BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- June 17, 2013

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BFP Nightly Quote
“We have the best government that money can buy.” – Mark Twain

International Newsworthy

Syrian Rebels Want Tanks, Warplanes

Saudi Arabia Wants European Missiles for Syrian Rebels: Report

Qatar, Israel Mull Arming Syria Rebels

Experts Skeptical of US Claim Syria Used Sarin

Obama Decision to Arm Syrian Rebels Has Nothing to Do with “Alleged” Chemical Weapons Use

Iraq No-Fly Zone Viewed as Symbol for One in Syria

Pentagon to Keep Patriot Missiles, F-16s in Jordan after War Games

Iran to Send 4,000 Troops to Aid Bashar al-Assad’s Forces in Syria

Syria’s Assad Stresses Determination to Continue Cooperation with Iran

Syria Rally Hits US Embassy in London

Germany Rules Out Arms for Syrian Rebels

Moscow Blasts UNHRC’s ‘Hezbollah-Focused’ Resolution on Syria

Russia Not to Allow No-Fly Zone in Syria

No-Fly Zone in Syria Would Break International Law: Russian Foreign Minister

Explosion Hits Military Airport Near Damascus

Dozens Dead’ in Aleppo Car Bomb Attack

Syrian Civil War Reopens Trade Route through Israeli Port * * * *

Turkey Threatens to Deploy Army to End Unrest

Turkey: Erdoğan Evicts Protesters, Stages His Own Rally

Turkey: As AKP Aims to Silence International Media, Police Continue to Storm Taksim; Uprising Spreads

Erdogan Places Blame for Protests on International Conspiracy

Everyone Who Enters Taksim Square Will Be Treated as a Terrorist: Turkish EU Minister

Turkish PM Defends His ‘Duty’ to End Protests

Government Targets Doctors Who Treated Injured Demonstrators

Turkish Unions Call for Nationwide Strike

Will Gezi Protests Divide Turkish Society?

Ankara Police Block Activist Funeral Cortege, Raid Memorial Protest with Tear Gas

Mother of Turkish Protester Killed in Ankara: ‘Erdogan Must Resign’

* * * *

Rohani Becomes Iran’s New President – Overview

Rouhani: A Consensus on the Past

Chances for Nuclear Deal Rise with Rohani

What Does Hassan Rohani Mean for the United States?

Iran to Be More “Transparent” in Nuclear Issue: President- Elect

Iranian Kurdish Struggle Linked to Turkey, Syria

* * * *

Taliban ‘Set to Open Office in Qatar’

Afghan Bomb Victims Pay Price of Graft

Supply Trucks Attacked in Afghanistan

‘No End to Military Atrocities in Balochistan’

Security Tightened in Pakistan after Twin Bomb Attack

Only Two Militants Executed Quetta Attack

14 Students Die as Female Bomber Attacks University Bus in Pakistan

* * * *

Mortar Attack on Iranian Dissident Camp in Iraq Kills Three

Iraq: Wave of Car Bombs Kill At Least 30

Iraq Closes Anbar Crossing as Sunni Protests Continue

Allawi: Political Trust Is Almost Non-Existent

Iraqi Holy City Hit Hard by Iran Economic Woes

Family Rule Taints Kurdistan’s Rise

Al-Qaeda in Iraq Rejects Zawahiri Ruling on Nusra

Report: Gulf States ‘Unable to Protect Themselves’ Despite Military Spending

Qatar Is Funding International Terrorism

Qatar, ‘Market Maker’ in the Middle East

* * * *

Egypt Arrests Man for ‘Spying for Israel’

Egyptian Opposition Expects Violent Clashes on June 30

Judge Assassinated in Eastern Libya

Nigeria Detains “Suspicious” Ukrainian Cargo Plane

Niger Police ‘Attack’ May Be Guards’ Over-Reaction: Minister

LRA Rebels ‘Kill Villagers in Central Africa’

