BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- June 18, 2013

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BFP Nightly Quote
“My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government.” – Thomas Jefferson

International Newsworthy

The Muslim Brotherhood, Syria and the Nile

Gore and Fatwas Show Syria’s Descent

Kurds Fight for Place in Syrian Civil War

Former French Foreign Minister Confirms Preparations for Syrian War Underway Since 2010

Obama Fails to Sway Putin on Syria

West Rebukes Putin over Syria at G8 Summit

Russian, U.S. Presidents Agree to Push for Syria Talks in Geneva

Russia Blocks Mention of Assad’s Fate in G8 Syria Declaration

Russia Tries Not to Let Syria Conflict Go Beyond Borders: FM

US Envoy to NATO Says Syria No-Fly Zone Not on NATO Agenda

Saudi Arabia Supplying Missiles to Syria Rebels

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Turkish Violence Raises Questions over EU Talks

‘Hateful’ Speech in Istanbul: Erdogan Throws Fuel on Flames

Turkey: Erdoğan is all in on Repression

Erdogan’s Hubris Syndrome

Erdogan Escalates the Crisis

Turkish Government Announces New Plans for Regulations on Social Media

Turkish Police Start Fresh Crackdown on Protesters in Istanbul

Riot Police Target Pockets of Istanbul Protesters

‘Police Conduct Raids across Turkey’

Scores Detained in Turkey Police Swoop

#Duranadam: ‘Standing Man’ Protest Goes Viral as Turkey Eyes Law to Restrict Social Media

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Iran Ready to Halt 20% Uranium Enrichment, West Must Reciprocate – Lavrov

Iran’s Predictable Elections

Washington Split on Rouhani Victory in Iran

Ahmadinejad Summoned on ‘Legal Basis’

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Taliban to Open Doha Office on Tuesday

Urgent: U.S., Taliban to Meet in Doha

Afghanistan to Kick Off Taliban Peace Talks in Qatar: Karzai

Afghan Forces Take over Security Operations from US-Led Coalition

Deadly Blast Marks Afghan Security Handover

Pakistan: Senators Want Civilian Control over Agencies

Pakistan Shuts University after Attacks

India’s Energy Ties with Iran Unsettle Washington

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Political Alliances Shift in Baghdad

Shi’ite Iraq Militia Claims It Attacked Iran Group

‘US Deploys 1,500 Marines to Yemen’

Hamas Cools Tension with Hezbollah

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The Terror Diaspora: The U.S. Military and Obama’s Scramble for Africa

Libya: Precarious Calm in Benghazi as Special Forces Deployed

Libya: Chaos Is Taking a Toll on Freedom of Press, Speech

Canada Pledges $100m in Aid to Jordan

Sudan Agrees to End Tension with South

Boko Haram Insurgents kill 7 Students, 2 Teachers in Nigerian City of Damaturu

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$30bn in Russian Money Sent to Cyprus in 2 Decades – Study

Russia Starts Delivering $1 Billion Arms Package to Azerbaijan

Arms Caches Allegedly Connected to Georgian President’s Party

Georgia’s XXX Files

CIS – Commonwealth of Surveillance States

CNPC, Partners Sign Tajikistan Oil & Gas Deal

The Southern Gas Corridor: Who Stands Where?

A Diminished SCO Exercises in Kazakhstan

Nazarbayev Retreats on Pension Reforms

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New Sykes-Picot: NATO Maneuvers and Countries of Clay

Nabucco Gets A Boost In Romania

Judge Who Acquitted War Criminals at Hague Had ‘Close & Confidential Relations’ with U.S. Government

MoD Serves News Outlets with D Notice over Surveillance Leaks

National Newsworthy

21 Facts About NSA Snooping That Every American Should Know

Why Are Thousands of Companies Handing Over Your Personal Data To The NSA?

China Asks U.S. to Explain Internet Surveillance

House Lawmakers Offer Bill to Curb NSA’s Phone Data Collection

Apple Claims It Encrypts iMessages and Facetime So That Even It Can’t Decipher Them

How to Block the NSA From Your Friends List

DHS Hopes to Get Same Cyber-Spying Powers as NSA

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Surveillance Programs Create Chasm among Dems

Obama Doubles Down on NSA Defense as Poll Numbers Slip

Multiple Polls Show Americans Reject NSA Domestic Spying

NSA Whistleblower Snowden Says More’s Coming

Snowden Vows Details on NSA Access to Servers

Iceland Received “Informal” Approach over Snowden Seeking Asylum

Beijing: Edward Snowden ‘Not a Chinese Spy’

Chinese State Media Warns Against Extradition of Edward Snowden

Gulf Airlines Told Not to Carry US Whistleblower

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Federal Government Accused of Adding an Average of One New Crime a Week

Supreme Court: Pre-Miranda Silence Can Be Used as Evidence of Guilt

Congress at Work: The House Votes to Uphold the Indefinite Detention of Americans

A Look at Who Is Still Held at Guantanamo

Obama Cans Regulator Who Crossed Wall Street

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Bitcoin Transactions Taxable, Says GAO

Former Employees Say Bank of America Regularly Lied to Homeowners Seeking Loan Modifications

Tax Havens Database Released

Colleges the Next Burst Bubble

Housing Starts, Permits, CPI All Miss

Good New York Fed Manufacturing News Not as Good as it Looks

Noteworthy Editorials

Sibel Edmonds: Time to Raise Political Asylum Quota for Americans

James Petras: The Deeper Meaning of Mass Spying in America

Pepe Escobar: Obama’s Weapons-for-Peace Program

Norman Solomon: David Brooks, Tom Friedman & Bill Keller Wish Snowden Had Just Followed Orders

Peter Dale Scott: Washington’s Battle over Syrian Foreign Policy: Will Hawks or Doves Prevail?

Tom Engelhardt: You Are Our Secret

John Stanton: Barack Obama’s Legacy of Ashes

Paul Pillar: The Iranian People Challenge the West

Doug Bandow: Wasting Time in Belfast

9/11 & the Military-Intelligence-Security Machine

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

BFP EyeOpener Video Report-“Secrets of the Dirty Wars: What Jeremy Scahill Doesn’t Tell You”

BFP EyeOpener Preview Clip: ‘Secrets of the Dirty Wars: What Jeremy Scahill Doesn’t Tell You’

Video 1: RT- Truth is Coming, US Draconian Responses Build Better Whistleblowers

Video 2: Charlie McGrath- Death, Destruction, Corruption & Lies

BFP Podcast Show – Cryptome.Org’s John Young: “Why is Edward Snowden Censored by Craven Media?”  

Podcast 1: Traces of Reality- Booth on his Latest Film American Drug War 2

Podcast 2: Radio Liberty: Bond Bubble Set to Burst

Podcast 3: Peter B. Collins Show- Obama in G20 Hot Seat Over Syria, Surveillance