BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- June 12, 2013

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BFP Nightly Quote
“A Bill of Rights is what the people are entitled to against every government, and what no just government should refuse, or rest on inference.” – Thomas Jefferson

International Newsworthy

Hezbollah Supporters to Be Expelled from GCC Countries

US Hits Hezbollah with New Sanctions

Lebanon in the Syrian War

Lebanon Warns Syria over Helicopter Raid

France Says Syrian War at ‘Turning Point’, Mulls Arming Rebels

Putin: Assad Could Have Avoided War by Enacting Political Reforms

Saudi Arabia, France Agree Qusayr Scenario Can’t Be Repeated in Aleppo

Israel Hasn’t Given Up on Persuading Russia Not to Send Air Defense System to Syria

Radical Rebels Storm Shiite Village in Eastern Syria

Rebels Kill 60 Shia Muslims in Syria

Syrian Residents Start Returning to Battered al-Qussair City

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Citizens of World & Citizens of Turkey: The Occupy Gezi Protests

Istanbul Crackdown Shakes Erdogan’s Regional Credibility

Turkey: With Taksim Operation, Erdogan Shoots His Own Foot

Istanbul Warzone: Thousands of Protesters Try to Reclaim Taksim Square 

Turkish Riot Police Fire Tear Gas to Disperse Protesters, Violence Erupts

Human Rights Groups Censure Turkey

Erdogan, Gezi Park and the Headscarf

Turkey and the Muslim Brotherhood: The Social Uprising against “Brother Erdogan”

Erdogan Raises the Stakes

Erdogan to Drum Up Support in Symbolic Sincan Suburb

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Iran’s Nuclear Program Peaceful: Russia

Why Iran’s Supreme Leader Wants Jalili for President

Taliban Bomber Kills 15 at Top Afghan Court

Pakistan May Seek World Support to End Drone Attacks

Drones Challenge Sharif

Four US Embassy Officials Detained at Karachi Airport

Pakistan Denies Receiving Military Equipment from Israel

Pakistan Denies British Weapons Report

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America Secretly Approves $1.3 Billion Worth of Military Aid to Egypt

Egypt’s Opposition Nixes Unity Talks

Hezbollah Raises Head in Libya

Libya’s Porous Borders Worry Its Neighbors

Gendarmerie Camp Attacked by Armed Men in Niger

Senegal to Get $800 Million in Financial Aid

U.S. Transfers $200 Million Grant to Jordan

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Rosneft & ExxonMobil Finalize Arctic Research Center & Technology Sharing Agreements

Russians: Financially Inactive or Financially Restricted?

INTERPOL Chief’s Visit to Tajikistan Underscores Security Priorities in Central Asia

Tajikistan Piles on China Debt

TurkmenGaz: Europe is a Priority Direction of Turkmen Gas Export

Armenia Looks West, Tries to Loosen Moscow’s Grip

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Germans Accuse US of Stasi Tactics before Obama Visit

Strike Called over Greek TV Closure

Lobbyists for Canadian Pipeline Have Deep Ties to White House

National Newsworthy

Prism Spying ‘Attacks Basic Civil Rights’

Prism Exposed: Data Surveillance with Implications for the World

NSA to Continue Global Surveillance Program

Defense Department Orders Employees, Contractors to Steer Clear of Surveillance Stories

The Mysterious Missing Slides from the NSA Leaked Presentation

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How the US Congress Lost the Plot on Secrecy, Surveillance & Accountability

Lawmakers Can Ask for Intel Info, but They Still Might Not Get It

Lawmakers Say NSA Briefing Didn’t Address Privacy Concerns

Feinstein and Rogers Refuse to Discuss Constitutionality of Mass Surveillance

Why Clapper’s Deception Destroys Obama’s Defense of Newly Revealed NSA Programs

K Street Lobbyists Tight-Lipped About Efforts to Influence the NSA

* * * *

US Preparing to Charge Snowden in NSA Leak – Report

US to Review Spy Leak’s “Potential” Damage

Snowden Says he will Fight any Extradition from Hong Kong 

As Edward Snowden Speaks Out, Obama Goes Silent

Advice for Snowden from a Man Who Knows: ‘Always Check Six’

Ron Paul Warns U.S. Government May Assassinate Snowden

Russia May Grant Asylum for CIA Whistleblower

* * * *

IRS Buying Spying Equipment: Covert Cameras in Coffee Trays & Plants

Why Is the IRS Buying Spy Gear?

IRS Obamacare Official Clocked 165 White House Meetings

Ways and Means Chairman: IRS Targeting of Tea Party Groups Didn’t Start in Ohio

Rep. Schiff to Introduce Bill Ending War Authorization

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Obama FBI Increases FISA Requests 1,000%

FBI Client Data Requests Under PATRIOT ACT Skyrocket after Tech Firms Resistance 

TSA Agent Pulls woman’s Breast Prosthesis Out of her Bra

DHS Admits to Backpack Drill in Boston

FBI Visits Oregon Man at Home, Ask Why He Photographed Dam

* * * *

Traders Said to Rig Currency Rates to Profit Off Clients

Hedge Funds Haven’t Owned This Much of Stock Market Since 08 Crash

S&P Warns Top US banks are Still ‘Too Big to Fail’

“Eminent Domain” Back on Table Following Fed’s Latest Bailout Proposal

QE Here to Stay in One Form or Another

U.S. Banks Profit from Facilitating Fraud against Their Customers

Noteworthy Editorials

Sibel Edmonds: Pardon Me for Taking Offense with Your ‘Pardon- Seeking’ Petition

Kevin Gosztola: US Media’s Contempt & Inability to Comprehend What It Means to Be a Whistleblower

Chase Madar: Dystopian Secrecy Fuels Clueless Wars

Washington’s Blog: The Dirty Little Secret About Mass Surveillance: It Doesn’t Keep Us Safe

Andrew Napolitano: The Star Chamber Exposed

Paul Pillar: Iran and the Syria Conference

James Petras: Washington & the Breakdown of the Colombia-Venezuela-FARC Peace Process

The US is a Police State

America’s New Normal: Mass Surveillance, Secret Courts

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

BFP EyeOpener Video Report: NSA Spying: False Hope vs. Real Solutions

Video 1: Ron Paul on NSA

Video 2: Director of National Intelligence Lying about NSA Data Collection

Video 3: Charlie McGrath- Will Whistleblower Edward Snowden’s Revelation lead to Revolution?

BFP Podcast Show- Pepe Escobar on Police State USA, Apathy America, Uprising in Turkey & More!

Podcast: Peter B. Collins Show-More Leaks Expected as Snowden Goes “Bourne”

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