* * * *

The New Great Game Round-Up, June16

China & Central Asia: A Significant New Energy Nexus

Russia Says 50 Groups in U.S. Raise Funds for North Caucasus Extremists

Russia Sees Turkey through Its Own Lens

NATO Trains U.S. Troops at Georgian Mountain Training Center

Scandal Undermines Karimov Succession

Turkmenistan to Recognize Russia’s Dual Citizens

* * * *

Top Firms Call for Europe Drone Project

German Spies to Boost Net Surveillance

Czech PM Resigns Amid Spying and Corruption Scandal

Police State Canada: Communications Security Establishment Canada (CSEC) Runs Massive Domestic Spying Program

National Newsworthy

Cryptome: Military-Spy-Industry-Media War Dunce 2013   

On PRISM, Partisanship & Propaganda

Utah: The NSA’s Desert Home for Eavesdropping on America

NSA Spying Includes Contents of US Phone Calls

NSA Admits Listening to US Phone Calls without Warrants

DNI Denies NSA Analysts Can Tap Calls Without a Warrant

The Next NSA Spying Shoe to Drop: “Pre-Crime” Artificial Intelligence

Retired Federal Judge: Your Faith in Secret Surveillance Court Is Dramatically Misplaced

3 NSA Veterans Speak Out on Whistleblower: We Told You So

* * * *

NSA Targeted Russian President at London G20 Summit

China Army Newspaper Hits Out at PRISM

British Security Agency (GCHQ) Spying Documents Revealed

NSA Targeted Russian President at London G20 Summit

Hong Kong to Handle Snowden’s Case According to “Laws”

* * * *

AT&T to Load iPhones With Alerts from Obama – That You Can’t Switch Off

Microsoft Said to Give Exploits to US Government Before It Patches Them

Apple Details Law Enforcement Requests for Customer Data

Left and Right Sue Obama Administration over Indiscriminate Phone Spying

* * * *

Majority of Senators Skipped Important Briefing about Classified Surveillance Program

Poll: Obama Approval Rating Drops amid Slew of Controversies

Final House Vote on Renewing NDAA

U.S. House Passes NDAA Amendment Bill to Ensure Israel Can ‘Remove Existential Threats’

House Passes Ban on Drone Strikes against US Citizens

* * * *

Now Feds Want Your Mental Health Records

Obamacare will Share Personal Health Info with Federal, State Agencies

Janet Napolitano Denies Existence of ‘Orwellian State’

Contractors Account for 22% of Defense Dept. Workforce, but 50% of Workforce Cost

* * * *

How the U.S.-EU Trade Deal would Grant Sweeping Corporate Privileges

China Cuts US Bonds

Withdrawal Syndrome Sparks Anxiety for Fed

Detroit Defaults on Debt Payments

Aetna Pulls Out Of California Individual Insurance Market in Response to Obamacare

Noteworthy Editorials

Eric Margolis: You’re Living in East Germany

James Bamford: Building America’s Secret Surveillance State

Thomas Drake: Snowden Saw What I Saw: Surveillance Criminally Subverting the Constitution  

Ron Paul: Obama’s Syria Policy Looks a Lot Like Bush’s Iraq Policy

Stephen Lendman: The Chemical Weapons Hoax

Max Blumenthal: Meet the Israeli-Linked Firm that Sold Big Brother Machines to Mubarak, Qaddafi – and Washington

3 Reasons the ‘Nothing to Hide’ Crowd Should Be Worried About Government Surveillance

The Whistleblowers are the New Generation of American Patriots

The Snowden Litmus Test

The War Comes To Syria

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

Video 1: Reuters TV-Ex-NSA Official on Snowden and the U.S. Spy Leviathan

Video 2: Al Etejah TV- James Corbett on PRISM as Just the Tip of the Iceberg

Video 3: RT- Snowden’s Leaks Could Be Just Tip of Iceberg

Video 4: Planned Parenthood Exposed

BFP Podcast Show – Cryptome.Org’s John Young: “Why is Edward Snowden Censored by Craven Media?”  

Podcast 1: Traces of Reality- Cele Castillo: DEA Whistleblower on the ‘war on drugs’ and US government’s dirty little secrets

Podcast 2: Corbett Report- The Catcher in the Rye

Podcast 3: Peter B. Collins Show- US Gets More Involved in Syria’s War, the Dirtiest War on the Planet

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