy

Mass Surveillance in US: Timeline of Loosening Laws & Practices

Spy vs. Spy in the Cyber Age

NSA Document Leak Proves Conspiracy to Create Big Brother Styled World Control System

What’s in the NSA PowerPoint Deck That Nobody Dare Publish?

Journalist on NSA Leak Case: More To Be Revealed

Snowden Turned Over ‘Thousands’ of Documents to Greenwald

Defense Contractors Fear Blowback in Wake of Leak about NSA Snooping

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US Lawmakers Call for Review of PATRIOT ACT

Security Clearances Held by Millions of Americans

Meet the Contractors Analyzing Your Private Data

K Street Lobbyists Tight-Lipped about Efforts to Influence the NSA

The Majority of Americans Still Don’t Care About the NSA Spying on Them

Majority Views NSA Phone Tracking as Acceptable Anti-terror Tactic

Former DoJ Prosecutor Suing Obama, Verizon, DoJ for $3B over PRISM

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Snowden Censored by Craven Media

Snowden Goes into ‘Hiding’

NSA Leaker Could be Latest to Seek Help in Iceland

Icelandic Legislator: I’m Ready to Help NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden Seek Asylum

FBI Visits NSA Whistleblower’s Dad in Pa

Booz Allen Fires Edward Snowden for ‘Shocking’ Violation of Ethics Code

Sen. Feinstein Calls Snowden’s NSA Leaks an ‘Act of Treason’

Ron Paul: ‘Thankful’ for Edward Snowden

NSA Whistleblower Supported Ron Paul’s Presidential Run 

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Obama Backtracks on Promised Investigation of Afghanistan Massacres

U.S. Government Has Given Afghan National Army More than $1 Billion in Ammo

FBI Files Reveal Anti-Defamation League Spied on Arab Students

IG memo: State Dept. Officials Squashed Embarrassing Probes

State Department Denies Derailing Prostitution Probe

House Committee Votes to Give Israel Another 1/2 Billion in Aid

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Fed Hell-Bent on Hyper Inflating Stock Market

Millenials’ Student Loan Debt up 76% in Just 5 Years

S&P Says Shrinking U.S. Deficit Boosts Debt Outlook

Noteworthy Editorials

Sibel Edmonds: Pardon Me for Taking Offense with Your ‘Pardon- Seeking’ Petition

Pepe Escobar: Digital Blackwater Rules

Norman Solomon: Historic Challenge to Support the Moral Actions of Edward Snowden

Jacob Hornberger: The Role of Foreign Policy in Security-State Surveillance

Chris Hedges: The Judicial Lynching of Bradley Manning

Paul Craig Roberts: Another Phony Jobs Report From A Government That Lies About Everything

Government Secrets and the Need for Whistle-Blowers

All the Infrastructure a Tyrant Would Need-Courtesy of Bush & Obama  

Where Was Mainstream News While the Surveillance State was Expanding?!

How to Pre-Convict an American Muslim

From 9/11 To PRISMgate – How the Carlyle Group LBO’d The World’s Secrets

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

BFP EyeOpener Video Report: NSA Spying: False Hope vs. Real Solutions

Video 1: Continuity of the US government-TOP SECRET!

Video 2: Candidate Obama debates President Obama on Government Surveillance

BFP Podcast Show- Pepe Escobar on Police State USA, Apathy America, Uprising in Turkey & More!

Podcast 1: Radio Liberty- The Turning Point Has Arrived

Podcast 2: Peter B Collins Show- Do you believe Barack Obama or Ed Snowden?

Podcast 3: Traces of Reality- Marcy Wheeler on NSA Surveillance, Verizon & PRISM

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