BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- June 13, 2013

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BFP Nightly Quote
“If the machine of government is of such a nature that it requires you to be the agent of injustice to another, then, I say, break the law.” –Henry David Thoreau

International Newsworthy

Russia NOT to Ship “Offensive” Weapons to Syria: Lawmaker

U.S. Eases Sanctions on Syrian Opposition

US ‘Debating Options’ to Help Syrian Rebels

Bill Clinton Sides With McCain Over Obama on Syria

UK Coalition Gives Clegg a Veto on Arming Syria

Colombia Worries as Troops Join Arab Mercenary Force

Diplomats Predict Assad Will Soon Launch Campaign to Retake Aleppo

UN: At Least 93,000 People Killed in Syria

Al-Qaeda Divides over Syria and Iraq

Over 6000 Foreign Militants Killed in Syria

Syria Islamist Rebels Celebrate Shi’ite Deaths

Iraqi Kurdistan Region Struggles to Cope with Syrian Refugees

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Turkey: Protests Reverberate in Anatolian Heartland

‘Everyone Is Afraid’: Erdogan Regime Cows Embattled Media

Erdogan Gives Protesters ‘Last Warning’

Turkish Interior Minister Urges Protesters to Leave Gezi Park

Referendum May Be Held on Gezi Park

Istanbul Square Crackdown Shakes Erdogan’s Regional Credibility

Mossad Chief Made Secret Visit to Turkey, Asked to Meet Erdogan

Protesting Kurds Finding Solidarity in Gezi

Kurds Fear Impact of Istanbul Protests on Peace Process

Turkish TV Channels Fined for Live Coverage of Protests

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Iran Flexes Muscle with Taliban Meeting

Iran Denies Foreign Minister Called for Talks With US

Bahrain Arrests ‘Iran-Linked’ Cyber Group

Iran: Reformist Groups, Figures Rally Around Rohani

Google Finds Iranians Hacked on Election Eve

Economic Issues Remain Murky as Iranians Go to the Polls

Iran Imposes Severe Restrictions on Media Election Coverage

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Afghanistan: Sentence Goes on for Foreign Detainees in Bagram

Blasts Kill 8 Afghan Soldiers, 4 Civilians

Six Policemen Found Dead in Afghanistan

Pakistan Sets Sights on Drones

Pakistan Hikes Defense Spending in New Budget

No Money in Pakistan Budget for Iranian Gas Pipeline That US Opposed

Pakistan Tries Anew to End Insurgency in Resource-Rich Baluchistan

Sharif Targets Power Crisis

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Al-Qaeda Linked Terrorists in Mali May Have Surface-to-Air Missiles

Jordan: U.S. Leads Large-Scale, 19-Nation War Games

Main Tuareg Rebel Group Says Ready to Sign Accord

Sudan’s Hassan al-Turabi: Bashir Does Not Represent Islam

1,072 Chinese Gold Miners Return from Ghana

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Putin Says Moscow Willing To Restore ‘Full Scale’ Relations with Georgia

Russians Rally for Release of Protesters

NGOs Find Loopholes in Russia’s Foreign Agents’ Law, Officials Urge Corrections

Russian Oil Price Jumps 20% in a Month as Rosneft Cuts Domestic Sales

Georgia to Shut Two Bases in Afghanistan

Georgia Goes on PR Offensive over Afghanistan

NATO Week in Georgia, Completing Integration of Balkans

Stratfor Head Says Coop with Azerbaijan Meets US “Interests”

Baltics Hope NDN Is Route to Closer Ties with Central Asia

Daghestani Police Thwart ‘Anti-Azerbaijani’ Protest

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Bank of England Advisor ‘We’ve Intentionally Blown the Biggest Government Bond Bubble in History’

EU Failed to Protect Citizens from NSA

Pressure on Merkel to Talk ‘Prism’ With Obama

Expansion of Saudi-British Defense Cooperation in Focus

Eni Awarded New Exploration Licenses in Barents Sea

National Newsworthy

The Cyberwar Industrial Complex

Only One Big Telecom CEO Refused to Cave to the NSA … And He’s Been In Jail For 4 Years

Was a Telecom CEO Sent to Prison for Resisting NSA?

The NSA’s Best Defense of Prism Didn’t Even Last a Week

NSA Surveillance Played Little Role in Foiling Terror Plots- Experts Say

HRW Sees Urgent Need for US Surveillance Reforms

Leak Highlights Risk of Outsourcing US Spy Work

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NSA’s Word Games: How They Deceived Congress

Reid: Lawmakers Were Informed About Phone, Internet Snooping

Feinstein & Rogers Refuse to Discuss Constitutionality of Mass Surveillance

Rep. Peter King Wants Glenn Greenwald Punished

Lawmakers See Edward Snowden as a Leaker, Not as a Hero

Senators Request Independent Investigation into NSA Programs

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Obama Administration Prepares Charges against NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden

Washington Post Talks to Feds on Publishing More NSA Slides

Feds Hunted for Snowden in Days Before NSA Leaks Went Public

More Americans See Man Who Leaked NSA Secrets as ‘Patriot’ than Traitor: Poll

Snowden Vows More Revelations

Snowden “I Am Neither A Traitor Nor Hero. I’m An American”

Edward Snowden Vows Not to ‘Hide from Justice’

Snowden Wants ‘People of Hong Kong to Decide My Fate’

NSA Leaker Fears for Family Safety

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IRS Agents Train with AR-15 Rifles

House Committee Looks into IRS Seizure of 60 Million Medical Records

Top U.S. General Disputes Benghazi Attack Story

US Probes Sexual Offenses by Envoys Abroad

DHS Wants Equipment for “Riot Control Situations”

Cryptome: Top 20 Cybersecurity Companies  

* * * *

Supreme Court Strikes Down Gene Patents

Monsanto Hit with Class Action Lawsuits in Mystery GMO Wheat Case

Lieberman Staffer to Lead New Lobby Shop

U.S. Runs $139 Billion Budget Deficit in May

California, Illinois on Brink of Pension Crisis

Hourly Wages See Sharpest Drop Since at Least 1947; Bank Profits Hit Record High

Noteworthy Editorials

Pepe Escobar: See You on the Dark Side

Peter Dale Scott: The NATO Afghanistan War & US-Russian Relation-: Drugs, Oil, & War

Andrew Napolitano: Liberty in Shambles

Micah Zenko: To Protect and Defend…

Stephen Lendman: America’s National Security State

Security, Liberty and the Forever War

The Constitutional Amnesia of the NSA Snooping Scandal

Put the NSA on Trial

How Obama Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Unaccountable Surveillance

US Secret Police Secrets

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

BFP EyeOpener Video Report: NSA Spying: False Hope vs. Real Solutions

Video 1: Corbett Report-The Transformation of Society

Video 2: Corbett Report-New World Next Week

BFP Podcast Show 1-The Reality Principle with Eric Draitser-“ Elections in Iran” with Yassamine Mather

BFP Podcast Show 2- Pepe Escobar on Police State USA, Apathy America, Uprising in Turkey & More!

Podcast: Peter B. Collins Show-Snowden, Still in Hong Kong, Alleges US Hacking of China

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