BFP Select Nightly News & Editorials- June 19, 2013

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BFP Nightly Quote
“We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force.” – Ayn Rand

International Newsworthy

US Senators Pledge “Full Support” for ‘Decisive’ Military Action in Syria

Report: French Military Training Syrian Rebels

People around the World Oppose Arming Syrian “Rebels”

Iraq Moves Troops to Syrian Border

Saudi Supplying Missiles to Syria Rebels: Gulf Source

Analysis: Saudi Role in Syria Driven by Fear of Shi’ite ‘Full Moon’

Qatar Red Crescent Funds Syrian Rebel Arms

Putin: Russia Won’t Rule Out New Arms Supplies to Syria’s Assad

Lavrov Says Syria Talks Must Not imply ‘Capitulation’ of Regime

Chechen Leader Urges Youth Not to Fight in Syrian Conflict

Rethinking Hezbollah’s Role in Syria

‘Al-Nusra Assassinates FSA Officers’

Syria: ‘Hundreds of Western Fighters Captured by Pro-Assad Forces’

Syria Part of Aggressive Iranian Strategy

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Afghan Taliban Confirms Opening Liaison Office in Qatar

US to Hold Direct Talks with Taliban in Qatar

US Drops Preconditions for Taliban Talks

Taliban Step toward Afghan Peace Talks Is Hailed by US

Afghanistan Calls Off Talks with U.S. on Security Agreement

Afghan Threat to Boycott Taliban Talks

Obama Downplays Rift as Karzai Pulls Out of Taliban Peace Talks

Rocket Attack on Bagram Kills 4 US GIs

Militants Torch NATO Lifeline

Joke of the Day: Hagel Hails Milestone in Afghanistan Security!

US Commander in Afghanistan Skeptical Haqqanis Will Reconcile

US Will Buy Russian Helicopters for Afghan Military: Pentagon

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Turkey: Protests Taking New Shape

Taksim: Turkey’s Tiananmen?

Turkey: UN Officials Urge Restraint, Dialogue to Defuse Tensions

Dozens Held in Turkey, Silent Protester Goes Viral

5 Injured in Central Turkey’s Clashes

Most Turks Do Not Support Erdogan’s Syria Policy

Anti-Government Protests in Turkey Reach Syrian Border

Erdogan Says Police Will Get More Power

Dozens Arrested as Turkish Police Raid Private Addresses in Ankara, Istanbul

Turkey ‘Overburdens’ EU: German Parties

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The Rouhani Surprise

Modernity Makes a Mark in Iran Vote

Iran: President-Elect Rohani Comments on Opposition House Arrests

Iran Says IAEA Chief Should Avoid Politicizing Nuclear Issue

‘No Iran-Russia Reverse Oil Swap Deal’

Pakistan Says New Policy to be Evolved to Stop US Drone Strikes

Swiss Govt Calls Zardari Case Time-Barred

Pakistan Seeks IMF Bailout

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Bahraini Salafists in Spotlight

Deadly Clashes Erupt in South Lebanon

Sunni-Shi’ite Violence Hits Lebanese City of Sidon

U.S. Expansionism in Yemen

Israel’s Liberman: ‘No Chance’ for a Deal with the Palestinians * * * *

The US Military and the Unraveling of Africa

Ex-Senator Feingold Chosen as Special Envoy to African Region

Egypt Brotherhood Backs Syria Jihad, Denounces Shi’ites

Egypt Minister Quits over New Luxor Governor

In Libya, Militias Rule

The Adventures of a Libyan Weapons Dealer in Syria

15 Killed in Raid on UN Site in Somalia

Islamists Drive 19,000 Farmers from North Nigeria

UN Warns of Nigeria Refugee Crisis

Report: Piracy in West Africa Outstrips Somalia

* * * *

China and Russia: Common Themes in Counter-Terrorism

Google Russia Denies Giving Washington Access to Servers

Thousands Evacuated in Central Russia Ammo Depot Explosions

Total Finalizes Acquisition of 33.335% Stake in Bokhtar PSC Area in Tajikistan

Uzbekistan Setting Up Checkpoints on New Silk Road

Kyrgyzstan on Edge After Days of Protests

Russian Arms Sales to Azerbaijan on Again?

After Gazprom Snub, Greece to Sell Gas Company to Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan Turns from International Borrower to Lender

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Albania Award for Rumsfeld Raises Eyebrows

G8 Seeks Rewrite of Global Tax Rules

NATO Holds Rapid Reaction Exercise in Corsica

Swiss Parliament Halts US Tax Deal Following CIA Espionage Claims

Kim Dotcom: All Megaupload Servers ‘Wiped Out Without Warning in Data Massacre’

National Newsworthy

Deep State NSA: NSA Whistleblower Russ Tice Goes on Record -Reveals New Information & Names Culprits & Targets

NSA Has Been Domestic Spying Over Ten Years

5 Alarming Things We Should Have Already Known About the NSA, Surveillance, and Privacy Before Ed Snowden

The National Security Industrial Complex and NSA Spying: The Revolving Doors Between State Agencies and Private Contractors

Former Intel Director Driving Surveillance State Forward for Profit

Obama Defends U.S. Internet Surveillance

Drones Are Used for Domestic Surveillance, FBI Director Admits

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Dianne Feinstein: No NSA Senate Hearing Soon

Poll: 65% Want Congress to Hold Public Hearings on NSA

Senate Intel Committee Blocks Former Staffer from Talking to Press about Oversight Process

Sharyl Attkisson Shares Update on Computer Hacking Investigation

Google Files Petition to Publish Number of FISA Requests for User Info

Yahoo Reveals 13,000 US Data Requests

Snowden Seeks Asylum in Iceland Through Intermediary

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Whistleblower Says State Dept Trying to Bully Her into Silence

US Military Admits Only 2.5% of Gitmo Detainees Will Be Tried

44 Gitmo Inmates US Can’t Prosecute but Won’t Free

Government Defends Admissibility of Evidence That It Thinks Shows Manning Conspired with WikiLeaks

Bloomberg & NYPD Sued for Spying on Muslims

Arizona Voter ID Law Overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court

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Everything is Rigged, Vol. 9,713: This Time, It’s Currencies

IBS Said to Start US Job Cuts Today amid Global Reduction

Where is Inflation?

Hedge Funds Brace for Renewed Debt Crisis

Bank of America Gave Bonuses to Foreclose on Clients, Lied To Homeowners

Why Housing is the Economy’s Last Best Hope

Gold & Silver: Greater Certainty Is Found in Charts

Noteworthy Editorials

Paul Craig Roberts: Washington Is Insane

Peter Dale Scott: Hawks, Doves & Pipeline Politics in Syria

Peter Edel: Turkey & the Paradox of Democracy

Doug Bandow: The Biggest Fool of All

Philip Weiss: The Double Standard

Fighting Terrorism by Arming Terrorists

The Real War on Reality

The Stunning Illogic of the Times: Spy on Us All so We Won’t Lose Our Freedom!

The NSA and the One Percent

Partisans Are Only Concerned about Government Surveillance When the Other Side is in Charge

Obama’s Soft Totalitarianism: Europe Must Protect Itself from America

BFP Select Videos & Podcast

BFP EyeOpener Video Report-“Secrets of the Dirty Wars: What Jeremy Scahill Doesn’t Tell You”

BFP EyeOpener Preview Clip: ‘Secrets of the Dirty Wars: What Jeremy Scahill Doesn’t Tell You’

Video 1: Ron Paul on the NSA & Police State

Video 2: RT-’US Pushes Smear Campaign against Snowden to Distract from NSA Leak’

Video 3: BOA Employees: We Were Told to LIE to Struggling Home Owners

BFP Podcast Show – NSA Whistleblower Goes on Record -Reveals New Information & Names Culprits & Targets!

Podcast 1: Corbett Report- Dan Dicks on Bilderberg 2013

Podcast 2: Peter B. Collins Show-NSA Chief Alexander Spins to Congressional Lovefest

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